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Re: Multiverse Incident - Asteroid Belt
« Reply #15 on: July 25, 2018, 07:46:40 AM »


{Capt. Sharon Valerii} NPC

"Thank you Captain." He told Sharon, seemingly distracted momentarily. "When you have time, get with Chief Tyrol and see how those repairs are going."

"Aye Sir." She left him and the strange being alone, as alone as you could get on the CIC.

William looked the woman up and down, he statement rather obvious to the degree of being startled herself. His head dipped in a similar greeting. "William Adama, Fleet Admiral although I will admit that fleet is at this moment rather diminished." He wasn't about to address the reasons why, as apart from their showing up in this dimension with just the Galactica and the Aegis escorts, they had little to show for otherwise. Relaxing a degree he realized how difficult it must be for her as much as it was for himself and the ship's crew, that wasn't made easy by the constant activity of their present surroundings. "To answer your question, no Commander we've not encountered any other lifeforms other than human to be truthful, although we did have our own non human species along for the ride so to speak. Look, I think we can speak more freely elsewhere as there are far too many distractions here. My cabin is just down the hallway, would you mind?" He glanced over at Tigh, the man could run the ship with one hand tied behind his back. As he turned ninety degrees he kept up the dialogue. "We've been dealing with that mindset for quite some time, so it's not something we're not accustomed to. But as you said, a battle plan needs to be implemented sooner rather than later." William did the courteous thing with his hand informing her the direction they needed to take. "Colonel Tigh you have the deck."

"Acknowledged." The balding man gave the alien woman a cursory view then put his head back down to his task of sorting out the smooth running of the ship.


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Asteroid Belt
« Reply #16 on: July 26, 2018, 03:23:23 AM »

Jadzia stared out the viewscreen at the Romulan ship and the two Battlestars. They hadn't responded to her hails, but neither had they taken any offensive action against the Phalanx or Klingon vessels.

"Enough waiting around, let's get moving. Tom take us into the Asteroid field. Three quarters impulse. Search pattern Foxtrot Three. B'Elanna, hail the Klingon vessels. Give them each a quadrant to search. If they find anything interesting, they're to inform the others. We'll take the middle where it's more dense. The Challenger is a bit more maneuverable than the Klingons."

As the hail went out, the impulse engines fired up propelling the Phalanx forward.



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Re: Multiverse Incident - Asteroid Belt
« Reply #17 on: July 26, 2018, 11:42:02 AM »


 One of the strangest sights seen on the CIC was the duty coms officer, that it had to be said for the moment was purely a title. Not too long ago she was a prisoner facing nothing less than a spacing. But during the course of hostilities and angst that surfaced after their year long sojourn on that lousy planet, Caprica had switched allegiances and more than convincingly when she killed one of her own kind who had gone for Adama (the third time a Cylon tried to kill him). Along now with Sharon, Tyrol and Saul they were four Cylons who had shown Galactica that traditional mortal enemies could indeed have only the survival of humanity in their best interests. There were others of course, but they never changed. There was one other, she though wasn't aware of what or who she was just yet.

 Seeing both Adama and Tigh immersed in their own tasks, Caprica found a moment of her own to finally reply to the other vessel that had hailed them earlier. "Phalanx this is Galactica. Please excuse the delay in replying as we are still very much trying to sort things out here. As soon as the Admiral is free I will appraise him."

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Re: Multiverse Incident - Asteroid Belt
« Reply #18 on: July 26, 2018, 02:04:54 PM »

<BS 121 Aegis>

"Phalanx, this Aegis. We will begin launching fighters soon, our ships will maintain a holding pattern with Galactica. Be advised, we are attempting to conduct resupply and repair operations for Galactica and may need assistance there." Jason reported, and glanced over to Jack.

"Major, I need your Vipers preparing for launch in the next ten minutes. Flight ops will be on the starboard launch pod, port side will be used for resupply. The Emancipator and Avenger will be on resupply runs until Galactica's main guns have some ammo." Jason said.

"Aye, sir. And while it does bug the hell out of me, not much we can do. I'll have Cool Hand and Rancher available to coordinate getting the spare parts over, but we should accelerate this as much as possible." Jack said, before turning to leave the bridge.

"Major Strickland, set Condition Two for the ship." Jason ordered. Faye nodded and returned to her station to pick up the PA handset.

"Attention all hands, set Condition Two. Say again, set Condition Two. Flight Operations to begin in One-Zero minutes, starboard pod. Resupply operations for Galactica to begin ASAP, port pod. That is all." Faye reported. A chime echoed across the bridge and the crew set to action.


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Asteroid Belt
« Reply #19 on: July 26, 2018, 02:25:12 PM »

{Commander Kollis}


"Then this will be my first First Contact mission, Admiral." Kollis said with a smile, before following after Adama. One of her wrist devices chirped. She tapped the screen.

"Kollis here, go ahead." She said as they walked.

"Commander, the Federation starship Phalanx is hailing, they want to begin operations. The Captain is unusual, our records show she was a casualty of the Dominion War. What are your orders?" Movald's voice came from the wrist mounted device.

"Advise the Phalanx that we're organizing a plan right now, but if they're that itching to get started, place the Incepteris at her disposal until I get back. They likely don't know what we're capable of, but offer to conduct reconnaissance ahead of the fleet." Kollis explained.

"As ordered, Commander. Out."

Once they were in his quarters, Kollis set the box down and extracted the bottle of blue liquid, setting it on the table she set the box down.

"I wanted to come with a peace offering, and in my universe, that's usually fairly easy. Romulan Ale, this particular bottle was one of the first after the ceasefire was placed with the Iconians, ending the war. Humans tend to call this the "Victory Vintage". I should warn you, the reason this stuff was banned for so long in Federation space might not have entirely been because of it being Romulan, but more that even Klingons get vicious hangovers from imbibing too much. Virinat Nectar Wine is so much smoother and without the after effects, but sadly, my home colony was set ablaze by the remnants of the Romulan Empire and their Iconian servitor lackies." Kollis explained, before turning to Adama.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't be reminiscing right now." It was clear that she didn't like the topic of Virinat's destruction, "So, as my human...erm...friend would say, let's get to brass tacks. The Incepteris is an advanced vessel, even by my universe's standards. She is armed with plasma beam weapons and quantum torpedo launchers...matter/anti-matter warheads that cause quantum level damage. We also posses an advanced cloaking device. Romulan ships are renown for their cloaking technology, the Klingons with us have roughly similar tech, but the device on the Incepteris outstrips all of those. Harder to detect, faster to bring online and offline, and we can fire torpedoes without breaking the effect. Risky, since tracking to the firing source tends to expose us, but a useful feature for ambushes. We also have a highly advanced sensor system and matching probes to pinpoint enemy weaknesses, not sure how useful it will be here."

"From what I've seen of your vessel so far, is it correct to say that Galactica relies on fighters more than firepower?" Kollis asked.


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Asteroid Belt
« Reply #20 on: July 27, 2018, 05:13:16 AM »


As the ship set course for the Asteroid Belt. B'Ellana spoke up from the Operations Console.

"Captain, we're being hailed by the Galactica. They apologize for the delay and promise to send our message up the chain."

About the same time another hail came in.

"Captain, the Romulan ship is hailing us as well. They are currently formulating a plan but offer the assistance of the Incepteris."

The first one was easy to respond to.
"Thank the Galactica for their response. Tell them we will meet with them at their convenience. As for our Romulan friends out there..."

Jadzia paused to puruse the starchart.
"Tell them we welcome their assistance. Slide them in between us and the Pomarc. Will enable us to cover the area quicker, while providing some level of security should they try something."



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Re: Multiverse Incident - Asteroid Belt
« Reply #21 on: July 27, 2018, 05:30:21 AM »

{Bridge:IKV Gorkon}

{Bridge:IKV Le'Vek}

"To the gallant crew of Le'Vek..We have just received orders to get underway..three quarters impulse..Qapla'!

"Sir, from the Phalanx! Reading the coded message, Lt. grinned.."Helm, three-quarters impulse, proceed on our search mission!"
« Last Edit: July 27, 2018, 11:11:08 AM by Ellen_Ripley »


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Asteroid Belt
« Reply #22 on: July 27, 2018, 11:41:49 AM »

<Galactica-Adama's Quarters>

William closed the door behind him partially, leaving it ajar by about an inch. Not that he didn't trust the woman of course, his crew didn't, as he saw by the looks as they passed by a few of them. Plus he knew protocol too damned well for his liking and the scuttlebut that'd be circulating within minutes if he had locked the door. "You know that's rather amusing an offer Commander as I was about to do the same thing. Its something of my own tradition to give my guests a bottle of our finest." He reached down into the bottom drawer of his desk pulling out one of the last three bottles he had, placing it before her. "We have a saying, 'Ambrosia's good with a chaser. And if you have enough ambrosia-- didn't really hurt that much'. So I advise caution with it." He accepted her gift graciously, sitting it on the desk.

He listened to what she had to say about their ships, taking note of the abilities in particular at the same time feeling something of a little inadequacy himself but still very proud of what they had built. "The Galactica is the oldest ship in the fleet, but we survived above and beyond expectations, even better than some of our newest. In fact this ship had been mothballed and we were about to commission it as a museum ship when we went to war with the Cylons. I'll give you an explanation about them later. From what I've seen and heard, such as with your ship for example, we're not even in the same league. I suppose you could say from your contact with other humans from your timeline, we're about three hundred years behind, we don't have any shielding to speak of, our weaponry is basic gunnery with ranged guns and point defense with nuclear missiles being our main offensive weapon." He took a moment to grab two small glasses, placing those beside the bottles. "While we do have a lot of fighters on board, as well as our Raptors, we're not solely reliant on them for either defensive or offensive operations. The Galactica can stand its own quite well."



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Re: Multiverse Incident - Asteroid Belt
« Reply #23 on: July 28, 2018, 04:35:34 AM »

{Bridge of Le'Vek}

"Helm, follow the search parameters of our assigned search area, Comms advise the Gorkon to search their assigned area and report any findings,

{Bridge of Gorkon}

"Helm, Follow Le'Veks lead.  Proceed to our assigned area and report any findings.  Signal Le'Vek that we are underway!"

the 2 D-4s followed in the wake of USS Phalanx, utilizing primary sensors to scan the areas assigned.
"Le'Vek to Phalanx, we are underway, should I send a message to the Romulans?"



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Re: Multiverse Incident - Asteroid Belt
« Reply #24 on: July 28, 2018, 09:43:27 AM »

<BS 121 Aegis>

 That was all she needed, a little confidence in the fact that no matter how impossible something may appear to be at first inspection, a second look from another perspective will always turn up the goods. "Thanks Commander, that's all I need. I'll be out of your hair for now." Kara turned quickly at the run heading back down to the bays as fast as she could. Once there she called up the Galactica's CIC. "Thrace to command, get Valerii aloft five minutes ago, tell her to vector with me and Aegis's flights one click forward of the fleet." As she was mounting her Viper she yelled across to the Raptor crews. "Cool Hand, Rancher, make it snappy, we've got Jocks waiting for their birds to be serviceable. They'll start thinking of card games and whores if we don't make em happy."


<Galactica CIC>

"Galactica copied Starbuck." Caprica called up Sharon, she must be down in the hangar deck by now, she checked and she found she was correct. "What is all this about?" She wondered, there hadn't been this much activity since, well since they left that horrid planet.

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Re: Multiverse Incident - Asteroid Belt
« Reply #25 on: July 29, 2018, 05:15:34 AM »

{Bridge:IKV Le'Vek}

The Le'Vek was following the search parameters as assigned.  K'hel followed the progress and sighed.."Helm and Science station, send up-dates to my console here!"  He couldn't think of anything less glorious than reading reports about 'particulate matter' readings, or 'star anomalies' right now.  But, when helm reported sensor readings increases from the huge alien ship..Galactica, that was of some interest."Comms, signal Phalanx, enquire about increased activity reported from sensors.  Is Galactica preparing to go into action?"


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Asteroid Belt
« Reply #26 on: July 30, 2018, 11:07:56 AM »


As the ship entered the asteroid belt, the bridge crew focused on their consoles for any indication that something else was around. At tactical Lt Commander Shikon kept her attention on the Battlestars that were still sitting on the outskirts. They were considerably larger ships, so would likely send auxiliary craft for any scouting mission.

At Ops, B'Elanna handled the inquires from the Klingon vessels.
"Le'Vek, the Romulan vessel has been assigned to our Port side. Between us and Pomarc, they have agreed to assist in the search. As for Galactica."

She paused to review the data forwarded from the tactical station.
"It does appear they are preparing for action. Continue scanning your assigned area."



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Re: Multiverse Incident - Asteroid Belt
« Reply #27 on: September 17, 2018, 12:50:11 PM »

{Commander Kollis}


"If I'm honest, technology is only as good as the people who wield it. We just survived a war with a race that was thousands of years old, able to teleport around the galaxy at will. They could open portals in the middle of a fight to blast our ships with pure solar energy. Among other nasty tricks." She shivered a bit at the thought of fighting the Iconians.

"Admiral, it sounds like the other ships want to move, but if you're having trouble, we can try to help. You mentioned ammunition troubles...perhaps we can solve that for good. We have technologies that can replicate items from raw matter, it's not perfect but it could at least help. Let me try and see.." She tapped her wrist device.

"Kollis to Phalanx. I'm aboard Galactica at the moment, Captain. I'll cut straight to it, in my timeline, the Romulan Republic is allied with the Federation, and so on behalf of the Alliance, I'd like to forward a request. Admiral Adama and his ship have serious supply issues. Do you have large-grade replicators that could help alleviate that?" Kollis asked, "Admiral, you can speak and they'll hear you." She added.


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Asteroid Belt
« Reply #28 on: September 18, 2018, 03:53:05 AM »

{Commodore Sabine St. John - Terran Confederation}

<TCS Etna>

The TCS Etna was among the pride of the Terran Confederation Navy, a supercarrier that would have put the Confederation-class Dreadnought to shame. The Vesuvius-class was a recent development, and the Etna was the third in the class. But it wasn't supposed to be in service, and would not have been if not for Admiral Tolwyn's little pet project.

Commodore St. John's crew wasn't even the Etna's crew, they were originally of the TCS Kestrel, the flagship of Task Force 14.05. But an attempt by unknown attackers to use the Task Force as part of some sick little scheme hadn't gone off quite right - 14.05 had been in nearly every major engagement since the False Armistice. As such, the unknowns were shot down with some captured and then the secret was revealed. They had tried to report it, only to be harassed all the way to Enigma Fleet HQ, where they were branded as traitors to the Confederation and ordered captured.

The organization known as the Black Lance had convinced St. John's commanding officer, Vice Admiral Collins, to destroy TF 14.05, which also caused part of the Task Force to rebel thinking they had been lied to. Only the arrival of a Union of Border Worlds task force, summoned unknowingly by the same shadow group, meant that the battle was a stalemate. Collins, however, had an attack of conscience when he realized he had been given false information about his long time friend and best commander, and ordered an end to the fighting. The Black Lance forces fled, and Admiral Collins managed a cease-fire with the Border Worlds forces as well, ending the human on human fighting.

The problem was that the Black Lance under Admiral Tolwyn needed their scapegoats, they needed a war between the Confed and Border Worlds, and they were going to get it. St. James' flagship had been badly damaged in the fighting, and Admiral Collins put her and her forces on the TCS Etna under construction. It was largely operational, but had only 1/10th of their fighter forces on hand - brand new Bearcats and prototype Tigersharks. The Kestrel's fighter wing was transferred over, and then pre-Armistice era fighters were pulled out of 14th Fleet's reserve stocks. To help crew it, personnel from crippled Confed and Border Worlds ships were used alongside the Kestrel's crew.

And now the Etna was here...wherever here was...

"Conn, Sensors. We have multiple contacts ahead, all unidentified." The sensors officer called out.

"Understood, Sensors." Sabine said, looking around the bridge. They had to decide on a course of action and fast.

"Stand us to Condition Yellow. Flight Ops, prep for emergency sortie. Comms, open a channel." Sabine ordered.

"Channel is open."

"This is the Terran Confederation vessel TCS Etna." She paused, this speech had not been used so much for a long time. "In the name of friendship and cooperation, humanity greets you. We seek peace but are prepared to defend ourselves." There was a proper first contact greeting somewhere in the piles of regulation books for the Terran Confederation Navy, but she had to summarize it off the top of her head.


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Asteroid Belt
« Reply #29 on: September 18, 2018, 11:37:46 AM »

USS Phalanx:

As the ships moved into the asteroid field, B'Elanna received the message from Kollis

"Captain, we're being hailed by the Galactica. Audio only."

 They hadn't expected a response so soon, but it was an encouraging sign.

"Let's hear it Commander."

"Kollis to Phalanx. I'm aboard Galactica at the moment, Captain..."

It was a request that even under more 'normal' circumstances would require some consideration. While Jadzia believed the Prime Directive worked best with some wiggle room, there was still the chance she'd have to justify it with her superiors.

"Standby Commander Kollis."

There wasn't time to hold a formal meeting, so she quickly polled her bridge crew.
"Any objections to providing them with assistance?"

A chorus of "No ma'am." rang out from across the bridge.

Lieutenant Lado gave a bit more justification.
"It's clear they are a space faring civilization and are aware of intelligent life other than their own. Plus with Q being involved, I'm willing to bet that's justification enough to loosen the Prime Directive."

As the Diligent class was a heavy escort, she didn't carry a large supply of extra engineering parts. The Cochrane however, was likely to have some spare industrial replicators.

"Then it's settled. B'Elanna, contact Captain Zaveri. We'll ask if he can send some over."

"Aye ma'am. Opening a channel. USS Phalanx to USS Cochrane, please respond."

The Cochrane had just settled into orbit around Titan, when the hail came in.

"Go ahead Phalanx."

Captain, we find ourselves in need of two industrial replicators to assist an ally. Do you have any extra?"

There was a pause as the Denobulan considered the request.

"Can do Captain. We'll send it over on the Sloane. ETA, five minutes."

"Thank you Sir. Let us know if we can repay the favor. Phalanx out.

With that settled, the message was passed onto the Galactica.
"We are in the process of procuring replicators from another ship. We will come over on a shuttle in approximately five minutes."

Ordering the taskforce to drop to 1/2 impulse, Jadzia was about to leave the bridge when Commander Shikon's console lit up.
"Another unidentified contact. Bearing, 140 mark 7. Whatever it is it's bit larger than the Battlestars by about 200 meters. They're hailing."

"This is the Terran Confederation vessel TCS Etna..."

"Guess Q decided we needed more help. Let's respond." =/\= This is Captain Jadzia Dax of the United Federation of Planets in command of the Starfleet vessel USS Phalanx. We mean you no harm. You were likely pulled here by a powerful alien that calls himself Q.=/\= [/violet]

« Last Edit: September 19, 2018, 11:33:31 AM by Troy »
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