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Author Topic: Multiverse Incident - Mars  (Read 4261 times)


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Multiverse Incident - Mars
« on: July 14, 2018, 01:08:39 PM »

{Q - GM/Narrator}


"Mars. The red planet. Named for some ancient human deity that embodied war. Honestly, back in those days, humans weren't so dreary and boring. The Crusades weren't bad, and neither was Watergate. Where was I? Right, Mars."

"Right, so, once again, with our imbecilic pet we sent these humans...honestly, that was such a stupid idea. And I should know, I'm omnipotent. Anyways, the humans in this universe also teraformed Mars. Teraforming everything they could reach, it was like a plague of hubris and technology. If you're not able to live somewhere without changing the entire ecosystem, maybe that's a sign. But what do I know? I'm only omnipotent."

"Sorry, I'm getting off track again. Anyways, the humans mutated Mars, made it into a quaint little desert metropolis, aliens showed up to exterminate all of the humans and turned their metropolis into a wasteland and the surrounding deserts into fortresses and firebases...which turns out have nothing to do with fire. Unless you count when the infused humans tried to destroy them with explosions that involve fire. Oh who cares, they're all dead now. But what's waiting for us under the sands of all of this war and hubris? Let's find out, shall we?"



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Re: Multiverse Incident - Mars
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2018, 03:27:14 PM »

<Mars Orbit>

 >>UNS Dreadnought BB-16 to Enterprise>>


 <Briefing Room>

 Two women appeared in the briefing room, both for the occasion dressed in their respective service uniforms, the taller blonde in her dark blue RAAF winter day uniform, proudly displaying her full set of ribbons; the only one inch shorter darker blonde in her USAF Colonel's uniform of a lighter blue, with her own ribbons that were almost a match for the Australian's. William was already there ahead of them so that boded well.

 "Thank you for the reception." Lily began. "I've brought along my Air Group commander, Wing Commander Catherine MacGregor, I hope I haven't been presumptuous?"
 Cate stood slightly off to one side, taking in the surroundings. It was as she might have expected to see, mankind's advancements into the future. She absorbed it all, making mental notes and hoping at some point to meet with someone from their science division so an exchange of geekness could be applied. 


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Mars
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2018, 05:28:52 PM »

<Mars Approach>

{Battlefleet: Armageddon}
{Admiral Orexus Dragonclaw}

“This is heretical!” the fleet Chaplain of the Ecclesiarchy roared.

“We must travel to Holy Terra immediately and protect the Emperor.”

“Chaplain, logically the Emperor will not be on this universe‘s version of Terra.”

“How could this have happened, what if we are corrupted by Chaos!”

“Do not worry Chaplain, the Emperor even now has been shown to still guide our fleets as even now we gracefully approach Mars.” the Admiral replied trying to keep the leaders of the different parts of the Imperium calm in this troubled time.

“The non existence of the machine spirit of Mars is as big a concern as the loss of the Emperor is for you Chaplain but neither would wish for us to stray from our path, fortitude is what is expected of us.”

“I wouldn’t trouble yourself Chaplain, the Guard can and will take on this challenge like any other, this Xenos kidnapping will not go unpunished.” spoke the Adamant Colonel of the Imperial Guard.

“Thank you Colonel, if we are to survive I require each of your support and the support of your parties, the Imperial Navy cannot do this alone.”

“We are fast approaching Mars, this will provide us with the opportunity to find out more of what happened to the beings that once inhabited this universe, naturally we will claim whatever is left for the Imperium.”

“Make no mistake, we are going to get through this together, and then we will claim vengeance for having been brought here, Mars will be ours once more.” the Admiral was not about to be a push over for these heretics that they had detected were also headed for Mars.

<Admiral’s Personal Cabin>

After some time calming the leaders of the other parties that made up Battlefleet Armageddon the Admiral returned to his cabin for a small amount of rest before he was needed once more upon the bridge for the upcoming Mars operation. A simple buzz on his door alerted him to a presence outside his room that he had been awaiting for some time. Moving to the door he hit the button that opened it up wide revealing an Imperial Navy Lieutenant on the other side.

“Lieutenant Stephens, have you brought my report?” the Admiral asked the Abhuman Naval Lieutenant at his door.

The doors closed behind the Lieutenant as she simply stared determined and cold at the Admiral for a long moment. The Admiral looked back into her eyes for some sign of thought or emotion.

“I’m glad you’re safe.” the Lieutenant threw her arms around the large Admiral’s body.

“I’m glad you’re safe too.” The Admiral replied in kind wrapping his arms around the one he loved.

“I think we both thought we were warpbound for a few minutes.” he broke the hug and motioned the woman towards his bed before sitting upon it.

“Ashlae I wish I had more to tell you about where we are.” the Admiral looked over the pale skinned woman, most humans aboard the Imperial Navy were pale but he knew that Ashlae was no regular human and for this most of the Imperium would have rather seen her burned alive but he had quickly upon meeting her developed feelings, so much so that when he discovered the truth he had chosen to help her cover it up.

“Just tell me about the heretics and Xenos you’ve seen.” Ashlae wanted to hear what they were truly against.


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Mars
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2018, 03:43:57 AM »

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{Captain Nick Tyler}

The Avenger-class, on the surface, appeared to be a normal Starfleet vessel. It had the standard layout of a saucer section connected to an underslung engineering hull with two outboard warp nacelles. But the closer one looked at it, the more and more it became clear that the Avenger had been bred for war, not exploration. Even at 350 meters, it was a powerhouse, as it had been intentionally designed to be a more compact design, to better aid it in combat. It bristled with phaser emitters, quantum torpedo launchers, armor plating, and even had retractable armor plating over its warp nacelles, deflector dish and even parts of the observation ports were intended to be covered in combat. Clearly, Starfleet had been in a wartime footing where the Hornet came from. Or rather, more accurately, when.

The crew of the Hornet were no strangers to the Excelsior-class, or the USS Enterprise-B. The former was still in active service with reserve fleets in Starfleet, pending the Resolute refit project to modernize the class and put them back in frontline service. The latter was part of every Federation history book, starting with the final chapter of James T. Kirk's life. The Enterprise's Captain was also well known, a woman who had to rise up to the challenge of her father's legacy and then make her own mark in history. Even if the Enterprise-B was considered the "least" famous of the Enterprises, it had made a significant impact in its own way, and it was only by consequence that it had to be overshadowed by the Enterprise-A and her pantheon of heroes and the brave sacrifice of the Enterprise-C.

The presence of the Enterprise, any one of its line, was a good sign in the eyes of the Starfleet crew. They knew of the current flagship of Starfleet, the USS Enterprise-F, built almost a year after the USS Enterprise-E had been destroyed by the Undine, Species 8472.

"Approaching Mars Orbit, Captain." Four reported from her station.

"Looks like we've got the Enterprise, the two UNS ships, and the ships from that rather aggressive bunch." Tholin added from Tactical.

"Scans of Mars?" Nick asked, standing up from his chair and tugging down his jacket.

"Sensors are already picking up signs of abandoned settlements all around the surface. The largest concentration appears to be near Hellas Planitia. I'm also detecting dottings of structures that don't match the settlements in terms of layout or design." Brianna said, looking at the display next to her.

"There appears to also be a concentration of sporadic energy readings coming from the settlement there as well. I am also detecting shipwrecks in orbit, particularly in orbit of Phobos." Four added.

"I'm going to head over to the Enterprise and then I'll be back here. Commander, prep an Away Team, and make sure to bring some MACOs with you. We don't know what we're looking to run into down there. Especially if Q is involved." Nick said, "Don't send the Away Team until I'm back."

"Aye, Captain. Four, Tiv, you'll be with me. I'll bring along two MACOs and two more mission specialists. Lieutenant Tiv, get us someone from Xenobiology, and Four, have Doctor Robinson send us one of his medics." Brianna said.

"Yes, of course, Commander." Lieutenant Goran Tiv, the Hornet's Tellarite Chief Science Officer grunted. He was short, stocky, bearded, and usually had some verbal barb to offer, a trait of his people's. The fact he didn't have something to say meant he wasn't very happy about the situation.

"Four, you're with me. XO, you have the bridge." Nick said, and headed for the turbolift. Four was up from her Ops station and right behind him in an instant.

"Deck Five." Nick said, and the lift hummed down.

"What do you anticipate to run into on the surface?" Four asked.

"Nothing good." Nick replied simply.

He and Four were transported over to the Enterprise, where the gazes Four got were not because of her being a former Borg drone, but rather that no one on that ship had even heard of the Borg. They were escorted to the Enterprise's observation lounge, which had long since served as every ship's main briefing room.

The two women that were waiting were clad in antiquated (by their standards) Earth military uniforms. It had been well over 400 years since anyone on Earth wore those uniforms outside of a holodeck, and even then they looked different from the ones set in the mid 20th Century. Records got sketchier the closer that one got to the Eugenics Wars in the 90s or even the Third World War...

"Captain Nick Tyler, USS Hornet, United Federation of Planets Starfleet. This is my Chief of Operations, Lieutenant Commander Four of Six." Nick said, introducing himself and Four for the benefit of anyone who had yet to be introduced.

"Commander or Four is acceptable for brevity." Four added bluntly. Unlike the Admiral, who had been able to recover most of who she was prior to assimilation, Four had been in the Collective for far longer, and as a result, she was still more efficient with her words and tended to be very to the point in her mannerisms. Emotions were there, but not readily evident.


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Mars
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2018, 05:01:31 AM »

(USS Enterprise NCC-1701 B)
Considering the circumstance, protocol dictated raising shields and charging weapons. However, the ship was going to be receiving visitors from multiple ships so the shields would remain lowered for the time being. As he followed his Captain towards the turbolift, Commander Akioka gave his recommendation with the Captain's approval.
"Once all the dignitaries are safely aboard, raise shields. We still don't know who, or what, is out there waiting for us."
The Chief Engineer nodded from the center seat.
"Aye sir. In the meantime we'll start deep scans of Mars."
Even on the cursory scans, one could see multiple pieces of evidence that Mars was once inhabited.
The trio had just entered the observation lounge when Demora's comm-badge chirped.
"Captain Tyler of the Hornet is requesting permission to beam over.”
This was a little less surprising as it came from a fellow Starfleet Captain.
“Permission granted. Send him to the lounge upon arrival.”
The first people to show up were two humans from the ship called the Victory. Judging from their uniforms, they weren’t of the same service which was a bit odd. She recognized Colonel Huxley from Titan station, and he introduced the woman as Warrant Office Kate Steward of the Royal Navy. Next to arrive were two women. The first wore an almost identical uniform to William, but with a silver bird emblem instead of silver oak leaves. The other woman, had also been on the station. She stood off to the edge and appeared to be fascinated by what she saw.
“That’s acceptable Colonel. I think we both know the importance of a second or third opinion.

She had barely finished speaking when the doors once again swooshed open to reveal Captain Tyler and another officer. She appeared to have some sort of cybernetic implants which caught the attention of the Enterprise officers. While a few members of Starfleet used cybernetics, it was rare.
Introducing the visitors first, Demora then introduced those from her own crew.
“This is Lt Commander Evan Akioka. My Chief of Security and Tactical Officer. Next is my XO, Commander Xintal Linojj.”

When introductions were finished, she motioned for everyone to sit before getting to business.
“Colonel Radovic, you called this meeting. What did you want to discuss?””



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Re: Multiverse Incident - Mars
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2018, 09:20:20 AM »

<Mars Orbit>

 >>USS Enterprise>>


 <Briefing Room>

 "Captain, Lieutenant Commander." Lilly addressed the newcomers. "I'm Colonel Lilian Radovic United States Air Force, commander of the UNS Dreadnought that rather large dark grey beast you see out there." She noted that so far hers and the Victory were possibly the largest of the ships gathered so far, making her ponder that possibly like in her own time with the downsizing of computer technology that perhaps man in the future saw the same route taken with inter galactic ships. Although that could be attributed to the varying needs of each vessel. "My companions are Lieutenant Colonel William Huxley United States Air Force, commander of the Victory and Wing Commander Catherine MacGregor Royal Australian Air Force, the Dread's Air Group Commander." Thus, she hoped that might be the last of the introductions, but probably not. "Akioka, Linojj, a pleasure to meet with all of you. I suspect this grand meeting has been something of a surprise and education for all of us, certainly with my group having arrived here from your virtual past might have caused some amusing conversations among your crews." She made sure she had everyone's attention at this point.

"The purpose of my wishing to address you all is to bring together our combined assets into a cohesive fighting unit. With that in mind we all need to know what each of us has in the way of capability and how we can work together. Catherine." Lily held her hand at waist level to her CAW.

 "Thank you Colonel." Cate stepped forward. "As we have all taken note I suspect each of our ships are vastly different, I suppose the Galactica and Aegis are possibly the closest to our own technology; outside of those, the differences start to veer off immensely." At least visually. "The Dreadnought and Victory are in our time classed as Battleship Carriers. They are capitol offensive units carrying 64 air assets on each. The primary fighter craft are as we call both our earlier F-302s and the more advanced F-305s. There are 48 of those on each ship. Added to that we carry 16 combination attack and bomber craft that can also be utilized as drop ships for ground troops." She went on to describe the weaponry of the two ships as well as other assets such as beaming and the ring platforms, cloaking and shields. Cate concluded with numbers. "Each ship has a crew of compliment of around 350 to 500 personnel which includes the air wing, added to that are 800 marines. On board each ship we also have ground vehicles of various types...oh and on the Dread our marines have eight of their main battle tanks, we were on our way elsewhere in the galaxy when we were, diverted I suppose is the best way to describe how we all got here."

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Re: Multiverse Incident - Mars
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2018, 10:08:22 AM »

{Captain Nick Tyler}
{Lt. Cmdr. Four of Six}

<Observation Lounge, USS Enterprise-B>

"The USS Hornet is probably one of a few purebred warships in Starfleet service as of 2410. Our mandate wasn't for war, it was for exploration." Nick said, nodding to Captain Sulu, who likely had that question as soon as he said that, "The Avenger-class was designed with more in common with a Klingon Battlecruiser than a Starfleet vessel. She's fast, she's fairly agile, she's well armed. We use directed energy weapons, phasers, and a type of matter/anti-matter quantum-level plasma warhead, quantum torpedoes. These replaced photon torpedoes in Starfleet use by 2380 or so. Some older ships still use photon torpedoes."

"For the sake of brevity, it is simpler to skip the technical details and keep things straightfoward. The Hornet is fitted with a number of advanced systems, and the Avenger-class is one of a few Starfleet vessels that are authorized to be fitted with a cloaking device. Unfortunately, it is not as advanced as models used on Romulan warbirds or Klingon Birds of Prey. This means that we cannot cloak in the middle of a battle, the sudden shift in power would cause significant damage to our power grid. However, we can be of a further benefit, if you wish to release the means for us to connect to your ships' computers." Four said. Nick turned to her and then to the others.

"And that's why I have her along, she tends to just say what needs to be said without beating around the bush. Alright, so we have a very advanced computer system that we reverse engineered from the Tzenkethi, a race that we're kind of in a skirmish with in my time and universe. Their ships enhance each other in a fight by having one ship boost the processing power of ship computers in their fleet. There's a lot of tech behind it, but the long of the short of it is that it means that the temporary boost allows for much faster recovery of shields, better use of power to maximize weapon efficiency, and it can even better direct damage control parties. The bigger the fleet, the more effective it is. But Tzenkethi computers don't talk well to our computers, the process tends to bug out and shut down after a few minutes and we have to reboot it to get it going again." Nick explained.

"We do not have ground troops that you would know them as. That is a much too complicated subject to explain. However, on top of the Hornet's usual compliment of security personnel, we were transporting a small unit of MACO personnel. MACO was Military Assault Command Operations, a dedicated combat branch of Earth Starfleet in the 22nd Century. After the foundation of the Federation, MACO was disbanded and absorbed into Starfleet. However, by the Dominion War, this was deemed in error and MACO was re-established to act as Starfleet's elite combat operations unit. As of 2410, MACO is often at the forefront of many conflicts and battlefields. The Borg Collective's last estimate of MACO rated their combat effectiveness as 4.47% higher than normal Starfleet personnel. From the Collective, that is high praise." Four concluded with her remaining eyebrow, the one not covered in cybernetics, arching.


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Mars
« Reply #7 on: July 18, 2018, 05:34:31 PM »

{Battlefleet: Armageddon}
{Admiral Orexus Dragonclaw}

‘Orexus stay wary of the others.’ Ashlae had given him good advice in their short time together.

Standing back upon the platform in the middle of the bridge he oversaw the technical information coming in, sure enough there were ruins on the planet but they were not their own. The fact that others had come to Mars bothered him tremendously, they didn’t need interference.

“Orders Admiral?” asked the Lord Lieutenant also watching the information scroll before them.

“Ok, let’s get these operations under way, any word from the Colonel?”

“He reports a Lieutenant Domay and Captain Simiel are both ready for command of the beginning operations and have experience with establing the necessary landing zones that we will need.”

“I have chosen the required Tech priests that will be required for our tasks.” spoke the head Tech priest on the command bridge.

“Very good inform the Frigate Summit to veer off for Deimos and have Lieutenant Domay begin his operations immediately, the Emperor does not wish for us to hesitate.”

“Have Captain Simiel begin as soon as possible, we need to gather what information we can.”

As the Frigate Summit veered off towards Deimos the Gothic Cruiser Black Scale inched towards Mars ready to deliver fire support for the Guard that would soon be deployed.

“Emperor be with us all.”


The Tempest class Frigate Summit moved into the orbit of Deimos warily, too many sensor readings from the fleet alongside the Admiral’s testament of the Xenos that had brought them here spoke truly the death and defeat of the humans that had once lived in this Star system.

Lieutenant Dormay had already seen countless human settlements torn apart by alien filth and he had no intention of seeing himself or his fellow guardsmen dying out here for the whim of some Xenos’s idea of a joke. The command Arvus Lighter took off with the others in the hangar, they were headed for Deimos with the intention of determining if it would suit their needs.

“As soon as we’re down I want our landing site clear, the idea here is to establish a beachhead, I expect all of you to work effectively.” to Dormay the thought that Deimos wasn’t around Saturn anymore was an utter cosmic joke.


The first major ground operation of Battlefleet Armageddon was to be headed by none other than Captain Simiel, a great honour for the Colonel to give him this task but a lot of responsibility to be sure. The Arvus’s accompanied by two Pegasus Landers made their way down to the desert landscape below that reminded them of their homeworld of Armageddon.

“We’re approaching a colony, no different to any other world, we will move into the urban zone with Mechanised support.”

“Our mission is to secure the area and find out just what happened to the humans of this world, stay close and call out when you find something.” no need to mention that Mars would be important to the future of retaking the entire system.

The Arvus Lighter dropships touched down deploying the small army of just over a hundred and forty soldiers. The Imperial Guard were known throughout the galaxy as the most numerous of fighting forces and though they were nowhere as augmented or well equipped as the glorious space marines they were no less determined to prove themselves to the Emperor.

Simiel watched as the Pegasus Landers lowered their two loads to the desert ground before releasing them. The two metal boxes collapsed outward releasing two battle ready Chimera personnel carriers.

“Let’s move it!” yelled a Lieitenant getting his platoon organised.

“Sir, yes sir!” replied a sergeant pushing forward with his squad.

“We march for the nearby human settlement!” Simiel had no idea what the Imperial Guard was to expect but securing any nearby human urban zones seemed like a good start.


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Mars
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2018, 06:01:03 AM »

When his counterparts finished speaking, William interjected specifics about how the Victory differed from the Dreadnaught.

" In terms of specifications our two ships are of the same class with the same capabilities. However, we do not have any tanks to add to the fight. What we do have is several ground to air weapons including rail guns and missile batteries, along with some artillery pieces. Even though it’s too early to tell how they will be used, they are available for deployment with only a short notice. "

Sulu and the other other Enterprise officers listened as the two women from the Earth ship gave a run down of their ship’s capability. Demora was pleased by their willingness to work together despite the unusual circumstances they found themselves in. She didn’t know much about the universe from which they came, but it was obvious they knew the importance of making alliances. Of the four members from the Victory and Dreadnought there were members of three different nations’ militaries.
The idea of a carrier ship was something the Federation and Starfleet had never fully pursued, but that didn’t negate their usefulness. As she started off her career as a helm officer before switching to the Command track, Demora would defer to Commander Akioka on the finer points of tactical operations.
   Hearing the commander mention a cloaking device came as a surprise to the Enterprise crew, especially as the Federation had just recently signed a treaty with the Romulans banning the development of cloaking devices. While the Klingons sided with the Federation during the Tomed incident, they still weren’t willing to share cloaking tech. Of course, a lot could change in one hundred years. The Tzenkethi was another note of interest. They were a race the Federation had a strained relationship with. Thankfully it hadn’t developed into armed conflict. At least not by 2311.

“Captain Tyler, I’m sure your database hold information on our specs, but I’ll skim over them for our other friends here. The Enterprise-B is an Excelsior class starship, and is currently the most powerful class starship in Starfleet. Capable of holding faster than light speeds for several days, the Enterprise is designed to operate in deep space for extended periods of time without the need to return to a starbase. Our crew compliment is around 700, made up of some of the best Starfleet and the Federation have to offer. We have six transporters dedicated for personnel, and other three for cargo.  She’s the fourth Starfleet vessel to bear that name, the third since the Federation was founded.

There was a bit of understandable pride in her last statement. Especially under Pike and Kirk the Enterprise name became famous, and the Enterprise continued to be a choice posting. Commander Akioka took over the next part of the briefing, acting in his role as Tactical officer.

  “Four years ago we went through a refit, with many key systems being upgraded. Even those that weren’t were gone over with a fine tooth comb. Like the Hornet, our main purpose is exploration but it can be a dangerous mission. To that effect we are quite capable of defending ourselves. Multiple phaser banks give us almost complete coverage, with six torpedo launchers adding to our firepower. Despite not having a dedicated ground force, we do have a capable security team aboard. No fighters, the shuttles are primarily used for transport. Once everyone returns from their scouting missions, I recommend we get a general feel for everyone's combat abilities and divide into smaller fleets from there.”

Demora nodded at the last statement.
“Agreed, and the Enterprise stands ready to act as lead for one of those smaller fleets.”


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Mars
« Reply #9 on: July 24, 2018, 08:27:43 AM »

{Captain Nick Tyler}
{Lt. Cmdr. Four of Six}

<Observation Lounge, USS Enterprise-B>

"Hornet to Tyler." Brianna's voice came over Nick's commbadge. He turned slightly and tapped it.

"Go ahead, XO." Nick replied.

"Captain, the ships of that rather aggressive bunch have already put out landing craft and are heading for the surface. Looks like they're focusing on the large settlement." Brianna said. Nick scowled.

"...did they say anything or are they running separate ops?" Nick replied.

"Looks like they don't care to coordinate ops, Captain." Brianna commented.

"Understood. I'm returning to the ship, I'm not really keen on what they're doing. Their CO didn't seem too thrilled to even be here, or strike me as a team player. Tyler out." Nick turned and faced the others in the room, "Our "friends" have decided to start the expedition without us. We should get Away Teams on the ground, I'm not sure we can trust their intentions quite yet."

"They do not appear to have any interest in cooperation, and only Q's threat has kept them from taking hostile action." Four commented.

"Tyler to Hornet. Two to beam up." Nick said, and the two of them wer beamed back to the Hornet.

<USS Hornet - Transporter Room>

As soon as they were back, the Away Team quickly changed into their excursion/tactical fatigues, better optimized for use in hostile situations. They also had tricorders, hand phasers, and phaser rifles. Lessons from the Federation-Klingon War that started in 2405 saw Starfleet Away Teams beaming down with more weapons per standard operating procedures.

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A pair of MACOs also joined the Away Team, clad in their full MACO armor and armed with their specialized Phaser Rifles.

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<Mars Surface>

The surface of Mars was a desert wasteland, a light wind was blowing but the heat was higher than expected for a planet further away than Earth. If anything, it reminded Brianna a bit of Vulcan, except not quite as unbearable for her. Four pulled out her tricorder and began scanning, as did Tiv and the Xenobiologist, Ensign Paulson.

"Many of these structures are buried miles down, I would speculate the sandstorms were regulated away from the city. There are also signs of conflict, but they are very old." Four commented.

"Any lifesigns?" Brianna asked.

"Not past our so-called friends. I am picking up energy readings ahead, in one of the structures." Tiv said, pointing to a large structure ahead of them.

"Let's go." Brianna replied, taking the lead as she drew her hand phaser.


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Mars
« Reply #10 on: July 24, 2018, 08:53:39 AM »

 <Briefing Room>

 "I concur." Lily told them, she wasn't all too pleased that in this rather random assortment of people who for the want of any other word or description, should be allies even if loosely deemed by the term. She watched two go, which still left a larger bulk. "I wish he had of waited, still we can catch them on the surface. We have on board among our surface vehicles several suitable for ground surveillance, they're modified infantry fighting vehicles to be precise and though the main weapon is still in place, within we have installed all the technology required. Ground penetrating radar in that eclectic mix. We can take up to eight plus the two crew." It made more sense to her really, especially with them not knowing what they may possibly face on foot. 

 Cate looked at all of them, she'd heard what those from the Hornet had said which made her shake her head. "Yeah well I guess you get that from folks that didn't even come to the party. Look I know this is terribly primitive compared to what you all are used to, but you know some times old school can keep you alive. To what Colonel Radovic told you, those ASLAVs can be carried in our drop ship, which is heavily armed. She can after the disembark take off and be aerial cover for us."

Life is a dream — that knows no shade.
Life is a dream — of pain and woe.
A dream from which — we pray to wake.
A dream from which — we wake and go


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Mars
« Reply #11 on: July 24, 2018, 10:38:04 PM »

{Battlefleet: Armageddon}
{Admiral Orexus Dragonclaw}

“The Summit reports that deployment is underway.” the Lord Lieutenant had to admit the Guard forces were proving quite resilient.

“The others here are conspiring together, no doubt they will combine their ground forces.” heretics always fell under the one banner sooner or later.

“Should we alert Captain Simiel of this potential threat?”

“He is among the best of the best, how he chooses to deal with the situation is up to him, we should be more concerned about this Xenos race that slaughtered the original inhabitants.” Orexus knew as much as these heretics defied the Emperor they were in fact not a part of Chaos and were as such a low priority.

“We will await further word from Captain Simiel, whatever it may be.” Orexus was wise enough to know that rushing in blindly would only endanger them all.


The Chimera’s treads churned through the sand as it made its way to the city buried in the sands. Simiel marched along with his fellow soldiers realising that this was mars, perhaps not there own yet it was a fascinating sight none the less. His forces blended in well with the sands of Mars and their homeworld had suffered its own share of potential world ending invasions. In a way this mission touched them all on a far more personal level, a desire to purge the Xenos that did this was burning within.

“Captain, our readings show some form of energy in this direction.” said a combat engineer pointing towards a building in the distance.

“Seems like as good a place as any to find out more about what happened here.” Simiel hadn’t been officially told but he assumed command was going to do more with this city depending on what they found.

“We’re bound to have company soon, this world is ours, make sure you act like you know it.” if the other humans were going to join them then it was fate that they would meet soon.


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Mars
« Reply #12 on: July 28, 2018, 03:36:42 AM »


William nodded in agreement at his counterpart's plan.
"Our vehicles aren't equipped with ground penetrating RADAR, but are certainly available for use. They're basically a dune buggy, but can hold eight plus the driver. They are lighter and smaller than the ASLAV vehicles. We also have a couple armored vehicles if the need arises."

Demora had a few more things she wanted to discuss with Captain Tyler, but the intel regarding the other group caused everyone to move up their timeline a bit. On the other hand, she was glad those from the other human ships were willing to share technology and work together.
"Sounds like a plan. I recommend we meet up on the other side of the city from where the others are. Want to avoid sparking a conflict, plus perhaps we can discover something before they ransack their way across the city."


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Mars
« Reply #13 on: July 28, 2018, 08:32:46 AM »

{Cmdr. Brianna Steiger}
{Lt. Cmdr. Four of Six}
{Lt. Goran Tiv}
+Away Team

The search took them into a structure that led to a massive remains of a foyer, but disturbingly, there were no signs of life, just sand and ruined technology.

"This does not make sense. For this many inhabitants, why are there not even signs of decaying corpses." Four asked, sweeping her tricorder around.

"Yeah, doesn't make much sense, does it? Almost like everyone got up and left and let the planet retake the place." Tiv added with a grunt, also sweeping his tricorder around. The MACOs made their way slowly, along with the Away Team, their phaser rifles up and sweeping.

"Commander, there appears to be a passage to a lower portion of this structure. Perhaps even the city that was buried. This way." Four took the lead.

"Are the energy readings coming from there?" Brianna asked as she fell into step along with Four. The other woman nodded.

"Yes. I cannot get a fix as to how far away, but they are in that direction." Four replied.

Venturing further down, parts of the facility were remarkably well preserved, but still yielded no information on the previous inhabitants.

"Commander, I'm starting to get some new readings here. Bio matter of some kind, might be something of an experiment?" Ensign Paulson commented.

"One thing at a time, Ensign. But we'll get some scans when we come back." Brianna cautioned. The younger man nodded. Lights were sporadic the further they went, requiring the MACOs to activate their helmet floodlights and for the away team to attach shoulder mounted flashlights from their excursion gear. But the signals continued to come from further into the facility.

"I believe this was some sort of mass transit system." Four commented as she continued to follow the signals from her tricorder.

"What ever it is, ma'am, it's giving me the creeps being so dead." Paulson said.

"The lack of corpses is becoming even more disconcerting, Commander." Tiv said.

"Yeah. I'm starting to think whatever Q sent us to fight, we're not as prepared as we think we are." Brianna said, "I hope to hell I'm wrong, though."

The crew of the Hornet had faced down the Klingons, Romulans, Borg, Undine, Voth, Iconians and Tzenkethi, they were used to adversity, they had all lost someone near to them at some point, but gained a new family aboard their ship in the process. There would come a day where peace really would come, and the crew of the Hornet would not have to fight, but that day had not yet come.

"The signals are coming from in this area. I recommend we split up." Four said. Brianna nodded.

"MACOs, cover the exit. Four, you're with me. Tiv, take Paulson. Let's go." Brianna ordered.

The two groups made their way around the area, poking around each nook and cranny trying to chase down the source. Paulson was following one, no a cluster, near some collapsed duct work. The young xenobiologist spotted a vent cover and began to pry it off by hand. It popped off easily, and what happened next, he was completely unprepared for. All he could do was scream.

Small metallic devices, creatures maybe, jumped out of the vent and began to crawl on him, their red glow growing brighter. The Ensign let out a scream as he tried to get them off of his body, throwing one that had grabbed onto his right arm, and was trying to pull the one off of his torso when he felt a sharp pain in his back, the third jabbing its needle like nose appendage into his back.

Tiv was the first to arrive, drawing his hand phaser. He swiftly shot the one that Paulson had thrown off of him, the beam shattered the creature into pieces and pale pink liquid goo. Paulson screamed again as the one on his torso also stabbed him, and he felt like he was being inflated as they injected him with something. He turned to Tiv, who was trying to get a clear shot.

"HELP MEbluhhh..." Paulson began to have growths take shape all over his body, like slimy tumors, before he fell onto the sand and before Tiv's eyes, the Ensign was turned into a mass of goo that the creatures started to suck into sacs before Tiv shot them both. By this time, Four and Brianna had arrived, weapons drawn. Brianna let out a gasp as she saw the remains of Ensign Paulson, a pink goo in a Starfleet uniform.

Four holstered her phaser and drew her tricorder, scanning over the remains while Brianna and Tiv kept watch for any more of the creatures.

"It appears that whatever these creatures did, Ensign Paulson was broken down into base elements. This biomass is, simply put, the base of a human lifeform." Four said.

"Those damned things tried to harvest it as soon as they were done with him." Tiv said, pointing with his phaser at the remains of the creatures. Four scanned them as well.

"Commander. I think I can postulate with a high degree of accuracy what happened to the inhabitants. They were broken down, alive or dead, and repurposed by these creatures. The metal appears to be largely drawn from numerous sources, including some from the structures here, but they appear to use the biomass drawn from lifeforms for...well, I'm not sure. But I believe this is what Q was alluding to when he said that these beings consumed all in their path. Not even the Borg would go this far." Four said.

"I've seen enough. Let's get out of here." Brianna slapped her commbadge, "Stieger to Hornet."

Only static replied. She tried again, but still nothing.

"Commander, we're several hundred meters underground. We need to..." The Tellarite was interrupted by something moving. Something metallic was smashed, and three creatures made their way towards the Away Team.

"Go! Back to the surface!" Brianna called out, drawing her hand phaser and firing. The blast knocked one of the creatures back but only from the force of the impact, not any actual damage. The creature raised the device in its right arm up and began to fire blue energy blasts in a rapid fire fashion. The MACOs raised their rifles and began firing on another one. Together, they blew off parts of the creature's armor plating, exposing more of the biomass.

Four raised her hand phaser and fired at the exposed mass at a higher than normal setting. The creature let out a half-organic/half-metallic shriek before collapsing, the lights it emitted fading. As it did, several vents smashed open all around them, and more of the small creatures, the harvester types, began to swarm out. Another two of the larger creatures also joined the fight.

The Hornet's Away Team fled back the way they came, firing their phasers as they retreated to try and stop the creatures they had just stumbled upon, until finally reaching the entrance to the labs. Spotting a girder holding up a mass of sand and debris, Four fired at it and the girder gave, dropping an obstacle between them and the swarm. By the time they made it to the foyer, they were no longer being pursued.

But all around, they could hear some kind of call echoing in the city. Half metallic, half organic.

Whatever had just happened, in the half hour they had been underground, they had awoken the beings Q had sent them to fight. And soon, it wouldn't just be the Hornet's Away Team that had to face these things.


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Mars
« Reply #14 on: July 29, 2018, 08:15:42 AM »


The sands of Deimos stretched far and wide from where Lieutenant Dormay stood overlooking with his binoculars. Regardless the moon was suitable for what they needed and already construction processes had begun. From high above them the Summit remained above as containers carrying simple buildings required for an outpost fell as if from the heavens themselves. Dormay’s men’s orders were simply to begin constructing fortifications and a settlement for the Imperial Guard’s operations.

“Sir, the headquarters is ready and the Summit is ready to deliver its next load of reinforcements to the surface.” a Sergeant said accompanied by his squad of Guardsmen.

“Very good Sergeant, see to it that our Mechanised support arrives soon, and let’s get those shelters up fast.” there was no way of telling what would happen if they weren’t fast enough.

“The Tech Priest’s have reported that they demand landing pads be established for safer transport of our technology.”

“Of course, report to the Summit and make sure we get everything we need, we’re going to need a hangar shortly enough.” air support would speed construction methods up to a far higher standard.

Taurox trucks drove by escorting a Chimera heading out to establish a further out listening post. “I wonder how our forces on Mars are faring.”

<Captain Simiel’s Company>

The Imperial Guard had found the location of the energy signal at last, the desert coloured Soldiers surrounded and moved in on the main entranceway keeping the two Chimera’s in the back. Captain Simiel repositioned his cap as he moved forward and examined the structure with his own eyes, it was what he expected from humanity, the building of giant magnificent structures was something they were good at.

“Sergeant Borrimon your squad takes the lead.” they had to find out what was inside.

“Sir, yes sir.” Borrimon and his squad of the standard ten Guardsmen moved up entering into a darkened foyer.

“Lieutenant Preston, Sergeant Kalen, your squads accompany me.” with that Simiel holding his own

Moving into the foyer with his Las Lock up and aimed, the weapon being a shorter ranged high powered burst archaic variant he and the other Guard secured the area.

“We will move in and secure the deeper levels and-.” a shrieking of metal and life began drilling into their skulls.

A squad of humans not of the Imperium stepped out looking like they were in quick haste. The sounds began to come from every direction, especially deeper inside.

 Simiel simply looked at the strange beings and opened his mouth. “What have you done?”

{Battlefleet: Armageddon}
{Admiral Orexus Dragonclaw}

“Reports state that our forces have approached and have begun securing one of the structures on the surface, they say that they’re investigating an energy signature.” the Lord Lieutenant sounded himself quite curious as to what the guardsmen would find.

“Tell them to keep communicating, we should know shortly what it is they have found.”

“I do believe the others here will eventually deploy their own forces.”

“We won’t get in their way for now, I’m sure that the Mechanicus will not be so forgiving however.” the Mechanicus’s ties to Mars were strong as their ties to the immortal god Emperor.
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