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Author Topic: Multiverse Incident - Titan  (Read 4062 times)


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Titan
« Reply #15 on: July 24, 2018, 08:31:19 AM »

{Agent Arleigh Grant, Terran Empire}

Arleigh shrugged.

"Not any more than you, I imagine. But the Admiral likely wanted me to observe you, since she probably isn't so sure about some of us. She has every reason to distrust me, despite appearances, I represent an alternate timeline of theirs, one where the Terran Empire, not the Federation, rules the Quadrant." Arleigh said, "But for the sake of this alliance, I suppose I also am in a position to help both you understand her, and she to understand you." Arleigh shrugged again.

She looked around the expansive station, "This place is far too sterile for my liking, but it may end up serving a purpose to our survival. Or at least, I hope."

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Re: Multiverse Incident - Titan
« Reply #16 on: July 24, 2018, 09:18:29 AM »

NX-02 COLUMBIA (Refit) 2162
Standard Crew Compliment.  85 Starfleet. 15 MACO's

Captain Hernandaz - Ship Commander
Commander Rivers - Engineering / First Officer
Commander Woodward - Science
Lieutenant Jenkins - Tactical
Lieutenant Tippen - Medical
Ensigh Farnam - Helm
Ensign Marie - Comms
Major Avery - MACO

Erica thought for a moment as she lent on the centre console for a moment looking to her fellow Captain and the Andorian. Listening to what they had to say.
"Well they should be fine so long as we dont get to close to the ground and keep moving at speed when in an Atmosphere. Though I have to be honest, If what we face out here is a contemporary of some of these ships, even just the ones a hundred years on from ours, I dont feel either of our ships will do well. No matter how many upgrades we bolt on, we've jad shields for half a decade, some of these ships have had them for three century's. So I would suggest we put out selves in a role where we have an advantage, IE supporting any ground operations. At the very least we should be able to work in tandem to a better degree than a lot of these other ships out there." She added. "But its all speculation till we meet the enemy, and as... crass as it may seam. I would prefer somebody else's ship meets them first, just incase." She said. "Like with our ships some of my MACO contingent have taken on the alien weapons, though the ones they had issued were effective, I cant help but think of the Enterprises reports of the Augments or the xindi Reptilians when thinking what we might face out here. And acording to Major Avery here, these alien weapons have more power than out own. Though the, umm Spartans took quite a lot of weapons they didnt take all of them so feel free to pick and choose, all they have asked is that we leave the 'Spirits' untouched, at first I thiught it was some religious thing, but it turns out that the ships in the hanger bay that look like tuning forks are called Spirits. There are a few other sorts of ships but I have ordered my teams to leave them alone for now.


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Titan
« Reply #17 on: July 24, 2018, 09:14:03 PM »

<Titan Station Hangar>
<Lieutenant Aqas’s Company>

“Strange.” the Lieutenant had not expected this Captain Arleigh to approach them so openly.

Truly it hadn’t occurred to him that he’d be needing to be diplomatic as that wasn’t usually one of the Guards strong points. Still orders were orders and it wouldn’t hurt to attempt to act like he was playing along.

“By Admiral you must mean yours?” Aqas certainly doubted he had authority to speak to the heretical Admiral but it was interesting to note they were being observed.

“You come from your own universes Empire but work with this so called federation, I’m listening, tell me more.” the chance to learn about the station and their potential enemies seemed too good to pass up but he had to admit that he felt a sort of mutual understnading with this Captain.

The Tech priest turned to face Arleigh, one of the extra robotic arms holding a scanning tool. “I am to assume you are not the creators of this station, I would very much like to begin disassembling of the station when possible.”

“Priest I am unsure if that’s a good idea.”

“Are you denying me my objective Lieutenant?” the Tech priest sounded emotionless but when it came to technology one did well not to underestimate a Tech priest’s passion.

“Of course not Tech priest, but perhaps Arleigh here has more to say first.”

“What the organic flesh says is irrelevant, this one is clearly here to force some level of authority over us and that should be seen as an act of aggression.”

Getting on the bad side of the Mechanicus was a bad idea but he was placed in command for a reason. “You have been heard Tech priest but this is a Guard matter.”

“The machine spirits do not require us” the Tech priest seemed to stare at the Terran Captain with little sense or care for discussion.


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Titan
« Reply #18 on: July 25, 2018, 06:33:46 AM »

On board the two Imperial Klingon Vessels, the C.O.s were viewing the distant station.  They had been relegated to 'sentry duty'!
{Bridge:IKV Gowron,Lt.M'TeK tai-Kang}"Comms., send a coded message to my counter-part on "Kors Wrath"

On-board IKV IKV Kors Wrath.."Lt. a  coded message has been dispatched from IKV Gowron.."


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Titan
« Reply #19 on: July 26, 2018, 03:42:09 AM »

His fellow Captain had some valid points which he acknowledged.
"Agreed. We may be high tech in our era but plenty others clearly outgun us. Given our apparent tech disparity, a support role would be more appropriate. I've already dispatched the MACO to provide security to a science and engineering team tasked with exploring this station. Even back home, I wouldn't send out an away team without security."

Maybe it was his engineering background, but Galdino was still a bit wary about fully modifying the Challenger with equipment from an Alien ship. However, it was worth taking a look at.
"Send us the coordinates of the Alien ship and I'll come over with an engineering team to take a look."



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Re: Multiverse Incident - Titan
« Reply #20 on: July 26, 2018, 02:27:02 PM »

{Cmdr. Stephanie Shepard}


"This is Commander Shepard of the Normandy. We are preparing to investigate the surface of Titan. Is there anyone else interested in conducting this search alongside us?"[/color]


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Titan
« Reply #21 on: July 26, 2018, 02:36:59 PM »

{Agent Arleigh Grant, Terran Empire}

"She's not MY Admiral, per say. But yes. As for my working with her, well, I've learned that the fate of my timeline is often hinged on theirs. Hardly my fault they went and started the Temporal Cold War, but it became my problem when they recruited one of the Empire's heroes to their cause. That made matters problematic. Especially when she realized she could reach across timelines to find more of herself to recruit. A word of warning, don't do that. You can't account for how you will react to yourself when the decisions you make are so varying." Arleigh explained, sounding almost like the situation had been an irritation rather than a chaotic temporal crisis that nearly caused more than a few problems.

"My Empire took what it wanted, saw the Vulcans as invaders and infiltrators instead of the beings who helped uplift the Federation's humans. As such, our Starfleet was founded much faster because if they withheld technology from us, they suffered for it. But we never did learn the meaning of moderation, and suffered for it. We lost our Empire for a time, reclaimed it, and sought instead to slowly advance, solidify all of our conquests one by one first before moving on. We realized that the Federation's ideals could be molded into our own to temper ourselves. After all; conquest is easy, control is not." Arleigh added, adding the words of Emperor Spock. She then turned to regard the Tech Priest.

"You could tear this station apart, but it would likely attract not only the ire of many of the people already here, but likely even the ire of the being that brought us here. Q is a being of power far beyond any of our means of comprehension. The Federation may act like they know what he is capable of, but even they don't understand. I tend to regard him akin to an ancient mythological being known as Loki. Perhaps not good or evil, but one who will sow discord for his own amusement and for reasons that may be either very complicated or just out of the reason I stated." Arleigh said, her tone shifting from the haughty near-aristocratic one to that which was more serious and sterile, more in line with the Federation. Had she spoken as such in their uniform, she would have been easily confused for one of them. And that, of course, was the point...

"Perhaps, though, we can assist in learning more about this station together without ripping our only base of operations in this universe to pieces to sate your...erm...curiosity." Arleigh said, now cracking a thin smile.


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Titan
« Reply #22 on: July 27, 2018, 04:39:52 AM »

{Bridge: IKV Kors Wrath

{Bridge:IKV Gowron

Lt. Grilka sat in her command chair and studied the coded transmission.  She understood the meaning, but she also knew some possible implications, if she were to agree to this idea.  She longed for the glories of combat and the Honor she could bring to her House.  But, if this being was as powerful as the reports she had read, they could find themselves among the "Honored Dead!"!!"Comms,,send this in response..I recommend that only one team, each be apprised of the situation..let them be prepared
On the Bridge of IKV Gowron,Lt. M'TeK read the response from his counter-part"Send this message..Qapla'!"  Sensing the mood of his crew and grinning at the promised Glory for the Empire, his ship and for his line, he gave the order.."Activate Rokhegh Team! Likewise, on Kors Wrath, the Techs were reviving their primary Team of Imperial Marines.."Honor and Glory to the Empire!


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Titan
« Reply #23 on: July 27, 2018, 04:41:47 AM »

With the various Starfleet vessels moving off to explore the other locations, it was decided to leave the Cochrane in orbit around Titan. The Challenger had been slated for a quick recon of the outer systems, but was delayed due to a meeting with Captain Hernandez of the Columbia.

Therefore the Cochrane had taken up that role, dropping off sensor probes at key locations  between Jupiter and Pluto. The Intrepid class starship had returned from her mission when they picked up the Normandy's hail.

"Lt Wildman, open a channel to the Normandy."

"Aye sir."

Once the channel was open, Nigem responded.

"Commander Shepard. This is Captain Zaveri of the Cochrane. We are approaching Titan and will be in orbit in three minutes."
« Last Edit: July 27, 2018, 07:16:44 AM by Troy »


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Titan
« Reply #24 on: July 28, 2018, 10:19:28 AM »

<Titan Station Hangar>
<Lieutenant Aqas’s Company>

The Tech Priest remained silent and waited for the Lieitenant to speak to Arleigh as his interest in socialising had gone. Aqas found learning of the history of this people fascinating but it made him feel all the more untrusting of this so called Federation.

“You were right not to trust Xenos filth, the Emperor would be proud of you.” Aqas wondered if Arleigh could yet be saved from this heretical path.

“I accept your help, are there others like you also here or only you and the Federation? Either way it was time to move forward and find out how this station could help them.

“Tell me more about the people on this station, I noticed they all seem rather friendly towards one another.” Aqas figured this was information that could help them in the long term.

“I accept your assistance, for now.” the Tech Priest didn’t much care for the ire of others but had to admit that this Q was a threat that they needed to learn more of.

“Tell me what this Q is capable of and why he is the way he is.” the Tech Priest would store all information for further revision later.


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Titan
« Reply #25 on: September 17, 2018, 01:02:40 PM »

{Agent Arleigh Grant, Terran Empire}

"It would seem that many people were pulled from the mirror of my timeline, just across time, though I'm sure Q will change that in a moment. As far as Q, he's a being of omnipotent power. Which is why I'm suspicious of why he brought us here." Arleigh said. "Past that, well, I haven't seen their variations before."

"As for why Q is the way he is...I don't suppose you've heard of the mythological being known as Loki, god of mischief? Just a being who enjoyed chaos. I don't pretend to know what he knows, though." Arleigh replied with a shrug.

"So. Given what you've said, you are humans, under an Emperor, who do not let others dictate their fate." Arleigh said.


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Titan
« Reply #26 on: September 18, 2018, 04:14:23 AM »

{Commander Iden Versio}


"Very well, Captain. We will await you in orbit and then proceed down once you're read. Corvus out." Iden replied, before looking to her fellow agents.

"Can we trust them, Commander? These people are quite peculiar, after all." Agent Gideon Hask commented.

"We don't exactly have many options. A lot of these people seem to know each other, but there are plenty who don't know each other." Agent Del Meeko replied.

"Some seemed awfully eager to just start shooting, too. Not really sure what to make of these people. And then this Q sort...you think...well..." Hask trailed off.

"What, a Jedi? Oh come on, Gideon, they're all dead. And none of those stories said anything about Jedi summoning people at will." Iden snorted.

"Besides, if they were that powerful, they wouldn't have made a clone army." Del added. Gideon shrugged.

"Just a thought. Anyways, how do we want to head down?" Gideon asked.

"We'll go down with TIEs, leave the Corvus in orbit for now." Iden replied. "Load up for combat, though, we don't know what to expect."

"Understood, Commander. Should one of us stay airborne just in case?" Iden looked at Gideon with a slight grin, neither of them passed up any opportunity to fly.

"Good point, Agent Hask. You can stay airborne." Iden replied, "Agent Meeko, you'll be on the ground with me."

"Yes, Commander."


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Titan
« Reply #27 on: September 21, 2018, 06:56:30 AM »

(USS Cochrane)

Just as they settled into orbit, they were hailed by the Phalanx. Captain Zaveri listened to their request for two industrial replicators. They weren't specific on which ally needed the technology, but he was sure they had a legitimate reason. There was a pause as he checked the ship's stores.

"Can do Captain. We'll send it over on the Sloane. ETA, five minutes."

It would take a few minutes to move the items to the shuttle and transport them from Titan to the Asteroid Belt.

"Lt Wildman. Prep the Sloane for launch. I'm assigning Chief Reese to help provide security. I know Q has said we can't fight each other, but as you humans say, 'better safe than sorry.' "

"Will do Captain."O

While she was prepping the shuttle, Chief Reese and Engineer Tekina reece showed up with the replicators. Once the equipment was secured, the trio was given permission to launch. When the shuttle had cleared the ship, the Cochrane continued on their primary mission.

"USS Cochrane to Corvus, we have entered orbit and are preparing for descent."
« Last Edit: September 21, 2018, 08:50:19 AM by Troy »


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Titan
« Reply #28 on: September 30, 2018, 01:54:01 PM »

<Titan Station Hangar>
<Lieutenant Aqas’s Company>

Lieutenant Aqas was enjoying the talk but they had a station to explore as well and it was clear the Tech Priest wasn’t enjoying being held back from his devout work. Still this talk was revealing a wealth of knowledge that would need to be sent back to the fleet for examination.

“We allow people to decide their fate so long as they follow the will of the Emperor and do not falter to Chaos.”

“Of course some sacrifices must be made for the good of the Imperium of man, and the next invasion of Chaos and Xenos filth is almost always just over the horizon.”

“You said you would assist us in exploring the station, please begin so.”


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Titan
« Reply #29 on: October 10, 2018, 05:42:47 AM »

{Commander Iden Versio}

"Understood. We are heading down now." Iden said, as the three modified TIE Fighters roared out of the Corvus and headed for the moon below them.

The surface was a blue ocean, impossibly blue, and it seemed that there was some rain and wind that did cause the three experienced pilots to apply some compensation to their rather un-aerodynamic fighters to account for the weather. All three TIEs were the same pale blue/grey color with red rings around the starboard wing arm and around the rear exhaust port. That was the external difference to the improvements made to the fighter, including a single proton torpedo launcher, shields, and controls that were tuned to each pilot.

"Commander, settlement up ahead. Looks like a floating rig of some kind. Massive, though. Goes on for kilometers." Del reported.

"Understood, Inferno Three. Let's find a place to land. Inferno Two, do a fly over before starting your patrol." Iden ordered, banking her fighter to follow Del's.

"As ordered, Commander." Gideon replied, maintaining his course.

The TIEs howled towards the massive sprawling structure built above even the highest waves, but as they got closer, Iden could see the facility was starting to fall apart from disrepair. Likely it would be dangerous to traverse, but far from impossible. Del selected a landing platform, or at least it looked like one, on the closest end of the rig, furthest from the massive dome structure at the center of this sprawl. They landed their TIE fighters next to one another, and Iden popped open the hatch.

The droid on her back, ID-10, chirped and warbled that the air did not require their life support, it was breatheable. Iden disengaged her suit's life support then, and clambered out after grabbing her TL-50 Repeating Blaster. Del was on the ground next to her, armed with a DLT-20A Scoped Blaster Rifle, looking around.

"What do you think this was, Commander? Research base? Mining installation?" Del asked. Iden's small smile at his curiosity was hidden under her helmet.

"Hard to say, Del. Let's see where our friends landed and head to them first." Iden replied as Hask's TIE Fighter roared on ahead above them for the fly-over of the facility.
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