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Author Topic: Multiverse Incident - Asteroid Belt  (Read 5615 times)


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Multiverse Incident - Asteroid Belt
« on: July 14, 2018, 01:17:32 PM »

{Q - GM/Narrator}


"Normally, I wouldn't bother explaining what significance a bunch of rocks floating around in this excuse of a solar system you call home bears, but it actually has something to spice it up for a change. How exciting!"

"So, when the humans in this era were being relieved of their tiresome mortal coils, some chose to flee to the depths of space in hopes of not dying. That wasn't the best thought out plan, to be honest. The finite nature of resources is only made worse when you're breathing recycled air and eating protein paste. But they survived for a time. For a short time, that is."

"You see, the final extermination, the one they really should have been running from...as if they could, but the thought counts, well, it livened the place up into a graveyard of ships as everyone who came here was wiped out. Turns out that race that I mentioned earlier really doesn't like anyone. They really are quite dreadful. None of these people are going to recognize a single ship out here, but there's still something they really should find out here in this graveyard inside a gas cloud...inside a pile of floating rocks. These people should have died somewhere more exciting, like the Sun."



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Re: Multiverse Incident - Asteroid Belt
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2018, 10:25:06 AM »

"Saul bring me up the latest data we have on this rat tag fleet. I want to know exactly what we're working with, or should I say who we're working with and get a message to Hanley. We need a complete run down on what he has working and what needs repairs, if he needs our engineers tell him he can have them, oh and some point we're going to have to take stock of our missile inventory." William was leaning over the plot table, a cup in hand. He didn't even both looking up at this point.

The Colonel looked across the table, furrows on his brow made him look even older than what he was, older than the age that had crept up on him these last two years. "Do you think Kara has told him yet Bill? He hates the toasters even more than we did, how do you think he's going to react when he finds out he's talking to one of them?"

"He'll have to deal with it as I did. You're still the same person Saul, nothing has changed has it?" A lot had but Adama had long come to terms with it, Sharon had taught him that much.

It wasn't much consolation, yet it was something. "She told me we should talk to those people on those ships from Earth, the Dreadnought and Victory. It appears our missiles could well be much the same and we are short by half at least."

"Yes I know. I'll take care of that." Yes that was a concern, a big one.

"Very well then." Saul reached for the radio, punched in the frequency to begin his message. "Galactica XO to Aegis actual. Galactica XO to Aegis actual."



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Re: Multiverse Incident - Asteroid Belt
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2018, 04:07:32 AM »

<BS-121 Aegis>
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Jack spun around and stared at Kara.

"Knock that off, right now." Jack practically hissed, "That's paranoid delusion talking, they're machines. They want us all dead, because if they wanted peace, they'd have stayed on their side of the border. We've had a few nutjobs with the civies we picked up from Scorpia and Virgon before Admiral Nagala's orders came down, but what you're saying...no. Drop it, Thrace, because that kind of Section 8 talk is going to get you into more trouble than what you're normally known for."

Jack refused to entertain any further discussion on the matter as he escorted her to the CIC, where Jason was waiting with the rest of his command crew.

"Major, welcome aboard Aegis. This is Major Faye Strickland, my executive officer." Jason gestured to the young woman with long brown hair and soft features. Her blue eyes seemed to hold a lot of thought behind them, but she did smile and nod once.

"You already know my CAG, Major Pierce, and...oh, here they are." Jason said, gesturing to another hatch opening. The first man through was Captain Connolly, a towering mass of brown skinned muscle stuffed into a Marine uniform, topped with a bald head, and a trimmed goatee that surrounded a ready smile. He was already famous before he joined the Marines, he had played for the Tauron Bulls Pyramid team before then.

"Welcome aboard, Major. Glad to see someone as famous as I am around here for a change. Ah, just kidding, but not really." Alex said with a ready laugh. Following him was a bald dark skinned man in an Engineer's jumpsuit. He smiled as well at Kara, not knowing at all that she would immediately not only identify him as a Cylon, but as the same model that had attempted to surgically remove her ovaries on Caprica, and to boot, the Fours were aligned with One. As far as he was aware, she was just as in the dark as the rest of the crew of Aegis.

"Captain David Price, chief engineer." He said warmly, extending a hand to shake hers.

"Sir, wireless call from Galactica." A crewman called out. Jason turned and nodded, letting his crew meet with Kara while he headed to the center station.

"I'll take it here." Jason said, picking up the handset, answering, "Aegis Actual, go ahead Galactica."


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Asteroid Belt
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2018, 04:35:19 AM »

{Commander Kollis - Romulan Republic Flotilla}

RRW Incepteris - Faeht-class Intelligence Warbird
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The situation was quite unusual, but for Kollis, her life had been nothing but a series of unusual events. After the destruction of Romulus, she had lived with her mother on the agricultural colony of Virinat, which had struggled to accommodate the influx of refugees. For 26 years, she had struggled with the rest of the colonists to survive, but had done so through creativity, compassion, and striving to do better in anything she did. For those years, the Empire was a distant memory, the Tal Shiar was a word that no one uttered or cared to utter, and the Republic wasn't even a thought in anyone's mind.

Then that night, the festival, the Elachi came, and her life was forever changed. She would bear witness to the formation of the Romulan Republic and its legitimization by the Federation and Klingon Empire, the discovery and settlement of New Romulus, and then the countless conflicts that ended with her pivotal role in the Iconian War; she stood with Kahless and battled one of the actual Iconians. The cloned Emperor would fall, his blade would once again go missing, but he had pronounced the young Romulan who unflinchingly stood at his side his "sword-sister", the few who bore the honor of fighting directly at the side of Kahless. It wasn't something she advertised, nor did she plan to, since the Klingons they saw were from before the Iconian War and would never accept that story of a Romulan earning Kahless' respect.

These new humans, though, and there were many, represented yet another mystery to her. But unlike the last generation, Kollis wasn't intent on exploring the mystery to exploit it, merely to sate her natural curiosity. The Republic wasn't like the Empire, they wanted allies, they wanted to end the centuries of Romulan xenophobia and deceit. They wanted Romulans and Remans to be one people and to walk arm in arm with the Federation and Klingons into the future, as equals.

Kollis was of average height but lean build, with dark red hair that she had tied into a neat tail behind her head. Above her left eye was an angular tattoo, small but present, a sign of a Romulan who survived the destruction of the Homeworld. She wore the standard uniform of the Republic, a green tunic jacket over a black undershirt, with a utility belt around her waist and black slacks with matching black boots. Her wrists bore bracers that appeared to have a secondary purpose of acting as part of her tricorder and access to the ship's computers.

"I'm going to go over there, introduce myself and see how we can help. Subcommander, prepare a probe and send it in ahead of us into the Belt. We'll stay in formation for now, but be ready to go ahead of the fleet under cloak." Kollis said, standing from her chair. Her executive officer, Movald, nodded.

"Yes, Commander."

"And can you have a bottle of Ale brought up. I think a peace offering will help." Kollis said with a radiant smile, another trait that a Romulan never would have done prior to the Republic.

"Of course." Movald chuckled.

"Hailing frequencies open, Commander." Lieutenant Commander Keira Belmont reported from Ops. She was Starfleet, but as part of Kollis siding with the Federation, she was allowed to recruit exchange officers. The young woman was absolutely fascinated with the Romulans, and was a pleasure to have. She had all the makings of an Intelligence officer as well.

"Galactica, this is the Romulan Republic Warbird Incepteris, Commander Kollis speaking. On behalf of the Republic, I extend greetings in peace and friendship and would like to beam aboard your vessel to meet with you. We've got a lot to discuss, I'm sure, and not a lot of time to do so."

The Incepteris was a rare vessel, even in the Republic. Admiral Kenneric had given her command of it when she was sent as part of the Republic's expedition into the Delta Quadrant, a fast and agile vessel that was used for intelligence gathering but could easily hold its own in combat. It bristled with plasma energy weapons and quantum torpedo launchers (yet another gift from Starfleet), as well as state of the art technologies. Kollis was rather proud of it, and it had acquitted itself well since she had been granted command of it.


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Asteroid Belt
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2018, 06:41:36 AM »


"I've got a call." Adama said flatly, his mind was still reeling from the whole strangeness of it all. He'd heard about this beaming thing from Kara and he wasn't comfortable with it at all. No, he'd take another route. "Greetings to you Commander. I'd appreciate meeting with you, but I would ask rather if you have a shuttle craft that you use that instead, as you might understand we're not in the same league as many we've encountered here and my people are quite anxious, I don't want to alarm them any further thank you."

Saul looked across to his old friend. Damned if he didn't feel sympathy for him. "Colonel Tigh here Commander, listen we have a problem even before we think about combat of any description. We're down to less than fifty percent stores of our missiles, less than thirty percent of our main battery ammunition and many of our Vipers are sitting useless in our bays with empty guns or in need of serious spare parts. How do you stand?"


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Asteroid Belt
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2018, 11:36:40 AM »

By the time Jadzia returned from her meeting with Khel, most of the other ships had already departed for their destinations. Alexander had already promised the Pomarc to aid in scouting out the asteroid belt, so they were waiting for their captain to return before joining the search.

Tom Paris stood up from the center chair as Jadzia entered the bridge.
"Nog and B'elanna assure me there is no major damge from Q's little trick to bring us here. We're ready when you are."

As if to puncuate Tom's point, his wife entered the bridge just behind Dax.
"Welcome back Captain. All systems are green across the board. How'd your meeting go?"

Taking the offered seat, Jadzia answered the question.
"Went extremely well. I don't know Khel, but apparently the Dax name carries some weight in his time. His ship plus another will join us in exploring the Asteroid belt. The other two will remain here for defense. Speaking of which, time to get this show on the road. B'Ellana, send a hail to the Pomarc, Le'Vek, and Gorkon. Inform them we're ready to leave. Commander Shikon, take us to yellow alert. Raise shields and standby weapons."

With all three Klingon ships singalling ready, the four starships soon left Titan for the Asteroid belt. When the Phalanx dropped out of war, the bridge crew was surprised by what they saw.

Two of the large Battlestar carriers hung in space on the outer edge of the asteroid belt. Additionally, a Faeht class Romulan Warbird could be seen a bit closer to the asteroids. Information on it was scarce, and a lot was based on second hand information from those who managed to survive an encounter with one.

"Romulans, Klingons, and Starfleet working together along with people from other realities. Q's really outdone himself now. Mr Paris, bring us to a stop while we sort things out. Be prepared to warp out of here if necessary. Torres, open a general hailing freqency. I want everyone to hear me."

"Aye ma'am." Came the response from both as they moved to comply with the order.

"Attention gathered ships. This is Captain Jadzia Dax of the Starfleet vessel Phalanx. We have arrived with three Klingon ships to aide in searching this area. Please respond."

With the message sent, she awaited a response.

IKS Pomarc

Onboard the Pomarc, Alexander was equally surprised to find a Romulan ship lurking near the Asteroid belt. He could tell his bridge crew was uneasy at the sight, so he decided to act before they did.
"Do I trust the Romulan? No. But for now we're going to follow the lead of Captain Dax. That doesn't mean we can't take precautions. Move us closer to the Phalanx, after all we are here for protection. Maintain full shields and weapons. However, if you fire without authorization I will personally ensure you don't make that mistake again."



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Re: Multiverse Incident - Asteroid Belt
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2018, 12:27:52 PM »

<BS-121 Aegis>

 "Suit yourself Jack, you'll learn soon enough." She shrugged following on, not wanting to stare around but at the same time she couldn't help herself either. They passed many faces, some of whom she recognised though there was no time for chit chat or passing cordiality either.

 Soon they came to the CIC where more introductions were made, Kara said the right things at the right time to each, she even shared a laugh when introduced to Connolly. She remembered him from intership pyramid games. "Quite the player as I recall, fancy a game sometime?" She asked in earnest. But it was the last one that came, offering his hand. Kara froze, that face. Panic began to rise but nervously she took his hand and shook it. "Captain Price." Her voice was full of doubt and for some reason she clenched her fists wanting nothing more than to deck him. She held her ground, for the time being.

Life is a dream — that knows no shade.
Life is a dream — of pain and woe.
A dream from which — we pray to wake.
A dream from which — we wake and go


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Asteroid Belt
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2018, 01:05:02 PM »

<BS 121 Aegis>

David's smile faltered a little bit with Kara's sudden change in demeanor but stepped aside once they extended a handshake. If anyone else saw it, they didn't let on and continued on. Faye cleared her throat.

"Major. I've already prepared a listing of the fleet's current status, well, such as it is here. Would've been better if we had the resupply vessels we escaped Virgon with." Faye said, and handed over a clipboard.

On it, it laid out the situation. The Aegis herself was still a bit beat up but had patched up most of the damage. True to the Valkyrie-class, it was dwarfed by the Galactica in terms of firepower, but they had speed, agility, stealth and the benefit of not being so badly damaged. The Emancipator was a Defender-class Gunstar, an escort vessel from the Cylon War-era. Most were scrapped, but a few lingered in the fleet and it turned out that had been a good thing. They were well armed but could pull just about any role put on it, plus they carried Vipers (if in a pod that made landings tricky by being positioned in line with the engine). The Avenger was also a relic of the Cylon War, having more in common with the ships related to Galactica than Aegis. It was supposed to be a long-range escort vessel, so it held few Vipers but bristled with guns (and had very spacious crew quarters that made serving on them feel like serving on a cruise ship...).

On the fighter side of things, it was clear the only reason that all three ships had their full compliments and reserves was only because they had cannibalized other squadrons at Scorpia and Virgon, as well as during their escape. They had 48 Viper VIICs on hand with another 10 listed as reserve status, plus 20 Strike Vipers, 20 Python bombers and even managed to have 20 of the rare Viper EWs. They had 5 Strike Vipers and 5 Pythons listed as reserve as well. On top of that, they had 10 Raptors, 10 Heavy Raptors, and 7 shuttles.

Obviously, one of the benefits Aegis and her group had was they had escaped largely together and then alongside parts of the Fleet. This left them in a position to sidestep most of the early troubles Galactica had, but not resort to the brutal methods that Pegasus had in their survival.

"Not sure how or why, but we were issued a corrupted copy of the CNP, it was how we survived Scorpia. But thank the Gods that we were, because it's only been by working together that we've survived. And how we will survive."

"So say we all." Jack added. The other officers murmured the same in response. It was at this point that Jack's eyes flicked away to where the ship's plaque was, and under it was a collection of ID tags, patches, pictures, and nametapes. And there were a lot of them. It was a memorial, to all of those who died in the Battlegroup. In some cases, there weren't even names, just plaques of ship names that were lost to the Cylons.

"Peace to the fallen." David said somberly. And he meant it, not that he would ever admit to it without a gun to his head.

Over at the main station of the CIC, Jason pursed his lips together.

"Sir, that's a problem. The Vipers, I can help you with that easily. We've got ammo for those to spare, and between our engineering teams, we can easily pool parts to get your Vipers patched up. But Aegis doesn't use the same guns or missiles as Galactica. I can maybe shore up some of the difference with the Emancipator and Avenger, their heavy deck guns match yours, but you're using outdated close-in guns and hell, you and I both know they discontinued the missiles you use before I even joined the Fleet." Jason said. Getting Galactica 20in gun rounds wouldn't be a problem, Emancipator and Avenger could easily spare the ammo. But Galactica used the old 3.25in CWIS guns, the Fleet had gone to 5.5in to better kill Raiders with.

"We should ask if anyone else can help us in some way, or else you may need to hang back on this fight. If there is even going to be a fight. But we will get your Vipers spaceworthy again, that you don't need to worry about." Jason concluded.


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Asteroid Belt
« Reply #8 on: July 19, 2018, 01:23:35 PM »

{Commander Kollis - Romulan Republic Flotilla}

RRW Incepteris - Faeht-class Intelligence Warbird

"Of course, Admiral. I'll be over shortly." Kollis replied with a nod, "Incepteris, out."

"Your welcoming gift will be in the main shuttle bay. I assume you'll want to go just by yourself?" Movald asked.

"Yes. No sense in putting them off any more." Kollis replied, standing up and heading for the turbolift, "You have the ship, Subcommander."

The Incepteris had a fairly small shuttle bay, the space simply hadn't been as available as it had been on even her last command, a ship of equal size but different mission profile. She had a pair of Tiercel Shuttles on board, but a third ship was also a gift from Nick. He had presented the ship to the Incepteris as a gift on behalf of Starfleet to the Republic, but it had been from him to her in secret. It was a Romulan-built fighter, one that predated the more famous Scorpion that the Remans created. Known to Starfleet as the "Predator"-class, it shared the same shape as the D'Deridex Warbird, but without the dual wings. The hull was even the same green color. An entire fleet of these and their heavier counterparts were recovered from a hidden stockpile by Starfleet, and this "Predator" had been symbolically handed over by the USS Hornet to signify that the entire fleet was being handed over.

Kollis headed straight for the fighter, as a deck officer approached her with a small box. She stopped to inspect it, inside was a bottle with a blue liquid, and then she checked the label. 2410, it was one of the "Victory" bottles made right after the end of the war with the Iconians. Thanking the deck officer, she closed the box and boarded the fighter, and was promptly in space.

The Predator seemed to respond better than the Scorpion, but the Scorpion was still faster. Plus the Scorpion could accommodate a second crewman, the Predator could not. To compensate, though, the Predator had twice the weapons of the Scoprion and better armor. They both had cloaking devices, of course, and they were both warp capable.

She took stock of the other ships with them for a moment before guiding her fighter to Galactica. Not wanting to take any chances, she took the approach nice and slow before finally settling down. If the fighter was already alien to the crew, then so was the young woman who clambered out of it, with her skin that was a shade of green, the ridges running from the bridge of her nose and above her eyes on her forehead, and then her easily visible pointed ears. But if Kollis was put off by it, she wasn't going to show it. It was her duty as a representative of the Republic to be diplomatic.

"Jolan Tru. On behalf of the Romulan Republic, I bear greetings of peace and friendship to you all. I am Commander Kollis, commanding officer of the Republic Warbird Incepteris, here to speak with your commanding officer." She said pleasantly but clearly.


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Asteroid Belt
« Reply #9 on: July 20, 2018, 08:50:53 AM »


{Capt. Sharon Valerii} NPC

"Quiet people!" William needed silence, the chatter on the CIC was becoming more than annoying as many had their eyes glued to the screens above giving them a very good look at the strange ships and even stranger craft that had just arrived in the Galactica's bay. "Boomer!" He turned to see where the young Captain/Cylon was, her head was down studying schematics of the ship, looking at some of the repairs being done in various areas.

"Sir?" She looked up, there was a smudge of ink on her brow. "Most of the repairs to the Hull are completed Admiral, I have the Chief working six teams on realigning several point defense batteries that were knocked out in that meteor storm we passed through." That was what she thought he was about to ask.

"Can that, I can see for myself. Get your butt down to the bay and escort that ah, Commander up to the CIC." He managed to get a look at her on his own screen, she was humanish, but not entirely.

Sharon tipped her brow then darted away, you could hear her running through the outer passage calling loudly "Make a hole!" as she headed down below. Some five minutes later she was standing there just as the woman was waiting. She moved past the Marines who had initially greeted her. "Commander Kollis, welcome to the Galactica. I am Captain Sharon Valerii. If you would come with me please I will take you directly to the Admiral." She stood proudly, her hands behind her back in regulation fashion not knowing the customs in greeting of the other.

"Acknowledged Hanley, we'll take whatever you can spare and as for what you can't help us with maybe, just maybe among this bizarre gathering of ships someone else might be willing to help us out. Major Thrace did mention something about two ships being similiar in technology to ours but for the moment I've forgotten which ships they were. I'll have Chief Tyrol over there as soon as I can. Tigh out." He thumped his fist on the table swearing inwardly.


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Asteroid Belt
« Reply #10 on: July 20, 2018, 03:06:16 PM »

<BS 121 Aegis>

 "So say we all." Kara repeated along with the others. It was bad but not dire, but she was wondering why and how this Q thought it was a good idea to pull several ships from wherever he found the Battle fleet in the condition they were in and then expect to fight some enemy none of them had ever seen, nor did they know the level of technology they'd be up against. "I've spoken with this, this Wing Commander MacGregor at some length and she said quite honestly I believe that it's possible they can help us as well. The trouble is they went in another direction, Mars I believe. Nonetheless we can call them if we have to." She breathed in deeply. "We're only half down I suppose is the best way to tell it, the thing is our crews have been working double time even before we arrived here to get things in order. So I think if we cobble together our fighting units we can and will meet anything that is thrown at us." Kara didn't even realize she had raised her voice, making it sound like a speech Adama would make to get everyone's spirits up.

 "We have 63 serviceable Vipers, of those 11 are Mk7's that have had their software modified. Of that number, 14 are being completely overhauled, some suffered extensive battle damage but they'll be good to go within a day. Ammunition for the cannon is our biggest issue, but we do have plenty of missiles for them. The Galactica though doesn't." But that wasn't why she was here, they had to get the Squadrons worked up as one cohesive unit.

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Life is a dream — of pain and woe.
A dream from which — we pray to wake.
A dream from which — we wake and go


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Asteroid Belt
« Reply #11 on: July 21, 2018, 07:14:47 AM »

The familiar 'phase-ship' was of no note to the experienced crews of the Le'Vel and Gorkon. The C.O of the Gorkon sent a coded message to Khels command station.."This is Lt. Rodek, of IKV Gorkon to Lt. Comm. Khel..preparations are completed and our friends are ready to be 'apprised' of the situation, Sir!  2nd Lt. M'Rok sends his regards..Gorkon, out!" Khel was pleased at the readiness of his ships.  A signal beeped on his Command chair, the ships were coming out of warp and were within range of the Asteroid Belt.  His station registered 5000 kelicams from the Belt and he was rewarded with a fine view of these new allies and their various ships..except for one.."Helm, all stop, Comms, put me on ships intercom..Warriors, we have arrived at our rendezvous point.  We are all aware of most Federation technology, but some of these ships are of unknown design.  But, I believe that we might yet recognize one other ship here, now present. During the last phase of the Dominion war, our alliance with the Federation was added to by the inclusion of an old nemesis/ally..the Romulans.  Comms, send out an open hail to all assembled ships..To both old and new allies, Imperial Klingon Vessels Le'Vek and Gorkon have arrived to assist in this great undertaking!  We await your responses!"


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Asteroid Belt
« Reply #12 on: July 24, 2018, 07:18:43 AM »

<BS 121 Aegis>

"VS-125 is my reserve listing, just a hold over from back in the day. The 10 listed on there are in various states of repair or disrepair. You likely can pull from our spare parts and from those to get your VIIs back up, and we can likely help on the ammo front. We'd be able to do more if that Q guy let us also come with our resupply ships." Jack replied. "As for the older stuff...I know the Pythons have about 40% parts commonality with them, but it might not help. And we've only got 5 of those on reserve. I hope that fancy station can help fix your stuff up, or it won't be too long before you guys end up a liability."

"I can put together a team of engineers, along with aircrews from Chief Lawton's crews, to help get your Vipers put back together." David offered.

"We may need to rely on the others with us as well." Faye offered.

"Commander, incoming call on wireless, looks like it's an open broadcast." One officer called out. The message was played from the Le'vek.

"...who the hell did we get roped in with?" Jack commented.

"Some fighters, I hope. Better be more than just talk, though." Connolly replied.

Jason picked up the handset to respond, "This is Commander Hanley of the Battlestar Aegis, representing Colonial Fleet Battlegroup One-Oh-Four. Message received and acknowledged. Out." He set the handset down, "...what the hell did they want us to say, we're still on approach."


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Asteroid Belt
« Reply #13 on: July 24, 2018, 07:25:47 AM »

{Commander Kollis}


"Thank you, Captain." Kollis replied with a nod and left behind her guide. The gazes fixed on her and her fighter were had to ignore, well actually impossible was the correct word. But she took it all in stride, this was her first First Contact mission after all. Upon being taken to the Admiral, she bowed her head once in greeting.

"Jolan Tru, Admiral. Commander Kollis of the Romulan Republic Flotilla. I had..." She blinked when the open call from the Klingons came in and shook her head, "Klingons are often eager to enter into battle, to prove themselves. They're dangerous opponents, and in the heat of battle, they'll prefer to die with honor than retreat. But just don't call them cowardly or dishonorable and you should be fine." Kollis said, still holding the box she came with.

"At any rate, I had hoped to come over and work out a battleplan. We're going at this blind, but that doesn't mean we can't determine where strengths and weaknesses lie and adjust accordingly." Kollis said. "But if you have questions about the Romulan people in general, I can answer some questions there too. From the looks I seem to be getting, I might just be the first alien lifeform you've encountered."


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Asteroid Belt
« Reply #14 on: July 24, 2018, 01:27:39 PM »

<BS 121 Aegis>

 After some lengthy discussion a plan was formulated to get as many birds from each Battle Star ship into a decent fighting fit condition. Kara still needed to follow up on the offer from the Dreadnought for help, that she would do initially over the wireless as soon as she could. Next on the agenda was who and what they were preparing to defend against, or as she was thinking, who they had to possibly go on the initiative with some kind of strike action. What this Q said and told them was about as clear as mud to her; she did listen and she did take in what he said, but it was like the riddles of the Ancestors, a puzzle you had to work out yourself. "I should get back soon, although I am trying to work out in my head defensive patterns we can use against an unknown entity we have zero knowledge of. It annoys the frak out of me to know that we're unlikely to be any more knowledgeable until that very moment we're confronted by them. Does anyone else feel the same?"

Life is a dream — that knows no shade.
Life is a dream — of pain and woe.
A dream from which — we pray to wake.
A dream from which — we wake and go
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