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Author Topic: Multiverse Incident - Venus  (Read 2474 times)


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Venus
« Reply #15 on: October 18, 2018, 12:21:24 PM »

Apex Mine

Their counterparts were proving to be more than just a bunch of mercenaries. While they were glad for help in this mysterious reality they ended up in, it was nice to know they had some skills more than just shooting things.

Mellor considered the possibility there was something more sinister in the mine shaft.
"Hard to say without more information. As for time."

He paused as an idea came to him.

"Rommy can you calculate the difference between time on Earth and Venus?"

The Android nodded.
"Six earth years would be equal to 9.7 years on Venus. The other way is a bit more complicated. Six and half years on Venus is around four years on Earth. At this point, I don't have enough data to know which one is more likely.

She scanned the air around her.
"I'm not detecting any known chemical agents or residue, but that doesn't mean there wasn't something. Does that help your theory at all?"

Bowsy 112

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Re: Multiverse Incident - Venus
« Reply #16 on: October 23, 2018, 10:28:31 AM »

SPARTAN CORPS Green Team (Taken 2558)
SPARTAN II Sierra 112. Master Sergeant  George.
SPARTAN III Beta 091. Petty Officer First Class. Lucy
SPARTAN III Beta 292. Petty Officer First Class. Tom
SPARTAN IV Ronald Sykes. Gunnery Sergeant
UNSC ONI Artificial Inteligence. Alexis.

George shrugged. "The issue is all of our gear. Ours, and Yours." He said nodding to the android to make sure his point was clear. With out being rude. "Is set to our own universes. They could use some unknown nerve agent that we cant detect." He said inside his helmet he was blinking his way through menu's trying to find something. anything that they could use, he wasnt worried about chemical weapons they often dissapated not long after an initial attack, he was more concerned with what else could be here. "We dont even know how long its been since this place was evacuated with out a touch stone date. Again just because that tablets recorded history is six years, dosnt mean its unrecorded history couldnt be decades. Did Q give us a time line?" He said as he continued to look around.
"Because we are fast running out of options apart from going deep in to the mine and finding out whats all the way at the bottom."


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Venus
« Reply #17 on: October 25, 2018, 10:54:33 AM »


There wasn't much for Dylan to do aboard the ship while he waited for the team to report from the planet's surface. Scans were being run almost continuously, with Andromeda keeping an eye for any major changes.

At one point a message came in from the others on the ground.

"Ares Six-One reporting in. We're moving into the city. My AI has us pushing on some of the energy signatures there."

Glad to have something to do, Dylan responded.
"Andromeda copies Ares Six-One. Let us know if we can be of any assistance."

Apex Mine

Their Spartan counterparts brought up a good point, but wasn't something there was a definitive answer to. Rommy reviewed all information she'd gathered since their arrival.

"Dylan didn't mention any exact time frame. If the rate of decay on the buildings is any indication, the longer time frame is more likely. If we're to continue exploring the mine we cna either search the rest of the office or check out the mine itself. You're correct there are threats we can't detect, but that's risk we'll have to weigh"

As it was something he'd been mulling over himself, Tyr spoke up.
"I say we push forward. With the exception of Brauk & Mellor the rest of us have a good chance of surviving any harsh environment. Nietzschens & Magog are very hard species and Trance has proven to be a survivor in several incidents that would kill a human.  Plus we all have respirators if the need arises."


Bowsy 112

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Re: Multiverse Incident - Venus
« Reply #18 on: November 18, 2018, 10:31:51 AM »

SPARTAN CORPS Green Team (Taken 2558)
SPARTAN II Sierra 112. Master Sergeant  George.
SPARTAN III Beta 091. Petty Officer First Class. Lucy
SPARTAN III Beta 292. Petty Officer First Class. Tom
SPARTAN IV Ronald Sykes. Gunnery Sergeant
UNSC ONI Artificial Inteligence. Alexis.

George gave a slight nod of his head.
"Then I say we go deeper in to the mine. If we can find a direct way to the bottom it would be worth sending a Recon that way, nothing worse than taking the long way just to deal with a fighting retreat all the way back up." he said with a small shrug.


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Venus
« Reply #19 on: November 27, 2018, 10:50:28 AM »

Apex Mine

Tyr turned to his companions.

"I'm in agreement with the Master Sergeant Is there a way into the mine without walking the whole distance?"

Mellor scrolled through the information on the tablet.
"There's a tram that takes us into the mine to a series of elevators. The one shaft goes almost two and a half kilometers below the surface. Most the others aren't deeper than one and a half kilometers. No indication as to which mine shaft had the issues. If we do go in, I suggest we start with the shallower mine shafts."

Bowsy 112

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Re: Multiverse Incident - Venus
« Reply #20 on: December 01, 2018, 10:46:05 AM »

SPARTAN CORPS Green Team (Taken 2558)
SPARTAN II Sierra 112. Master Sergeant  George.
SPARTAN III Beta 091. Petty Officer First Class. Lucy
SPARTAN III Beta 292. Petty Officer First Class. Tom
SPARTAN IV Ronald Sykes. Gunnery Sergeant
UNSC ONI Artificial Inteligence. Alexis.

Lucy held up a hand. She often did, being mute for almost a decade meant she wasn't very verbal. Instinctively George cleared his throat to get peoples attention. He wasn't interrupting anybody but it was more a case of making sure his sort of second in command was heard.
"It could be more strategic, to send teams to all at once." Her voice was still quiet, even if her helmet speakers amplified it even their new friends could hear her hushed tone.
"What you thinking Lucy?" Asked Ron as he popped his helmet for the first time. Revealing the fact that though seven feet tall, he looked like a regular man, dark skinned good smile, black goate and short cropped hair.
"Well... If we all go to the shallow level, and are forced to leave, and what we need is on the deepest level, we may never get a chance to retrieve it." George nodded as he looked to Taer. But before he could say anything Tom spoke up.
"She dose have a knack for finding things in hidden places sir." He was speaking to Taer. He said Sir, he had learned never to call George that, Marine Corp's tradition, a little like the use of full rank. Most the time. George shrugged.
"if you want. My team can go to the deepest level and we can rendezvous back here." he checked a clock on his HUD.
"Two hours?"


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Re: Multiverse Incident - Venus
« Reply #21 on: December 17, 2018, 01:11:54 PM »

Apex Mine

Taer continued to be impressed by the tactical prowess of their armored companions.

"While we don't know exactly what we're looking for, I agree there is no reason to send all of us to one location. We'll start the clock once we reach the actual mine entrance."

Leaving the HQ, it wasn't too difficult to locate the tram. The ride to the mines took close to half an hour. Stepping off, the team surveyed their surroundings.

"From what I can tell, there's no obvious structural damage to the mine. Rommie, what you your scans show?"

The Android was already processing her scans before Mellor asked her opinion on the mine.
"Agreed, there does not appear to be any structural damage. Nor am I picking up any known dangerous gases present. It is my opinion it is safe to proceed. Master Sergeant George shall we start our timers?"
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