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Author Topic: Babylon 5 - Exam Set 01 - #01  (Read 1075 times)


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Babylon 5 - Exam Set 01 - #01
« on: September 14, 2018, 05:43:00 AM »

Hello Sci Fi and Babylon 5 Fans - Ready for a little Exam?  :mwahaha

Why Exam ? - because there are not only yes and no Questions. The other thing is that you are not allowed to use google or other tools that will help you, use your own mind  :D

i hope you dont will betray yourself and have fun with the Exam   :W


Every Exam is split up in 3 Parts for each Set.

You will get Points for every correct answer but beware there is not just ONE correct answer  :W

All that you have to do is to write your username (and class) down and start to answer the Tasks . There is no time limit but dont use google or other tools to help you except unless i say so.

Anyways i whish you good luck. After you are finished the Exam i will check the answers and send you the reached points and the grade via PM. The User who earned the most Points of all 3 Parts of one season will get a little price :D

So good luck ladys and Gentlemen  :)

BABYLON 5 EXAM - SET 1 - #01

Please write down the right Answer ! (answers are in the spoiler)

(1) What is the name of the planet around which Babylon 5 revolves ?

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(2) How many Secotrs with gravity has Babylon 5 ?

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(3) Who was the 3rd Commander of Babylon 5 ?

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(4) - What was the function of the Centauri Project Ragesh 3 before it was attacked by the Narn ?

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(5) What was the name of the Launchbay for the Starfurys on Babylon 5?

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(6) What is the name of this Character ?

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For the next Tasks please type in your answers !

(7) Sort the following pictures to the appropriate answers

Pictures :




Answers :
a) Earth Alliance
b) Psi Corps
c) Interstellar Alliance

(8) Sort the following pictures to the appropriate answers

Pictures :




Answers :
a) Narn
b) Shadows
c) Centauri

(9) - Type in the correct order of Events

- The War between Minbari and Humans
- The War against the Dilgar
- The War against the Shadows
- The civil War of the Humans
- The civil War of the Minbari

(10) Please type in the correct Name (Minbari Language) of the Rangers

Good luck everyone!  :)

« Last Edit: September 14, 2018, 06:39:03 PM by DeDarkstar »

Keep calm and let Carter figure it out !


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Re: Babylon 5 - Exam Season 01 - #01
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2018, 10:57:02 AM »

OOOkkkkk I've only seen it once so far (almost, still not quite finished), and I have a HORRIBLE memory (that's why I'm able to watch Stargate over and over haha), but I'm gonna give it a go. There will probably be a lot of "I have no idea" answers  :lol

MissCobra1018 (Airman)
** Edit ** I didn't realize for the first section that the "answers in the spoiler" were multiple choice, I thought they were just the answers so I didn't look til after I posted. I've revised my answers below:
(1) Epsilon 3
(2) Hmm, I'm going to guess 4 sectors
(3) I don't get this question since this is season 1...Jeffrey Sinclair was Commander in season 1, but I thought he was the first and I would guess the 3rd commander was either Ivanova (not actually sure if she commanded for a bit before she got her ship) or Lochley. Since I have to pick one I guess I'll go with Lochley
(4) D it was agricultural but the Narn thought it was a secret communication/spy center
(5) Cobra Bay
(6) Predecessor (I guess successor, then predecessor) to Lyta Alexander - Talia Winters!
(7) Picture 1 is Psi Corp, Picture 2 is Earth Alliance, Picture 3 is Interstellar Alliance
(8) Picture 1 is Shadows, Picture 2 is Centauri, Picture 3 is Narn
(9) The order is War against Dilgar, then War between Minbari and Humans, then War against the Shadows, then civil war of Humans, then civil war of Minbari
(10) Entil Zha or something, but I think that was the head of the Rangers. "We live for the one. We die for the one." Does that get me a point haha
« Last Edit: September 14, 2018, 11:02:30 AM by MissCobra1018 »
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