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Author Topic: Multiverse Incident - Titan  (Read 4061 times)


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Titan
« Reply #30 on: October 12, 2018, 06:27:39 AM »

As the Federation ship, identified as USS Cochrane enterd Titans orbit, a brief message was dispatched to them, by one of the Klingon vessels:

<Lt Grika,Commanding>
"Cochrane, this is IKV Gorkon, requesting the Honor of Joining in with your forces in the exploration of this moon!  This ship and her sister ship have revived two combat teams, of 30 warriors each, to assist in our common goals!  Awaiting your reply..Grilka of the Gowron..out!  Grilka looked to her XO and smiled a 'dry smile'..We will see if this alliance can produce some answers for getting us all home!  The teams will follow the orders of their Klingon officers, who will, in turn, follow the orders of the designated leaders of this "Exploration Team"..understood?  The XO replied with one word..Qapla!"



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Re: Multiverse Incident - Titan
« Reply #31 on: October 22, 2018, 12:15:54 PM »

(USS Cochrane)

They weren't sure what was to be found in the atmosphere of the large moon, but there was only one way to find out.

"Set condition blue throughout the ship. We're taking her down."

This was why Captain Zaveri volunteered the Cochrane for this mission. She was the only Starfleet vessel present capable of landing. While the Phalanx was capable of atmospheric flight, it was felt better to send them to the asteroid field.

While the various stations moved to comply with the order, a hail came in from the Gorkon. They hadn't expected the Klingons to offer assistance but weren't about to turn them down.

"Ensign Merry, hail the Klingons."

"Aye sir." Came the response from the young man filling in for Wildman.

"IKV Gorkon, this is Captain Nigem Zaveri of the Cochrane. We appreciate your help in exploring below the surface of Titan. We are preparing to enter the atmosphere, you are welcome to follow us."


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Titan
« Reply #32 on: October 24, 2018, 06:58:27 AM »

{Bridge:IKV Gorkon}

{Lt.Grilka}"Message received and understood,Captain!  The Gorkon will begin atmospheric Ops momentarily, as I have just transported the 2nd Combat Group over from..IKV Kors Wrath!  We will follow you down and face our challenges together..Qapla to us all!..Grilka..out!"


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Titan
« Reply #33 on: October 28, 2018, 06:05:05 AM »

{Bridge:IKV Gorkon}"
{Lt. Grilka}"Comms, send a priority message to Le'Vek..We are entering the atmosphere of Titan..Combat teams revived..reports to follow!  Grilka..out!

{Comms.:IKV Gorkon}
{Sgt. M'Gar}"Aye, Sir!

{Comms:}"Sir, Lt.M'RoK requests permission to come to the Bridge, even though his cycle hasn't started!
{Ly. Grilka![/color]}"Permission Granted
{Lt. M'RoK} "Message received Sir! Im on my way..Out!


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Titan
« Reply #34 on: November 04, 2018, 05:11:17 AM »

As her ship prepared to enter Titans atmosphere, she thought about some earlier engineer or comms. officer that had served onboard this vessel.  Sgt M'Gar was still reporting glitches and random bits of data that would pop up or otherwise interfere with his station!  She had lost her grin about this, especially in light of their current situation.  It was bad enough that another ship had been awarded the name.."Gorkon", leaving her ship 'nameless'.  But, when making the decision of a new designation and being approved by the High Council, she now commanded the IKV Gowron!!

{Bridge:IKV Gowron}
{Lt. Grilka,Comm.}"Comms. send to USS Cochrane..A 'glitch' has been discovered in our Comms. system..old data bytes interfereing with ships recognition system and IFF(Identification Friend or Foe.  Engineering has finally purged the errant data-bytes and IFF is now displaying the correct ships ID..IKV Gowron.  This is a 'point of Honor' for my crew.  I send my apologies to your Captain for this delay!  We are now descending into Titans atmosphere!  Gowron..Out!"

{Comms.,Sgt.M'Gar}"Aye Sir!"


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Titan
« Reply #35 on: November 09, 2018, 12:02:36 PM »

USS Cochrane

Once condition blue was reported by all decks and all stations, the Intrepid class starship descended through the thick atmosphere. As they did so, several small craft from the Corvus zoomed past. They didn't look like anything used by Starfleet or other major races, but apparently they worked. The craft seemed maneuverable, and cursory scans showed light armaments.

The crew's focus however was on potentially landing the ship and gathering data on the environment. The normally nitrogen rich atmosphere had a larger amount of oxygen than expected.
From the science console, Lt Nall gave a brief report.
"They've done some modifications to the moon as evidenced by the oxygen levels.Based on sensor scans,  I would classify Titan as an L class habitat. We should be OK for a few hours without supplemental air."

Captain Zaveri took the report into consideration.
"Understood, that's good to know. Ensign Gair, any landing sites showing up?"

The Cardassian scanned his helm console.
"I'm reading a large structure below, it's several kilometers in size with what appear to be landing sites scattered around the perimeter."

"I found one large enough to fit the Cochrane. Transmitting the coordinates to your station."

Commander Mazzir had been scanning the structure herself both to help the young helmsman and look for any security concerns.

After a few tense minutes, the Starfleet vessel set down on a platform towards the top of the structure. The platform held, so the decision was made to remain in place.

"Commander's Mazzir and Kim, assemble an away team and start scouting the station."



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Re: Multiverse Incident - Titan
« Reply #36 on: November 29, 2018, 06:03:28 AM »

The ship descended into the atmosphere, following the trail blazed by the Cochrane.  Sensors registered the Earthers ship landing on a large pad, which could accommodate its size.  Helm was scanning for a landing site which would accommodate the D-4..

{Bridge:IKV Gowron}
{Helm:Sgt. M'Gar}"Sir, Helm has located a suitable landing site for our ship..we  are preparing to land, at your order!

{Lt. Grilka}"Very well Sgt., begin landing ops.  Lt. M'Rok, get our first combat team to transporters, get them ready to beam down to a position away from our landing site, but ready to cover our landing zone.  Transporter control..make sure the team is outside of our LZ!
{Transporter Room}
{Lt. M'Rok, OIC of Combat Teams 1&2}"Team 1, prepare for beam-out to the designated site, Team 2, you will beam out to the site as soon as the ship lands. Standard deployment..Feklahr35..understood?  Qapla!
{Bridge: Lt. Grilka}"Set her down Sgt.!



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Re: Multiverse Incident - Titan
« Reply #37 on: December 16, 2018, 04:01:24 AM »

After the last Klingon had solidified on the surface, the two teams. The OIC of the operation quickly studied the square and the surrounding buildings:
{Surface of Titan/Alien city:Lt. M'Rok}"Group leaders,utilize Feklahr35 as ordered.  Recon this plaza and the adjacent buildings, sensors at maximum, relay all tactical data to me and to our two vessels.  Any unusual activities or traces of the inhabitants is to be reported immediately, understood?  Qapla'then to you all!..M'Rok..out!
{Bridge:IKV Gowron,Lt. Grilka, commanding..}


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Titan
« Reply #38 on: December 17, 2018, 10:14:14 AM »

Titan Orbital Complex:

Due to the potential hostile nature of the scenario, there was a higher than normal ratio of fully armed Security Officers to those from the other departments. Harry Kim took charge of one team, while Verid Mazzir led the second group. Aside from the Commanding Officer, each group consisted of two scientists and two engineers. Everyone was outfitted with a hand phaser and tricorder, as was standard for away teams. While the atmosphere was currently breathable, everyone also carried rebreathers on their belts as a precaution. Also due to the potential hazards, every away team member was equipped with a light Polyalloy Weave Armor. Not only was it stab resistant, it also had some energy dampening properties. Hopefully this would enable the Starfleet teams to survive any dangerous encounters.

The two groups set out in opposite directions with the security guards taking up positions in front, on the sides and in the rear of the formation. As they started walking, Petty Officer Paige turned to Commander Kim.
“This is some impressive architecture, I’m reading several different materials used in constructing this station. I know the Corps of Engineers have tried to make a Tritantium, Regolith alloy but have so far been unsuccessful. If my scans are correct, the station is partly constructed using that alloy. At least we know it’s possible.”

The ship’s Chief Engineer was equally intrigued by the materials used in construction.
“Agreed, it’s supposed to be lighter than standard Tritantium but sacrificing only a fraction of the durability. If we get a chance we’ll have to look into this in more detail before departure.”

The team followed an enclosed walkway that would its way down the side of the complex. Why there were no entrances on top was unclear. Perhaps the landing platforms had an elevator mechanism that only triggered by a specific sequence. After several minutes the walkway split. One could continue heading down, or enter the complex through a man door. A keypad on the left allowed for controlled access. Hooking up a tricorder, Harry waited for it to cycle through the various combinations. A soft click indicated a successful cracking of the entry code. Lieutenant Hill and Crewman Nos entered first. The room was pitch black except the beams from the flashlights on their rifles. As they took steps further into the room, the lights slowly flickered on. After a quick sweep revealed no obvious threats, Hill told the others to enter the room. While a more detailed search was carried out, Harry tapped his commbadge.

“Commander Kim to Phoenix, we have found a cargo bay. Life support is functioning, we will continue pushing inward.”

“Confirmed. Mazzir’s team has located what appears to be an office complex of some-sort. I’ll alert the Klingons to your position in case they wish to join up. Cochrane out.”



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Re: Multiverse Incident - Titan
« Reply #39 on: December 21, 2018, 05:29:37 AM »

{Combat Team OIC: Lt. M'Rok}
"This is Lt. M'Rok, message received Phalanx.  Request you maintain a continuous burst from a comms unit, that way we can make our way towards you.  Given the size of this complex, I want to link up as soon as possible..M'Rok..Out.
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