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Author Topic: Multiverse Incident - Mars  (Read 4262 times)


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Mars
« Reply #30 on: October 20, 2018, 05:39:42 AM »

<USS Ranger -> UNS Dreadnought>

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When Anne-Laure and Larissa beamed over, it was the same Asgard beam everyone knew. Even in their timeline, the adage of "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" held true. They wore different fatigues, though, a digital variation of Multicam was perhaps the most accurate description. Both wore tactical drop holsters on their right thighs, with Larissa's pistol resembling the latest variant of the Czech CZ-75, specifically the P-01 Phantom line, and Anne-Laure's appearing to be related to the FN Five-Seven, the pistol counterpart to the P90.

Anne-Laure's uniform bore a set of two stars matching a Brigadier General's rank insignia of the French Army, with her left shoulder bearing the SGC's Command patch and her right bearing a shield-shaped French Flag patch that read "FRANCE" over the top of the shield. Larissa's, however, bore a stylized skull insignia patch on her right shoulder and a simple rectangular flash on her left that, in Cyrillic, read "RAVEN SECURITY GROUP". They both wore rectangular screen devices on their left wrists, some kind of small tablet style device but small enough to not be obtrusive or restrict motion.

"I am Brigadier General Anne-Laure Berge, this is Colonel Larissa Koralova. If you wish, you can start with what you have deemed important, then I will follow up with what I need to tell you." She said, her voice bearing more of a British accent than French.


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Mars
« Reply #31 on: October 20, 2018, 05:59:21 AM »

{Capt. Nick Tyler}
{Cmdr. Brianna Steiger}
{Lt. Cmdr. Four of Six}
{Lt. Goran Tiv}
+Away Team

"Commander Brianna Steiger, First Officer of the Federation Starship USS Hornet. This is Lieutenant Commander Four of Six, Lieutenant Goran Tiv." Brianna replied, "Captain, those creatures are indeed the source of the energy signatures. Given what we've observed prior to this, they appear to have converted the previous inhabitants into raw materials to make more of themselves. Moreover, I think they're stripping this city for raw materials as well."

"The decay that this city has undergone is not consistent with the age of the structures, even accounting for external erosion by the sand and elements. And those creatures are responsible for it to a scale I do not yet have the information needed to postulate." Four added.

"Hornet to Away Team." Nick's voice came from Brianna's commbadge. She slapped it and responded.

"Steiger here, sir." Brianna replied.

"We need a course of action here, we have more ships arriving and I don't think Lieutenant Tiv called down firing that device without reason." Nick said.

"Concur, Captain. We need to contain this site for sure. We're with Captain Simiel of the Imperial Guard, but I don't think we can hold this with just infantry. Where are the other groups?" Brianna asked, her head turning as the frozen tower popped loudly and dropped a hanging steel I-beam from it. The piece fell into the tower and sounded like a giant hunk of glass shattering after crashing through even more glass.

"Moving on outlying mining facilities by the looks of it. I'll talk with the other groups, see if we can't reinforce your position. Be ready, however, to fall back. There's an abandoned fortress, architecture doesn't match what you're near, but it looks defensible. Call it due east of your position in a canyon, roughly five kilometers from your position." Nick explained.

"Understood, Captain. Have Mister Tholin pre-target this area for orbital bombardment, though. We may need to run under fire. Send the map information to my PADD, too. I'll pass this information along." Brianna said, pulling out a PADD from her excursion jacket and the map of the canyon and fortress appeared on it.

"Understood. You thinking of running this like Caleb?" Nick asked, referring to a battleground they faced the Iconians over.

"Yeah. Stieger out." Brianna grimaced. She would never forget that battlefield, seeing just how far the Iconians would go to destroy them...

"Captain, unless we have far more forces on hand, we may need to fall back to a more defensible position. There appears to be a fortress east of us, about five kilometers. Looks like it's pretty sturdy, probably built for some kind of siege by an invading force. Built to last, too." Brianna explained to Simiel, showing him the PADD images of the fortress, being broadcast by the Hornet's sensors straight to her.


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Mars
« Reply #32 on: October 20, 2018, 10:26:49 AM »

<Dreadnought CIC- rear section of Bridge>

"Thanks for coming over William, Kate. I could use some back up as I know I am certain to forget some of the details." Lily never told anyone she had an ironclad memory, she was a simple woman, uncomplicated to a fault. The first to admit she wasn't perfect.

A moment later those from the Ranger beamed in, nothing new there as even the sound was identical. Still she was going to keep her defences up until she was certain. "Brigadier? God she's young enough to be my little sister!" Lily thought instantly the woman introduced herself. "Very pleased to meet you both. Colonel Lillian Radovic US Air Force, this is Lieutenant William Huxley commander of the Victory and Warrant Officer Kate Steward. To be perfectly honest with you I don't know where to start. One moment we were on patrol in our Galaxy and the next a whole lot of us were on board this strange station somewhere in the Solar system at another completely different time. We weren't alone as you can see; this man calling himself Q, addressed us, telling of some threat to the existence of everything we know in every phase of time. Which I should tell you, our time is earth, 2018." She looked at William to take up more of the story.

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A dream from which — we wake and go


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Mars
« Reply #33 on: October 30, 2018, 11:26:15 AM »

USS Dreadnought

“No problem ma’am, glad to help. Plus it may make all this more believable with corroborating witnesses.”

It also save him from having to get the report later on. He wondered if the SGC would believe all this, but that was a concern for later.

The transporter beam soon deposited two women in similar looking uniforms to William and Kate. The one wore two stars on her chest, which as a near universal symbol for a flag officer. The French tricolor on her shoulder confirmed her rank. The lettering on the other woman’s patch likely meant she was Russian, though the rank was harder to discern. Their affinity for stars complicated things for those not familiar with the insignia.

After Lily gave a brief overview, William took over the briefing.

“As my counterpart mentioned, we found ourselves in orbit of a space station near Titan. There were dozens of other ships of varying designs. Representatives from each ship met on the station. It was there Q made himself known. After explaining himself, Q told us not to fight each other or face destruction. After that, we spread out among the solar system to search for clues. The Colonel and myself decided it best to stick together and have teamed up with a ship called the Enterprise to investigate this side of Mars. As we had suitable ground vehicles, the Dreadnought sent down two APC’s and we contributed four dune buggies. That’s the highlights, anyone have any additions?”

“You covered most of it sir.” Said Stewart.

“A few ships appear to be doing their own thing, but have not interfered with anyone else. Either they believe Q’s threat or they’re still getting a feel for the situation.”


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Mars
« Reply #34 on: October 31, 2018, 09:20:52 PM »


Deimos was flourishing and word from the fleet reported that they still had more time to prepare. Lieutenant Dormay had already been informed of a job well done, someone under the Colonel’s blessing was already on their way here to see with their own eyes. Soon perhaps it would be the fleet that needed them.

<Captain Simiel’s Company>

“We have around a hundred and forty guardsmen out there and two Chimera Personel Carriers, but we’ll make our way to this fortress, from there I’ll make a recommendation more troops are sent.” He knew that command wasn’t going to go until they had some patch of Mars under their control.

“I’ll make sure the fleet in orbit is informed of this decision.” He then began moving toward the rest of his forces, they needed to move out.


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Mars
« Reply #35 on: November 03, 2018, 07:13:21 AM »

<UNS Dreadnought>
{Brigadier General Anne-Laure Berge, CINC SGC}
{Colonel Larissa Koralova, CO - TF Stalker}

"We have two special operations task forces, plus a Marine Expeditionary Unit. This is on top of our fighter forces, which total at about 48 fighters plus 24 transports. So, if we need ground troops, then we can help." Anne-Laure replied.

"We will need deployment data and somewhere to put our forces down, but that's possible." Larissa said, her English not favoring any accent, particularly Russian.


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Mars
« Reply #36 on: November 16, 2018, 12:36:30 PM »

Mars’ Surface

As the Dune buggies followed alongside the APC, Rojin kept an eye out for any indications that something was out of the ordinary. Of course what exactly was out of the ordinary, he wasn’t quite sure. The whole scenario was peculiar, even for the Stargate Program. The Victory was enroute to re-enforce P4X705 when they were pulled into this version of the Sol system. For a bit the trio rolled through the Martian sand with little of note. They followed the pipeline for a bit before it took a different direction.

Their exploration took them to the edge of an industrial complex, or what was left of one. Keying his radio, the soldier contacted his counterpart in Shōri Beta.

“Sargent Agnew, do these ruins remind you of anything?”

“Yeah, a warzone. I don’t think this is normal decay. Looks like something swept through and destroyed most the buildings.

Almost as if on cue, the sunlight reflected off something in the distance grabbing the attention of all involved. Moments later, four large machines appeared on the horizon. They were vaguely humanoid in shape, with two legs, a torso, two arms and head. At over 7 feet tall and arm mounted weapons, they were an imposing site. With a metallic wine that could be heard by those in the buggies, the machines headed for the away team.

“Shōri Alpha to Rogue One, how do you want to handle this?”

<UNS Dreadnought>

Kate handed a tablet to William who pulled up some data. He then handed it over to their counterparts from an alternate reality.

"This is where we set down along with our counterparts from the Enterprise. Plenty of space for drop-ships to set down. At the moment, we have two teams in three vehicles each exploring the planet's surface. Each one has a fighter providing overwatch..."

He was interrupted by a call from the Victory.

"Pardon me for a minute."

Stepping aside, he took the message.

"Sir, the Starfleet vessel Hornet as launched a warhead at the planet's surface. We've also received a message from the other vessel in orbit that has so far ignored us. They're sending troops to the surface to deal with a threat. One moment sir, a message coming in from the surface. Seems they've spotted what they're describing as large military robots. They are still assessing the threat level."

Acknowledging the message, he returned to the group sure that at least Lillian received the same message.

"Seems there is indeed something down there. The question is where do we go from here?"


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Mars
« Reply #37 on: November 19, 2018, 04:12:35 PM »

<UNS Dreadnought CIC>

 "Hold that thought General." Lily was watching the surface radar readouts, her eyes almost bulged when she heard the message from Victory. "The Hornet has launched a missile strike, they're calling for more ground support as it appears they have found what appears to be some kind of robotic infantry. William.." She called to her counterpart. "Where are our ground assets in relation to that strike?" While she waited Lily looked back to her guests.

 "You can see here on the surface map we have some ground forces deployed. I wouldn't say no if you wanted to throw your lot in with them." This could turn nasty very quickly, hopefully Cate could keep everything in check.

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Re: Multiverse Incident - Mars
« Reply #38 on: November 19, 2018, 04:34:57 PM »

 <Surface Earth Team>
 <Rogue #1>

 "Rojin, looks like we hit pay dirt. Stand by." Cate evaluated the targets via her long range optical scanners, if she was at all surprised she didn't show it nor express it either. "Some kind of weird insectoid looking robot things and they don't look friendly. Now that isn't a revelation is it boys and girls." She chipped over the radio.

 "Shōri Alpha, rogue 1. Let's see if they can dance around a maverick. On my mark, we launch one each. 3, 2 launch!" Cate had the guided missiles prepared for any strike necessary and this obviously was. Her own maverick arced out of the launch tube (leaving one left, possibly a waste but she wanted to find out how tough these things were). She followed the smoke trail until impact; the ground shook as a small mushroom cloud erupted on the surface. Now she had to wait for the smoke to clear.

Life is a dream — that knows no shade.
Life is a dream — of pain and woe.
A dream from which — we pray to wake.
A dream from which — we wake and go


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Mars
« Reply #39 on: December 27, 2018, 06:13:24 PM »

{Battlefleet: Armageddon}
{Admiral Orexus Dragonclaw}

Little communication had come from the other ships and so Orexus had decided it best to dismiss them until they decided to give him something he could use. Reclaiming Mars seemed as if it was going to be far more difficult then hoped. His updates from the surface seemed most concerning and perhaps more reinforcements would be important. He just hoped taking the city on the surface would provide them with the foothold they need.

<Captain Simiel’s Company>

Captain Simiel had ordered his company to begin their march to the next location. He hadn’t called for reinforcements yet as they had more than enough Guardsmen to give this enemy a fight. If they managed to secure a fortress they could use it as a landing sight for any supplies they would need to defeat this machine foe.

“Hope this plan of yours works out.” He said to their new temporary allies.
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