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Author Topic: Multiverse Incident - Mars  (Read 4263 times)


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Mars
« Reply #15 on: September 18, 2018, 04:23:55 AM »

{Capt. Nick Tyler}
{Cmdr. Brianna Steiger}
{Lt. Cmdr. Four of Six}
{Lt. Goran Tiv}
+Away Team

"Steiger to Hornet." Brianna said, slapping her commbadge.

"Hornet here, go ahead, Exec." Nick replied.

"The lifeforms that eradicated all life here are awakening. Our exploration merely unearthed them. They are aggressive and armed, with the means to cause a lifeform to break down to its base components in minutes." Four explained flatly. Like most Liberated Borg, she could be rather coldly detached when she wanted to be.

"Captain, Tiv is sending up his data now, but we have a serious problem. Pass this along to all friendly forces immediately, we may have found the threat Q sent us after." Brianna said.


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Mars
« Reply #16 on: September 20, 2018, 05:43:52 AM »

(Enterprise Lounge)

While she didn't like the departure of the others, Demora was more than willing to work with who remained. As they appeared to be from the same reality it made things a bit easier.

"I'll admit that is one shortcoming of Starfleet technology, we don't have many vehicle designed for planetary exploration. We will gladly take your offer of personnel and vehicles."

Next came the question of selecting a location to start their exploration. As Colonel Huxley had suggested, they should look for somewhere not covered by the others. Especially the group that seemed to be running their own operation separate of everyone else.

Displaying a map of the large main city, the group finally settled on an LZ. With teams on both side of the city, they chose a location in the top center.

(Mars surface)

They landed in what appeared to be the remnants of an industrial sector, with several piplines poking out through the red Martian sand. The Victory dropped off two dune buggies while their counterpart delivered two ASLAVs as promised.

For her part, the Enterprise landed a shuttle carrying several engineers and scientists. A handful of security officers were aboard as well. As the ranking Starfleet person on the ground, Lt Akioka took charge for the moment.

"I suggest we split up into two teams, each taking a set of vehicles. Any objections?"


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Mars
« Reply #17 on: September 21, 2018, 08:52:34 AM »

<Return to Dreadnought>

 With the meeting on the Enterprise concluded, the Captains of the Dreadnought and Victory returned to their respective ships to engage in this battle of survival.

 Lily had flown one of the 401's delivering the ASLAVs, a machine though physically appearing the same as their Earth bound counterparts, those commissioned for the Stargate Program differed in a number of ways. The smelly diesel engine had gone some time ago to be replaced by a small version of the naquada generator driving a 310 KW electric motor. Silent was the operational word (some of the crews actually missed the old smell). It had a top speed on sealed roads of around 80 mph, that of course being held back by a governor. The standard armor plating had been replaced with a trinium/mangalloy  matrix, making it extremely light yet being able to resist most conventional weapon rounds up to 20mm. It had been tested with energy weapons also, rating quite high in that area.

<Mars Surface>

 Cate was in command of 'Rogue 1', the lead ASLAV. For though essentially a highly experienced combat pilot, she was no slouch with ground operations either having been both XO and CO of SG4 for almost 10 years now. This was essentially her bread and butter.
 "A good idea, perhaps we should take on some of the non familar crews within each others elements, allowing us to better liaise with each other. I have space for four more in Rogue one if any of you wish to join me?" Cate transmitted over a wide range frequency.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2018, 12:27:39 PM by Mim »

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Re: Multiverse Incident - Mars
« Reply #18 on: September 26, 2018, 05:48:31 AM »

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<Bridge, USS Ranger>

"Do we have any IDs on any of these ships?" Commander George Papadopolis, the former US Navy submarine commander and now recently promoted CO of the USS Ranger, asked.

"Negative, Commander. Two of them have some fairly familiar emissions, naquadah generators and the sort, but I don't recognize the ship design. -304 on steroids maybe." The sensors officer replied.

"And the Initiative ships?" George asked.

"Nothing, sir. One minute they were there, then the flash, and now they're gone. Nothing is where it should be, either." The sensors officer replied.

The door opened and four new people stepped onto the bridge. George looked up from the sensors station, which he had been looking at over the shoulder of the assigned officer, a habit he had from his submarine days.

The first was the acting CO of the SGC, Brigadier General Anne-Laure Berge. She was impossibly young for the rank, and she still looked awkward wearing the two-star shoulder insignia (French Army insignia started at 2 stars instead of 1). Not that George could blame her, she wasn't even 40 and had been kicked to the post after the arrest that started the latest war...

The second was Major Scott Powers, the Team One lead for Task Force 571 "Firewall". The "SG-1 of SGSOCOM", TF 571 was a collection of the best operators Earth had to deploy off-world, and George had served with them since they were assigned to his ship back in 2027. Powers had been a part of the ill-fated maiden voyage of the USS Sovereign, a ship lost across the universe but, unlike those from Icarus Base, the crew of the Sovereign had at least been saved, if not the ship.

The other two were from the USS James Mattis; the ship's CO was a Royal Marine, Colonel James Franklin, formerly the XO of Atlantis before it fell to the Initiative. He had been a solid commander, had even done a stint in the Special Boat Service, but the Initative had put their own man in command of Atlantis and ensured it was ineptly run. It had only been because of Franklin that the defeat hadn't lost the entire expedition.

The other from the Mattis was actually a private contractor, Larissa Koralova, who commanded Task Force Stalker, the elite operations unit under 15th MEU. She had been a Major with the FSB, a member of their Vympel Group, and despite her loyalty to Russia, her government chose to burn her for not supporting the Ultranationalists who wanted to leave the Gate Alliance and side with China in 2025. They were, in the end, exposed as Initiative stooges, and she had helped save her country, but for her troubles, she lost everything. Only through the Raven Security Group was she at least able to remain active in the Stargate Program.

"Commander." Anne-Laure said in greeting, "Anything on the new contacts?"

It always did strike George as odd that her English came out in a British accent, though it was a subdued one given how long she had lived in the United States now. He figured it had something to do with her upbringing. Just as he had a Greek last name but had as much to do with Greece as Emmitt Smith, which was as apt as comparisons went for him. That earned a slight mental grin at his own wit.

"Not much, just that two of them aren't as unknown as the rest. Naquadah emissions, for one. Plus looks like we see some traces of Asgard beaming tech involved. But as for the configuration, nothing like it in the book." George explained.

"And not a sign of the Initiative ships either. Like we ourselves got beamed away somewhere else, but Mars is still quite obviously there." Franklin said.

"Yeah. And it won't take long for them to notice us. We're in the open here." Powers chimed in.

"We need to figure out who we're dealing with here. And I'm not waiting around for Mjolnir to catch up to us, either. Besides, we could be dealing with some sort of alternate timeline here." Anne-Laure said, heading over to the command chair to call up an open frequency.

"This is the Tau'ri vessel USS Ranger, transmitting in the blind, to the unknown vessels in orbit of Mars. We do not mean you any harm but are prepared to defend ourselves. With permission, we would like to approach and meet with you." Anne-Laure said, making pretty much everything she said up on the fly, since she hadn't memorized anything the IOA wanted her to. Not like she had wanted this position, she was a sniper and instructor from 1st Marine Parachute Infantry, not a General...



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Re: Multiverse Incident - Mars
« Reply #19 on: September 26, 2018, 11:16:46 AM »

Those arrangements suited the Bolian security officer just fine. The non Starfleet humans had the transportation and some useful tech, while the Starfleet personnel had tricorders and phasers.

"Sounds like a plan. Ensign Agnew, you'll be the Starfleet liaison for the second team. I want at least two security guards with each team. The rest of you divide yourselves up somewhat evenly. I don't want all the engineers in one vehicle, and all the scientists in another."

While the group settled on who went where, Agnew examined the vehicles. As an engineer, she was knew how to use technology but also preferred to use her senses whenever possible. Stepping over to one of the dune buggies, she gave it a look. While she did so, a woman in a light tan uniform stepped over.

"Good choice. While they don't provide as much protection, they're a bit more maneuverable."

Then realizing she hadn't introduced herself, she stuck out her hand.
"Sergeant Maria Daume, US Marine Corps."

Shaking her hand, Agnew returned the favor.
"Ensign Jeiar Agnew. Starfleet Engineering Corps."


While the Starfleet people sorted themselves out, Rojin ensured his own dune buggy was ready to go. When he joined the Canadian Army he wanted to travel. He just didn't realize quite how far that would take him. Once everything was sorted out, Rojin pulled up along side Rogue 1.

"Which direction do you suggest we go ma'am?"

« Last Edit: October 19, 2018, 11:13:48 AM by Troy »


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Mars
« Reply #20 on: September 27, 2018, 02:07:09 PM »

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"Ma'am we're being hailed. Someone calling themselves The Tauri Vessel USS Ranger?" The Dreadnought's coms officer spoke up to be heard over the bridge chatter.

Lily turned to him sharply, held her hand up in a universal sign. "Quiet on the bridge please!" It went silent as it should. "Put it on screen Lieutenant. I'll reply personally. Does anyone recognize those designs at all?" She waited for an answer before returning the call.

There was a quick flurry of hushed conversation before one technician spoke up. "Yes Colonel. The larger ship, I've seen proposals for a similar design to replace the 304's around 2025, I don't think they've left the drawing board yet. They were designated at YBC-312's so far."

"Thank you Major." Lily then swung her chair around so she'd be facing the video cameras. "USS Ranger. We do have a rather unique situation here. This is Colonel Lillian Radovik USAF, commander of the Earth fleet speaking to you from the UNS Dreadnought. The other sister ship you see to our port side is the Victory. I think we do have a lot to discuss, please draw to within beaming range if you wish."


« Last Edit: October 11, 2018, 12:29:45 PM by Mim »

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Re: Multiverse Incident - Mars
« Reply #21 on: September 30, 2018, 04:36:17 PM »


Lieutenant Dormay had been placed in charge of establishing a beachhead on Deimos, a base had been swiftly constructed and reinforcements from the Summit hovering overhead had brought more forces and Tech priests as well as Servitors moved around establishing buildings, storing weapons of war and beginning factories that would soon produce more assets for the liberation of the large red planet in the sky known as Mars.

Taurox’s pulled massive trailers of equipment and Pegasus Landers transported vehicles that were needed elsewhere, he’d done his duty without delay. The construction of ground based hangars were already underway as well and the Tech Priests precious shielded landing pads had been finished. A communication array soon to be finished would allow communication with the fleet without the need for the Summit. The Colonel would be proud, the Imperial Guard didn’t need the Navy to get things done.

The time was almost nigh to report back to the Colonel and inform him that the new Imperial Guard base was ready, in time perhaps with the help of the Tech Priests of the Mechanicus this place would again become the great Forge World asset it had once been.

<Captain Simiel’s Company>

The rumbling and strange alien sounds, the Imperial Guard were used to such things but it didn’t stop their hearts from racing and their hairs standing up on their skin. The trench coated, gas masked soldiers of the Steel Legion were veterans of the War for Armageddon and were more then ready for what would come.

“Come.” Simiel said to the Federation Away Team as he ordered his troops away from the entry way deeper into the facility.

Strange robotic creatures stepped slowly out looking quite similar to Necrons but less humanoid in the legs. Whatever they were Captain Simiel had no reason not to order an immediate erradication and purification of the structure.

“Fire at will!” he shouted as further shrieking came from the machines.

The red lasers of Lasguns shot out like a laser light show, the accurate piercing shots found their marks and tore through the mechanical shells of their adversaries with ease. The squads in the room had no issue when more of the machines charged in as if they intended to overwhelm the Astra Militarum. Simiel’s own weapon had a far slower rate of fire but his shots staggered the enemy more than any other.

The amount of heat and smoke from the fighting filled the room, more robots continued to fall but it was evident they were enmasse. “Begin fall back formation, get our troops outside to be prepared to cover us and prepare for hostile humanoid mechanical contacts!”

{Battlefleet: Armageddon}
{Admiral Orexus Dragonclaw}

The news from Deimos is good.” the Lord Lieutenant mentioned as little had occurred for the fleet since operations on Mars had begun.

“What of the station?” Orexus inquired.

“The Titan station has reported in that the other parties still continue to use it, they have no shame and care not for the Mechanicum’s blessings.”

“As expected, no doubt they will fight for control of the station if we attempt to take it from them, luckily for them it is of little concern to us for now.” the Admiral stood with his hands over the railing on the raised platform.

“The Head Tech Priest wishes for an update on the Mars situation, shall he receive it?”

“Yes, of course, thank him as well for the support at Deimos so far.” the Tech Priests needed to be kept up to date on all information if they were going to establish an Imperial foothold.

“Admiral, we’ve received word that Captain Simiel’s forces have engaged Xenos forces.” an officer below the platform spoke up.

“Description, Lieutenant.”

“Machines, similar in shape and size to Necrons, but it’s believed to be a different race.”

“Must have something to do with what killed the humans here.” the Lord Lieutenant said angrily.

“Calm yourself, Lord Lieutenant, this race whatever they are will face the full wrath of the Emperor’s sword and shield.”



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Re: Multiverse Incident - Mars
« Reply #22 on: October 04, 2018, 08:09:16 AM »

USS Enterprise Bridge

With teams down on the planet’s surface, it was decided the Enterprise would conduct further sensor scans of Mars’ surface. The two human ships had agreed to remain in the general vicinity of the away teams in case extra help was needed.

As the basic physical features of Mars were the same, it didn’t take long to plot a search pattern.

“Ensign Nusih, break orbit and lay in the search pattern. Lieutenant Eiadia keep an eye out for any energy readings as well as geological features of interest.”

They were only a few minutes into the search when an alert popped up on Commander Akioka’s tactical station.

“Captain! Two ships just appears on sensors. Bearing 147 Mark 3. They do not match anything in our database, nor any of the new ships we’ve encountered near Titan. Although, stand by Captain.”

There was a pause in his report as he called down to Engineering.
=/\=Commander Stretlun, mind comparing some sensor data for me?=/\=

(Main Engineering)

The Denobulan was already moving to an open console as he tapped his combadge.
=/\=Sure thing. Send that data to console Delta 7. What am I looking at?=/\=

While he technically outranked the security chief, the two had a good professional relationship.
=/\=Tell me if you think the two sets of ships could belong to the same universe?=/\=

Aside from being chief engineer, his prior experience at Tucker Shipyards was an added bonus. Pulling up the scans, he compared energy signatures and general ship design.

=/\= Engineering to Bridge. The designs are different, but their energy signatures and hull composition share some common characteristics. In my opinion, there’s a strong likelihood the ships are related. =/\=

That was good enough of an answer for Sulu.
=/\= Thank you Engineering. Bridge out. =/\=

While she didn’t become Captain by playing it safe, Demora also knew a bit of caution could go a long way.
“Helm continue on present course and speed. Mr Akioka...”

Further orders were cut off by a new development.
“Ma’am, one of the newcomers is broadcasting on an open frequency. Putting it on speakers now.”

As the broadcast ended, they had to decide on a response.
“If there is a connection, the Victory or Dreadnaught will likely respond. Send the standard greeting and continue with our mission. However, keep an eye on our newcomers incase they turn out to be less than friendly.”

(USS Victory)

The ship had settled into a geosynchronous orbit a bit north of the landing zone. As the being known as Q had suggested, there were signs of an abandoned civilization on Mars. It was up to those on the surface to try and fill in the details.

The fighters were on standby to help deal with any threats, wherever they may arise. Colonel Huxley had left the bridge, which meant Lt Commander Kostjal had command of the bridge.

It had been less than five minutes since the scouting parties split up when a new contact appeared on sensors.

“Commander! Two new ships are closing from our starboard side.”

Pulling up the sensor data, Kostjal examined it from the Command Chair. Neither ship matched known designs in the computer records, but they certainly looked as if they belonged in a Stargate Fleet. Talk of other classes of ships had been dismissed as scuttlebut, but perhaps they hadn’t entered active service yet.

“Confirmed Lieutenant, maintain present position.”

A hail then came in from the larger of two ships, identifying themselves as the USS Ranger. They did call themselves the Tauri, which further suggested they were somehow connected to the SGC.

“Lieutenant Kedi, signal the Dreadnaught we’ll follow their lead. At the same time, be prepared for defensive action if needed,”



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Re: Multiverse Incident - Mars
« Reply #23 on: October 05, 2018, 08:12:24 AM »

<Rogue #1>

 Having the rear load door open made it easy for the extra's to board with them getting settled in quickly; to those from the Starfleet, Cate was more than aware that this form of combat transport may seem rather primitive yet like many things there are times when as the old adage tells you 'if it ain't broke don't fix it'. She often chided her fellow zoomies when they made joking remarks about the venerable C-130 which she had for a short time flown. First entering service with her Air Force a year after the USAF in 1956, they were still flying albeit with constant upgrades and replacements, though in essence still the same old ugly bird. No fighter aircraft had that kind of longevity, except perhaps for the Mig21.

 Rogue 1, like its twin Rogue 2 not far off to the right had the best of the best with its armament. Yes having been taken under the wing of the Stargate program they could have easily been retrofitted with a more up to date weapons system that might have been the pulse guns as fitted to the latest incarnations of the F-302; instead they were for tried and true with the 25mm Bushmaster canon in its turret using enhanced rounds, with two 7.62 MG's mounted either side. All could be now operated by a single gunner using a computer guided system whereby he or she needed only to use the acquisition ground radar then fire whichever weapon they chose.

 "Buckle in folks, the terrain here isn't exactly a paved highway." Cate called to those in back. "By the way I'm MacGregor, or Cate. Rank isn't important here I believe. And if one of you would like to warm the seat behind me, the WO position. You'll find the thing very user friendly by simply following the green screen in front of you; targets with be painted in red, cross hairs give you the lead then fire one or all three blue buttons." Quite simple indeed.

 She looked through the 38mm glass to her side, gave Rojin a wave as she radioed back to him. "That road ahead beyond the pipeline, there appears to be a small ravine dropping down below that cracker tower. If I wanted to ambush someone, that is where I would go. Rogue two, cover us at 100 meters, over."

"Copy that One. Moving into position." Came the reply.

 "Rojin, keep your buggies under our shadow, they won't see you coming." With a hushed whir Rogue One moved forward at around 30kph. Dust flew from its six wheels.

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Re: Multiverse Incident - Mars
« Reply #24 on: October 10, 2018, 05:53:24 AM »

<USS Ranger>

The Ranger and James Mattis approached carefully, lining up next to the Dreadnought and Victory.

"Commander, do we have anything on that name or those ships?" Anne-Laure asked without looking away from the viewport.

"Not that we know of. The HMS Victory was a -307 that was transferred to the Canucks for a minute before it was scrapped, back in '24 when the Brits tried to shove everything on Canada." George replied, "And these aren't -307s. Probably a more logical step up if you went -304 to -309."

"Thank you. I'm heading over with Colonel Koralova once we can. We'll talk to them and explain the situation." Anne-Laure explained.

"General, with all due respect, but this could be a trap." Scott protested, "I'd like to send you over with an armed escort." Which, Anne-Laure knew, meant he'd want to bring over his own men, with him in the lead.

"Thank you, Major, but no. If we don't recognize them, then they're from another timeline. Now which is the question, but if they're still friendly, then the first thing we do is warn them about Karl Mjolnir and his plans." Anne-Laure said. He had set it all up, the installation of officers who would go rogue and form the Imperial Brotherhood, the disastrous politics that flooded ships across the world so that they would be gutted when the creations of the Initiative, known only as the Enigma, slaughtered the Earth Fleet in 2023, and then ensured that China would lead a coalition to start World War Three in 2025. Only World War Three had failed to destroy Earth, and a CIA analyst assigned to SG-1 had found out Mjolnir's little secret...

"UNS Dreadnought, this is the USS Ranger. I would like to beam over with one of my officers. We do indeed have a lot to discuss." Anne-Laure said over the comms.


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Mars
« Reply #25 on: October 10, 2018, 06:03:16 AM »

{Capt. Nick Tyler}
{Cmdr. Brianna Steiger}
{Lt. Cmdr. Four of Six}
{Lt. Goran Tiv}
+Away Team

"Your course of action is ill-advised." Four warned the Captain coldly.

"Maybe they have an idea we didn't." Brianna said, and followed their lead. Unfortunately, the Starfleet officer was mistaken, they just did the same exact thing that they had done fleeing the unknown aggressors, just with far more gusto.

Now they were digging in with these soldiers, though brutish they may have seemed to the Starfleet Away Team.

"Yes, that was absolutely brilliant! Do you have any other bright ideas?!" The Tellariate Science Officer sneered before slapping his commbadge, "Tiv to Hornet. We need to buy some time. Do we still have any of those Breen cyrogenic warheads?"

Back on the Bridge, Nick looked over his shoulder to Tholin, who nodded after calling up the information.

"Yeah, we do." Nick replied.

"Then fire it on the following coordinates. We're awfully close, Captain, I'd rather not be snap frozen." Tiv said.

"Understood, Lieutenant. Orbital shot incoming." Nick said, "Mister Tholin, lock coordinates and fire."

"Warhead away." Tholin said after pressing the fire button on his console. The blue warhead streaked from the Hornet's saucer torpedo launcher and streaked towards the surface.

The building where the lifeforms were encountered was enveloped first in a bright light before instantly turned into ice that loudly popped and hissed.

"That just froze as close to absolute zero as possible. It won't hold, but it will buy us time. You're welcome." Tiv said.

"We need to warn the others. Captain, you seem to know your way around a warzone, so I'd say you should set up the perimeter and position your forces accordingly." Brianna said to the leader of this armed group.


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Mars
« Reply #26 on: October 11, 2018, 01:47:15 PM »

<UNS Dreadnought-Bridge>

 Watching events unfold below Lily held her breath when one of the newly allied ships launched a missile headed for the surface; she had her tech team follow and analyse its impact. "Impressive." She said as if watching the results of a students science experiment. Lily was like that, bordering on nonplussed concerning most things. Before answering the Ranger she sent a very quick memo to Bill on the Victory in text. "William. I am meeting with the commander of the Ranger. I'd like you to be here, or if that is unworkable we can conference it via video. Your choice." She left it at that.

 Back on coms to the Ranger she replied."Ranger from Dreadnought actual. Coordinate your beaming into the aft section of the bridge, I will be there to receive you over." She glanced down at the Navigator, tapping him on the shoulder. "Major you have the con while I go speak to these good folk. I'll be at the CIC section up aft."

 "Yes ma'am." The NAVO said without question, watching that fine tush go by. Damn why did women of the fleet always choose flight suits that were just a little on the tight side.

 It took all of three minutes to walk to the rear section, the CIC of the ship. (There was another auxiliary CIC as there was a bridge, four decks below to be used in case of battle damage.)

 @Troy @Cipherhornet18

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Re: Multiverse Incident - Mars
« Reply #27 on: October 17, 2018, 08:20:26 PM »

<Captain Simiel’s Company>

“I am Captain Simiel of the Imperial Guard, who are you?” If it wasn’t for the fact that they just temporarily froze the enemy army they wouldn’t be having this conversation.

Simiel tried to avoid giving the alien a death stare and tried to remain calm as they moved toward the exit where their tanks awaited them. Somehow these strange beings had just frozen the enemy, now they expected thanks, it wasn’t his place to decide how first contact should go, he’d inform command of the situation and if they should spare these ones they just rescued.

“Are these creatures responsible for the energy reading?” he asked as nicely as possible.

{Battlefleet: Armageddon}
{Admiral Orexus Dragonclaw}

A weapon had clearly been sent to Mars but from what he’d been told it had not targeted their troops. Clearly the others here had not shot at them and for this he felt slightly grateful.

“Send a Vox communication greeting the ships around us, let’s find out how they respond.” Of course if they didn’t respond at all it was of no consequence to him, but they seemed somewhat rational and so perhaps had earned that much.


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Mars
« Reply #28 on: October 18, 2018, 12:04:27 PM »

(USS Victory)

Thanks for the invite Colonel. I'll be over shortly with Warrant Officer Steward.

William considered changing back into his dress blues but decided against it. They were in the middle of field operations, it wasn't practical. Unless there was a formal event requiring the uniform, he wasn't going to keep switching outfits. Instead he remained in the two piece multi-cam uniform approved for use by flight crew. He found the two piece more practical for life on-board the Victory, although the fighter pilots still wore standard flight suits. As before he took Warrant Officer Steward along.

"You think we have counterparts in their universe?"

William shrugged at Kate's question.
"Hard to say. Guess we'll find out."

A minute later the two were standing on the CIC of the Dreadnought.

"Greetings again Colonel."

« Last Edit: October 19, 2018, 10:31:33 AM by Troy »


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Mars
« Reply #29 on: October 19, 2018, 11:16:26 AM »

Petty Officer Othil climbed into the APC along with several others from the Enterprise. None of the Federation members had anything like this, at least as far as he knew. Despite the unfamiliarity with the technology, the Andorian was impressed with the vehicle’s construction.

He wasn’t sure what WO stood for, but as the only security officer in the vehicle he wasted little time in settling into the seat. Not sure where to place his rifle, he handed it over to Creman Garza. The engineer had only been on the Enterprise a few months but was an agreeable fellow, for a Tellarite.
Listening to the brief explanation from Cate, he gave it a quick look over. The cross hairs were just as described, and the three blue buttons were easily located and reached.

“A few questions ma’am. Do I have control over the weapon’s aim, or is that handled by the driver? Also, does the middle button control the larger gun?”

It made more sense to him that he’d have control over the weapon, but even in his universe the Human design theories didn’t always match up with of Andorians.


Rojin surveyed the road that went past the pipeline and dropped down into the ravine. It was a logical place to scout. Both for engineering and scientific curiosity and military strategy.

“Shōri Alpha copies. I’ll take your left side and Shōri Beta will take the right.”

As the APC moved forward, the two dune buggies followed suite. A Marine sat underneath the gun emplacement ready to stand up and return fire if needed. Until then they would remain seated, but was trained to be in position in short order. The engineers and scientists from Starfleet sat in the middle, while one of their security guards sat on the outside edge of each dune buggy. They were wearing what appeared to be some form of light body armor and carried their rifles cross wise across their laps. Much like the Marines, they were ready to fight at a moments notice.
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