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Author Topic: Multiverse Incident - Asteroid Belt  (Read 5614 times)


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Asteroid Belt
« Reply #60 on: November 25, 2018, 04:10:48 AM »

{Bridge:IKV Le'Vek,Kurkura commanding}
After a brief conference with Lt. R'oDek, of the Gorkon, Khel deceided that it was time to send his greeting and give his progress report to his allies."
"Lt. M'Kat, send my regards to our allies and transmit our progress report to them.  This will go to both Phalanx and to the Galactica!"

{Comms.:Lt. M'Kat}"This is IKV Le'Vek to both USS Phalanx and to Our allies onboard the great ship..Galactica!  My Commander sends his regards and this progress report of the asteroid demolitions.  Our gunners have reduced an enormous amount of the field into useable rubble.  Lt. Ka'Bom, our engineering officer estimates some 850,000 of your 'tons' have been gathered.  We have transported the raw materials into cargo carriers onboard both the Le'Vek and the Gorkon!  As per discussions with Phalanx, Our Commander requests the Honor of delivering the tonnage personally to the Galactica!  If this acceptable, we will await your invitation..Qapla', Le'Vek..out!


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Asteroid Belt
« Reply #61 on: December 01, 2018, 08:23:51 AM »

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"I whole heartedly agree Commander. This entire business with Q has a smell about it from the get go don't you think? Its as if we were being tested for something even larger." He studied the tactical display then made his decision, grabbing the mic from the control above him. "Starbuck, Galactic actual. Leave one third of your wing as CAP, switch to seek and destroy." He relayed the same message to the Aegis command. He had no idea what they were looking for but his hunch said it wasn't a Ambrosia brewery.

@Cipherhornet18 @Mim


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Asteroid Belt
« Reply #62 on: December 01, 2018, 10:14:36 AM »

(Shuttlecraft Sloane)

“Ship’s log, Captain Jadzia Dax. Thanks to the efforts from the Klingons, we have more than enough raw ore to run the replicators we gave to the Galactica. With several of their technicians sufficiently trained in their operation, we have left the Galactica and are headed towards the Phalanx. Lieutenant Wildman, Chief Reese, and Petty Officer Tekina are also onboard due to the Cochrane investigating a space station on Titan. Hopefully now we can continue investigating the asteroid belt and the supposed graveyard that exists somewhere inside.”

Once the Delta Flyer class shuttle was secured, the occupants exited into the shuttlebay. All three officers headed to the bridge.

(Bridge USS Phalanx)

Hearing the turbolift doors open, Tom Paris stood up from the Command chair.
“Welcome back, I trust all went well?”

A familiar but unexpected voice answered his question.
“Of course. Their power grid gave us some trouble, but their technicians were able to create an interface. We don’t anticipate any further issues.”

“Naomi Wildman. Between you and B'eLanna, I’m sure they were in more than capable hands. How’s life on the Cochrane?”

After giving her former shipmate a quick hug, Naomi moved to an auxiliary console.
“It’s going well. Between Captain Zaveri and Commander Kim I’m getting plenty of experience. Harry sends his regards by the way. He wanted to come, but Zaveri insisted he remain onboard.”

“Well to be fair, that would rob him of his two best experts on the unknown. I’m sure we’ll find a chance to meet up before Q flings us back to our own reality.”


With the fighters providing extra cover, the group of starships moved forward in the asteroid field at full impulse. Except for the background hum of the engines and the occasional noise from the consoles, it was dead quiet on the bridge. Everyone was focused on the readouts from their station, no one fully sure what to expect. As the hastily assembled task force approached the center, Commander Shikon picked up something on her tactical sensors.

“Captain, I’m reading a lot of small somethings headed our way at a high rate of speed. They’re just on the edge of sensor range, but we should have a more clear reading soon.”

Sure enough, the somethings soon became more clear on sensors.
“Judging from their construction, I’d say we’re dealing with a large mass of fighters. They’re not of any design known to the Federation of her allies, which isn’t a surprise. Appears to be  three different classes of ships of differing but similar construction. Weapons are charged and they have not responded to standard hails. Forwarding tactical data to your console.”

“Red Alert!” Jadzia called as she pulled up the data. “B'eLanna, Elden, assist the Commander with a threat assessment. Naomi, hail the other ships. I’m sure they’ve detected the fighters as well, but inform them just in case. Offer to forward any requested sensor data, and tell them they are free to engage. Tom, try and keep them off our tail without running into our friends. Coordinate with tactical for target acquisition.”

“Aye ma’am.”
Rang out across the bridge as everyone moved to comply with the orders. The turbolift deposited several other crew members who took up auxiliary stations. By spreading out the responsibilities, it allowed everyone to better focus on a single task. Plus it reduced any gaps left by injuries.


« Last Edit: December 01, 2018, 10:18:28 AM by Troy »


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Asteroid Belt
« Reply #63 on: December 04, 2018, 03:57:48 AM »

Once again onboard Le'Vek, Khel smiled to himself.  Their mission had been a success and his crews had delivered the needed raw materials to their allies.  Now, as to the rest of this mission..
{Bridge}..Claxsons rang out throughout the ship, Comms lines were filled with voices seeking information on the reasons..
{Bridge:Tactical}  The warrior manning the tactical displays called out the reason to his Commander.."Sir, tactical/sensors report a large number of ships, origin unknown now speeding their way towards us.  They are of an unknown configuration!

{Comms:Bridge..Lt. M'Katcolor]

}"Sir, Phalanxs reports are confirming and imminent conflict with a large number of small vessels, at least three different, yet similar designs..Phalanx has ordered Condition Red and has given all ships to go Weapons hot.  They also offer and data concerning the alien vessels.  I have requested all data and have had this information sent directly to your console..Sir!

{Bridge:Kurkura}"Very well Lt.!  Send my regards to Phalanx,We have detected the incoming vessels and Im ordering Condition Red for both vessels.  We are also cloaking and are manning all combat posts.  Let us see how they like Klingon maneuvers..Qapla'



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Re: Multiverse Incident - Asteroid Belt
« Reply #64 on: December 05, 2018, 10:04:18 AM »

 While alarms and klaxons sounded around all the little fleet's ships the fighter units were not taking things likely. The very instant Adama's radio message came through their headsets, Starbuck was right on the ball ordering a third of all fighter units from all ships to remain behind as guard.

 "Hawk, Starbuck. Do we always have every wish given? Forget rocks check your HUD zero five five degrees starboard, looks like a Cylon swarm to me but then of course we know it isn't. We're about even in numbers without our reserves, recommend box formations coming at them from above, disperse at contact in pairs. Copy?"

 Boomer pulled in alongside Jack, giving him a good thumbs up. "Nice evening for a dance Jack don't you think?" Dance as in battle royal.

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Life is a dream — of pain and woe.
A dream from which — we pray to wake.
A dream from which — we wake and go


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Asteroid Belt
« Reply #65 on: December 09, 2018, 05:18:49 AM »

Sensors had indeed detected multiple small craft coming their way.  Of unknown design and origin, they could pose a great threat to his ships and those of his allies.

{Bridge:Le'Vek}Kurkura didn't hesitate in contacting his counter-part ,Lt. R'oDek, on the Gorkon.."Lt. R'oDek, I know you are at Battle-stations, so lets give these ships a taste of fear..We will be cloaking, co-ordinate your attacks with Le'Vek.  I want tosee how they fight.

{Bridge:Gorkon}Lt. R'oDek, commanding.."Ro'Dek to Le'Vek, understood Sir.

{Bridge:Le'Vek:Comms..Lt. M'Kat}Hearing the comms transmission from her Commander and knowing standard procedures when dealing with allies, especially those of Starfleet, a coded message was sent to USS Phalanx.."Phalanx, this is Le'Vek, our Commander has issued orders for our two vessels to cloak and make a co-ordinated attack against the primary formation, launching spreads of photon torpedoes.  Advise our other allies to increase their sensors rang and power levels as our ships will be invisible..We don't want any "Friendly fire" incidents during the battle.  Any information we gain will be automatically shared with all vesses, via coded transmissions!  Qapla' to Us all, Le'Vek..out!
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