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Re: The Multiverse Incident - Story
« Reply #30 on: July 09, 2018, 04:02:16 PM »

 As more appeared Cate glanced over to the woman she had met a few minutes ago, noticing that an older man in a similar uniform arrived not long after. They were conferring with another fellow in the same uniform so that made at least two ships from their fleet and with the addition of what she saw out the huge bay windows fronting them, that was a lot of fire power. Someone really needed sorting out with that kind of arsenal. Still the question remained on her mind, if this Q was so all powerful, reminding her of some type of mischievous Ancient, why couldn't just blitz them himself? "I imagine we are at his disposal, Q I mean. Still my instincts are telling me that this intergalactic, inter-dimensional soiree is going to end badly for someone. Let's hope all the players here can keep cool heads; yes let's see him and then I'll introduce you to the woman over there, the blonde with the two senior officers." Cate waited for William to lead off, she wasn't in the best of moods to play 'nice meeting you stranger' today.

 Kara felt like a fifth wheel as both men appeared to be in a huddle, yet she stood her ground listening, listening to all around her so she could get a feel for any that might cause conflict, the latest arrival seemed to be just the type to do that when she looked over at him. She thought oh well, might as well be her to smooth the waters. "Excuse me sirs." She told both of them as she moved away to the newcomer.

 "We're all in the same boat so to speak. That word Tera'gnans, what does it mean?" She began speaking to him before anything untoward may happen. "Major Kara Thrace, Galactica and the war you are wishing for as I understand it is to be pointed at someone else, we're all waiting for a man calling himself Q to tell us more."

 @Troy @Veteran52

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Re: The Multiverse Incident - Story
« Reply #31 on: July 10, 2018, 02:36:15 AM »

{Captain Nick Tyler - UFP Starfleet, USS Hornet}
{Lt. Cmdr. Allyson McMillan - Systems Alliance Marines/MAC-I ARES}
{Commander Jason Hanley - Colonial Navy, BS 121 Aegis}
{Vice Admiral Sabine Locke/Five of Six - UFP Starfleet, USS Archangel}

<U/I Space Station, Titan Orbit>

"I wasn't sure if Cain survived or not, but to be honest, from where I stood, I had much larger priorities at Scorpio. And as far as I'm aware, we're all in the dark, just they know who it was who brought us here. For now, I suggest we play along, but..." Jason hesitated, not sure how to bring up what he wanted to say when Admiral Five spoke again.

"A prudent suggestion, Captain Sulu. We don't know what we're up against, and to over-extend our forces here is not the best idea. And welcome, Commander. We are all here against our will, and I would advise against opposing the being who brought us here for now." Five said.

"Both the Tico and Normandy are Stealth Frigates from my timeline, ideal for covert insertions, and I suspect we both have competent ground parties. We've got some punch in a ship to ship fight but not our strong suit." Allyson suggested, trying to get the conversation flowing back in the direction that Captain Sulu had helped her with, establishing a course of action.

"The Hornet has her own detachment of MACOs, I know the Incepteris has Romulan Tal Prai'ex commandos." Nick offered, "But any Starfleet vessel out there will be able to conduct exploration and combat fairly easily."

"...not the point I was getting at, sir. But we can talk later." Jason looked to the others, "I have a contingent of Marines on hand, but our strengths will likely lay with ship-to-ship combat and fighter support. We still have plenty of Vipers and Raptors."

"Perhaps we should assemble three groups. One for each location, Mars, Venus, and the Asteroid Belt. The rest of the fleet will remain here to establish defenses and determine the capabilities of this space station." Five replied.

"Q mentioned a facility on the surface of Titan and that it's an ocean of liquid methane. I think maybe we should take that as a fourth option, put together a survey team to check that out as well." Nick suggested.

"Then we shall break into four groups, adding in Titan itself. Our presence in this area cannot have gone unnoticed, so we should regroup with our vessels and make a decision. In one hour's time, we should have a decision made and execute our plan. Take this time to bring your respective crews up to speed. The Archangel will provide matter transport for anyone who does not have auxiliary craft to return them to their home ship." Five said.
When Nick returned to the Hornet, he was already happy to see the Incepteris, and more specifically, Commander Kollis. Through the Iconian War, the two of them had grown extremely close, to the point they were carrying on a secret relationship. While he likely figured Q was toying with him by bringing her here, it was some degree of solace. The other vessels that had regrouped with the Hornet were a surprise.

The advanced Aventine-class was actually Terran Empire, the ISS Dauntless, but he knew the captain well enough to know they were in no danger. Arleigh Grant was a Temporal Agent, recruited from the NX-16 ISS Dauntless, and had been introduced to him during the Na'Kul's temporal meddling shortly after the disaster that killed their home system's star. While just as ruthless and cunning as any Terran, Agent Grant was also smart enough to know when to be subtle and apply brains over brawn.

The Ranger-class was a mid-23rd Century designed vessel, as obvious from the smooth and rounded shapes favored by such ships as the original USS Enterprise NCC-1701, before her refit. But the USS Aegis was anything but, and Agent Grant knew exactly why and was eager to explain; the Aegis' Captain was another Temporal Agent, Felicia Taylor, who worked closely with the Agent known as "Daniels". And the disturbing part to Nick was that between two Temporal Agents, neither knew what to expect or what was going on.

For the time being, when the call came back from the Admiral to assign ships, the decision was made to send the Hornet to Mars, the Incepteris to the Asteroid Field, and leave the Aegis and Dauntless here.

Helpfully, a UT-47 Kodiak shuttle was already waiting from the Ticonderoga for Allyson in the hangar bay, which had become a little more busy despite how empty it was. Within a few minutes, she was back on the Ticonderoga to brief her crew and Shepard's crew on the Normandy. Evidently, she was pulled from just after the last mission of the ship after saving the galaxy from the Collectors, so Allyson had the dubious and unfortunate honor of telling the Hero of the Alliance that no one listened until the Reapers had arrived.

It was at least good news to tell the former Cerberus crew of the Normandy that their leader, the Illusive Man, had lost his own way and was likely Indoctrinated by the Reapers, turning his own soldiers into mind controlled husks. Cerberus were pro-humanity extremists, they were known for violating all manner of laws to do whatever it took to put humanity ahead of every other race. Obviously, the Illusive Man had surrounded Shepard with people who would only give her the most idealistic view of the organization, but that was a double edged sword as it also meant those were the people who still had their morals intact, and serving with Shepard had shown them that humanity was only one part of a greater whole. As a result, the path the Illusive Man took meant they no longer felt like they had betrayed him, it was now he who had betrayed them. They weren't ready to return to the Alliance, but they'd follow Shepard, who risked her life for her crew by jumping through the Omega Relay to save them, to the gates of hell.

For the time being, Allyson would take the Ticonderoga to Venus, while Shepard would remain behind and offer up support to searching the surface of Titan.
Jason couldn't bring himself yet to tell anyone about the alliance with the Cylons that had taken place on Galactica. It was an outright affront to everything they were struggling for. But for now, the crews spirits were at least uplifted to see Galactica again. It had once been the pride of the Colonial Fleet, and to see that the old ship, thought only to be worth turning into a museum, was taking the fight to the Cylons. It was a sign from the gods that perhaps they were not as doomed as they thought. If Galactica survived, then perhaps others did survive the slaughter.

He opted to brief his crew on the situation at hand, that they were brought to another universe for a larger fight, and perhaps this would open an opportunity for them in their quest to find a new home for their people. Until they knew how to escape, they would fight the next battle as fiercely as they fought the Cylons. He decided, if unknowingly following Adama's ploy back when Caprica fell, to fall back to the legends of Earth and the 13th Tribe, stating that many of the people he met were from different Earths, and even as pragmatic as he was, if there were that many Earths, then perhaps one waited out there for them. It was a half truth, but his crew needed hope right now. Dubious skepticism would give way to that sooner or later, but the seed was planted and there was no going back.

When the decision was made, he contacted Galactica to report that Aegis was prepared to head to the Asteroid Belt. If so desired, the escort ships Emancipator and Avenger would either go with them or could remain behind.

((OOC: I'm nudging this along to get us rolling since I feel like we're going to get stuck on introductions and trying to sort things out. Take the time to sort your forces out so they're at least set to work as you laid them out and pick from the available locations. No one is required, or encouraged, to bring everything they have to one location. Leaving stuff in orbit of Titan to just check out the station and establish a defensive perimeter is a valid option.))


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Re: The Multiverse Incident - Story
« Reply #32 on: July 10, 2018, 09:27:31 AM »

Adama gave his views and while he made no pretense of his own personal feelings towards the Cylons, as in he trusted them about as much as a rat; he conceded that they, the Cylons had thrown their lot in with them for the greater gain. Whether that was yet another ruse was to be seen. But for the moment as he had been briefed they were at the mercy of this Q, to do his bidding in this war for the greater good and survival of now not only mankind but other races and worlds into the bargain.

Seeking some comfort for his civilian charges, he asked and was granted leave to transfer them to this giant space station. This was done over several hours using the Raptors. He was still troubled as to where he and his ship were taken from, of the whereabouts of the remainder of his fleet, all merchant ships for the most part. Perhaps in time that would be revealed.

When Hanley contacted him after he and Kara returned to the Galactica, it was decided that since they operated on their own systems, the Aegis and Galactica would benefit by working together. Most of the Viper and Raptor pilots and crew knew each other so that in itself was a bonus. On arrival at the Asteroid belt he had Kara contact the Aegis in regard to that ships Viper compliment.


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Re: The Multiverse Incident - Story
« Reply #33 on: July 11, 2018, 12:40:50 PM »

*Some hours later*

 After all was said and done most of the people present on the station retreated to their ships for the massive deployment. While the bulk of the civilians were taken off the Galactica (some chose to remain behind when told of the predicament, many of those were former military, finding their way to joining old commands) Kara familiarised herself with at least one of those she had met, taking her Viper with Adama's permission of course to the Earth ship Dreadnought. While there she was introduced to not only the flight crews and their magnificent aricraft; it came as a shock when she met the ship's captain. For a long while (more than a minute) she stood there speechless for that Captain in every sense of the word was 6. She couldn't believe it, but in the end she had to concede that after what had happened, she now believed in parallel universes. Bidding farewell she returned to the Galactica and with that ship's chosen destination along with the Aegis they moved to an area known as the Asteroid belt. That wasn't a lie either.

 The Mk VII shot out of the huge Galactica like a canon shell, arcing upwards as its path took it towards the Aegis some 30 kilometers away. Kara's task was to bring together the flight crews so that any and all Viper missions would be well coordinated. "Thrace to Aegis actual, permission to land." She hailed the mighty ship as she flew parallel to it.

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Re: The Multiverse Incident - Story
« Reply #34 on: July 12, 2018, 04:04:44 AM »

The Commander watched this new warrior approaching him.  She was obviously a strong and capable warrior!  Still a bit 'dazzled', he answered her question."Tera'gnan is my peoples word for a Terran..a human. After many decades of strife and war, We had finally formed an alliance with them and we were aiding in the restoration of former foes.  Now, we have the beginning of a great future.  By your words, it is most gratifying to learn that we are still allies.  But, as a late arrival, I would request information on this new threat!  But, I have read accounts of this "Q" and his interference with the Federation.  By the Honor of my House and the strength of my 4 ships, I pledge them to this mission.  I would request the honor of a liason, so that I may brief my captains and crews!"


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Re: The Multiverse Incident - Story
« Reply #35 on: July 12, 2018, 04:59:02 AM »

   USS Phalanx- Diligent Class 2390

“Captain’s Log Stardate 67522.8. With things once again calming down in the Gamma Quadrant, we have set course for the Wormhole to return to DS9. While the staff at Starbase Vanguard have been welcoming, it will be nice to return to our own station.”

“Commander Shikon what’s...”

Jadzia’s inquiry was cut short by a brilliant flash of white light. When it faded, Jadzia rose from her chair and turned to where B'Elanna was seated at the Ops console.
“That’s new. Any idea what just occured?”

The Klingon exchanged a quick look with the science officer who shook his head, and then with her husband seated at the Conn. Whatever was going on, it seemed to baffle everyone.
“Not a clue. Nog and I ran a complete systems check before leaving Vanguard station. Everything was in order.”

No sooner had B’Elanna stopped speaking when Commander Shikon piped up from Tactical.
“If these readings are correct, and I’ve triple checked them, we’re not alone. I’m reading dozens of ships, many of which are unknown to Starfleet. Several of them would dwarf the Enterprise.”

Tom let out a low whistle at the report.
“Let’s hope their not the kind to shoot first and ask questions later. The other question is, how did we get from the Gamma quadrant to in orbit of Titan in mere seconds?”

There were several possibilities that came to mind, and Jadzia liked none of them.
“Unsure, for now raise the cloak and take us to Yellow Alert. Tom move us away from our present position at full impulse. Put some distance between us and the others. The rest of you run as many sensor scans as possible without giving away our location. We’re looking for chroniton particles, evidence of tachyon emissions, et cetera.”

Scans were inconclusive and no one seemed to be shooting at each other so Jadzia switched out the cloak for shields.

USS Cochrane-Intrepid Class- 2390

“Helm put us in orbit over the planet. Once that’s established, work with science to locate a suitable landing site.”

Since the Cochrane had recently taken on a new chief helmsman, Harry received permission from the Captain to ensure Ensign Gair received real world experience on the task. There were several open areas suitable for a landing zone, but he would let the younger officers determine the actual location.

After several minutes the Cardassian spoke up.
“Found one sir. The largest of the three southern continents. There’s a large plain with no detectable wildlife.”

Wasn’t the most challenging of landing sites, but for an early training mission Harry would allow it.
“Sounds good. Take us down Ensign, nice and slow.”

He was reaching out to toggle blue alert when the viewscreen glowed briefly before returning back to normal. The blues and greens of an M class planet were replaced by swirling orange clouds. While he had learned a lot since his time on Voyager, Harry also knew when to defer to the higher ups. Whatever just happened was not normal.
“All stop, raise shields.”

He punched the intercom button.
“Bridge to Captain Zaveri, you’re needed on the bridge.”

“...Thank you for your time, Archangel out."

The crews on both ships listened to the message from the Sovereign class ship. Trusting those on the station, Zaveri elected to remain aboard the Cochrane while a chain of command was sorted out.

 Once it ended, Jadzia hailed the Archangel for more information. She didn’t recognize any of the bridge crew, but she knew Starfleet had worked hard to expand after the Dominion War. It didn’t take long for the whole thing to be rightly blamed on Q. At the mention of that name, Tom shook his head.
“Q’s behind this!? Somehow that doesn’t surprise me.”

About that time, several Klingon ships decloaked and began charging weapons. They were more modern ships which Jadzia was glad for. They were more likely to respond to reason.

“B'eLanna, hail the lead ship.”

“Aye Ma’am. Hailing frequencies open.”

“Attention Klingon ship. This is Captain Jadzia Dax of the Federation Starship Phalanx. Respond!”

Quicker than expected the viewscreen showed the Klingon Commander.
“Captain Dax, this is Colonel Rozhenko of the Pomarc.”

After the formal introduction his face softened just a little.
“Dax, I didn’t expect to find you here. What is happening?”

Smiling both in relief and joy, Jadzia unclasped her hands from behind her back.
“It’s a little complicated, but none of the other ships are currently a threat. I’ll beam over and explain more over some blood wine.”



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Re: The Multiverse Incident - Story
« Reply #36 on: July 12, 2018, 10:34:02 AM »

Titan Station

After he finished talking with the Admiral, Dylan was approached by a figure covered head to toe in some sort of armor. He mentioned his vessel being damaged beyond repair and needing transport for his team.

“Of course, I’m always happy to assist others. My first officer is en route with a transport. We can swing by and pick up the others enroute.”

As if by cue, his comm device chirped.
“Becca to Dylan. I’ve landed the Maru. Where are you on the station?”

Not having left the large room everyone was seemingly transported to, Dylan took a quick scan of the area.

“I’m not sure where the docking bay is in relation to everything, but I’m in a large open room. There’s a dozen others here, shouldn’t be too hard to find.”

He could hear a slight sigh before Becca responded.
“Interesting. I’ll contact you if I get lost.”

The room must not have been to hard to find, as she soon approached the two men.
“What have you gotten us into this time Dylan?”

He chuckled.
“Nice to see you too Becca. I’ll explain on the way back to Andromeda. Suffice it to say, we’ve been brought together to fight some yet to be seen threat.”

Shaking her head, but with a smirk, Becca took a look around the room.
“Sounds like another day at the office. Shall we leave?”

“We shall, but with a passenger. Becca this is George. George, this is my first officer Becca Valentine. We’re going to be giving George and his team a ride for the time being. The rest will be waiting in an escape pod.”

Leaving the room, they made their way to the Maru. It didn’t take long to find the escape pod with the rest of Green team. Once back aboard the Andromeda, he addressed his visitors.
“Welcome aboard the Andromeda Ascendant. I’ll have an Android show you to some quarters. If you need anything else, just ask. The ship’s AI will be able to help you. When you’re ready I’ll introduce you to my senior staff.”

(Observation Lounge)

Dylan looked up as Green Team entered the lounge. He had agreed to lead the group heading to Venus and was just waiting for everyone to signal their readiness.

“Welcome. Let’s make some introductions, then I’ll answer any questions you have. You’ve already met Becca. It was her ship that transported us from the station. She also serves as our primary helm officer. Next is Tyr Anasazi, my weapons officer. He’s also great to have around in a firefight. Seamus Harper keeps the ship together as my chief engineer. Then there’s Trance Gemini and Rev Bem. They serve many functions aboard the ship as the need arises. Last, but certainly is someone you may have already met. Sort of. This is Rommie. She’s an android who is also an independent embodiment of the ship’s AI.”

Each person made their presence known as they were introduced.
“The Andromeda’s a large ship as you’ve already seen. She was built as a warship and has a long combat record. With 40 missiles tubes, several different types of drones, over a hundred fighters and a multi layered defense system she’s a force to be reckoned with. Now that I’m done boasting. Any questions?”


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Re: The Multiverse Incident - Story
« Reply #37 on: July 12, 2018, 11:19:22 AM »

SPARTAN CORPS Green Team (Taken 2558)
SPARTAN II Sierra 112. Master Sergeant  George.
SPARTAN III Beta 091. Petty Officer First Class. Lucy
SPARTAN III Beta 292. Petty Officer First Class. Tom
SPARTAN IV Ronald Sykes. Gunnery Sergeant
UNSC ONI Artificial Inteligence. Alexis.

When George was offered a ride and to join another captains Expedition Force he nodded.
"Thank you sir." He said with a nod. He then waited silently before following the man and woman to their ship.
When Green Team Transferred to the worse for ware ship George found that his weight caused a small dent in some of the floor grating, though the vessel seamed to have several other nicks and dents so he chose not to say anything. But the rest of the time he watched his step.

Once aboard the Andromeda the team found a room to make theirs, with out a Armour Bay they had no hope of taking off their armour in any time under 10 hours. So they collectively decided beds were unneeded. George thanked the Captain and he and his team began to set up shop, not to much, more just loading their weapons in to lockets and organising them all whilst discussing the ship, they all agreed that she looked big and aggressive, and maybe a little covenant in design, or possibly forerunner.

Later they were on the observation lounge. George nodded to the Captain. "Sir." He said. Though all of Green Team kept their UNSC primary weapons and knives they had all chosen to swap out their M6 magnums for Covenant Plasma Pistols and all carried Covenant Energy Swords. They didn't know what to expect and didn't want to be caught short by just having projectile weapons. The team didn't remove their helmets, mostly because they still wernt quite sure this wasn't a trick of some kind. They stood in a line as the Captain introduced his crew. George took a small step forwards to do the same, deciding to get the basics out of the way for all those around. He did notice the bones sticking out of the Weapons Officers Fore Arm and couldnt help but be reminded of the savage Kig Yar pirates.
"Sir. I'm Master Sergeant. George Sierra One One Two. I am the Commander of the UNSC Spartan Fire Team Green Team." He nodded to his team. "These are Petty Officer's First Class Lucy, Beta Oh Nine One and Tom, Beta Two Nine Two." Tom and Lucy though wearing near Identical Armour apart from their Shoulders, and their genders couldnt be told whilst in them, they could be told apart thanks to the secondary colour on their armour. Lucy bore an aqua blue, and Tom a navy blue.
They both responded when addressed Lucy with just a nod of her head and tom with a:
"Captain." To Hunt
"Next we have Gunnery Sergeant Ronald Sykes." Ron gave a nod of his head.
"Hows everyone doing?" He wondered if anybody would notice the difference in naming convention as he looked back to the others. Each of them stood at nearly 7 feet tall in their powered armour, so they were looking down at those across from them. He then removed a data pad from his admin pouch, it was only a small dapa pad, barley bigger than a early 21's century mobile phone. He had already had Alexis copy a Fragment of herself on to it, just for ease of communicating. He dropped the pad face up on to the floor and the holographic projector flashed to light, it displayed a slim woman, that looked attractive though battle hardened with her hair in a messy bun, a small scar on her chin and lip, she seamed to be wearing boots, tight trousers and a hoodie with body armour over it and some kind of pistol at her side with a data pad in hand of course she didnt need any of those things but it was just her avatar, her projection was tinted a light red, and though the projection was only 4 feet high, her feet didnt touch the floor making her eye level with the crew.
"And this is Alexis, She is our 'Smart'" He said with air quotes. That caused the AI to Glare at him for a moment. "Artificial Inteligence." She just smiled as she looked to the Captain.
"Captain Hunt. As my Spartan friend here said. I am Alexis, I am a AI with the directive to assist Green Team and any allies they find themselves with during combat, in short I am their Handler and Carer. May I say you have a very impressive ship here. And I am just in love with your AI Interface." She said turning her attention to Rommie. George cut in before Alexis could gush more.
"No you cant have one." He said simply. He looked back to Captain Hunt. "Sir, My team excels mostly in ground combat roles. Its what we were designed for, but we are also versed in the operation of space craft, at least from our Universe. So if we can assist in anyway, please, let us know." Having been quiet for the whole thing Lucy quietly added.
"We are at your disposal captain."


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Re: The Multiverse Incident - Story
« Reply #38 on: July 13, 2018, 03:53:59 AM »

Valkyrie II-class Battlestar Aegis

"Aegis Actual. You are clear to land. Welcome aboard." Jason said before hanging up the handset. He looked over to his executive officer, Major Faye Strickland, a young woman from Aquaria who tended to be his voice of reason.

"Thinking of sending someone else other than Major Pierce?" Faye asked with a lopsided grin. It was rare that anyone in the Battlegroup smiled, but nowadays, they were more frequent with seeing Galactica.

"I think even Hawk would like to see her." Jason replied. He then picked up the handset again and dialed for engineering.

"Engineering, Bridge. Mister Price, begin spinning up the FTL for jump." Jason ordered.

"As ordered, sir. We'll be ready." Captain David Price down in Engineering replied. Unknown to him, Kara Thrace's arrival would likely doom him, because in reality, David Price was a "Four", a Humanoid Cylon. Unlike his brethren, however, David was more mechanically inclined than medically. It only changed the way he dealt in logic, however, and he had been responsible for a number of incidents on the Aegis.

"And come on up once that's going on. We've got a visitor." Jason said.

"Only for a few minutes, sir, but I'll be up there. Engineering out." David replied. Jason chuckled and hung up the handset once again.

Down on the flight deck, Major Jack Pierce wasn't sure what to think as Starbuck's Viper touched down and was being brought onto the deck. He had been looking his own Viper, which had been painted stark white with gold trim, a black "Jolly Roger" flag taking up the entire tail, and a banner of white stars on a black field trimmed in gold running diagonally on either side of the nose just ahead of the cockpit.

"C'mon, Hawk, let's go. We've talked about this, you're gonna keep on with putting the past behind you." The Aegis' Marine Detachment CO, the massive Captain Alex Connolly, said as he headed over to Thrace's Viper. Jack let out a sigh and hauled himself down from his Viper. Captain Connolly had been his help, along with their Detachment's religious First Sergeant, in coping with nearly losing the one he loved; Adrianna Brachman. Sergeant Major Wyman was also trying to help Iceberg, as were others, but she hadn't touched a Viper since that day she nearly killed herself...

As soon as she was out of her Viper, Jack approached her with a flat emotionless expression at first.

"You know, I swore it'd be a cold day in Hades before I ever was glad to see you again. Especially after you broke my jaw and I dislocated your shoulder. But to be honest, that was before seeing the Colonies set ablaze." He extended an open hand for a handshake, "Welcome aboard Aegis. And thank the gods you were spared, because no one else alive could give it to the toasters better." He finally smiled at that. "Commander's asked you come to the Bridge, meet the senior officers."


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Re: The Multiverse Incident - Story
« Reply #39 on: July 13, 2018, 01:52:35 PM »

<UNS Dreadnought BB-16>

<Mars Orbit>


 "Listen Lily, as much as I respect you, seriously I don't want to be that one person that everyone else relies on telling them to do this do that, go here, go there and jump ten feet. It's just not me can you understand that?" The two of them had been going at it since they left the station. Lily's XO had chosen to stay there when it was deemed qualified personnel were required, she actually told the man Major David Franklin to do it which he accepted readily. But then she needed someone on the Bridge to replace him and Cate was the logical choice as much as a wild child as she was, she had a decent head on her shoulders.

 They stood eye to eye, more or less. Cate was a good inch taller. "Catherine." She had taken to saying the name in full knowing it irritated the other. "You're the best person for the job on the entire ship. God you should have your own damned team by now; how long has it been with SG-4? Five years? We're in a position of life and death, surely you can see why I want you here, is that too much to ask or are you just being selfish...again?"

"Jesus! No..." She threw her hands up. "Okay how about this. Bring Chang up from CAW and I'll take his place; he has almost as much experience as both of us on our ships and we both know he only turned down command of the Rabaul so he could be closer to you. Come on you like the guy and what better situation could either of you ask for than for you to have him right here on the bridge?" That was her logic at least.

 In the end Lily had to concede Cate was right. Though she hated losing an argument, since Cate was only on loan in any case when they were suddenly pulled to this dimension she couldn't really order her to do anything. (Few could). Sticking her hands behind her back she gave in finally. "Very well then. Now we've got that trash sorted we both need to meet with the other ship's Captains. Enterprise I believe and yes I still find that strange not to mention being told I'm a dead ringer for someone else who isn't even completely human." When she did meet a Colonel Tigh from the Galactica, the surprise was equal. It took a lot of explaining on his part for it to all sink in. He even asked her to keep away from the Aegis, at least for a while until they could come to terms with the fact that these Cylons who had been not long ago their mortal enemy were now helping them.

 "It'd be handy if the Hornet's skipper was there as well, it'd save a lot of jumping around and by the way I think it's more than strange all these ship names of our past being resurrected by humans who a purported to be from our future, or some future of Earth. It tells me instinctively that there is possibly more than a handful of alternate universes, there are probably dozens of them." She had been working on ways to connect the dots way back in 09 when the SGC had its own experiences the year before with the same thing.

"True." Lily leaned across the station they had been standing next to letting her crew do what they needed to do. "USS Enterprise this is Colonel Lillian Radovic of the Dreadnought requesting permission to beam across..." She paused to speak to Cate. "Get William in on this as well, I can't see the point of us all going from ship to ship."

 Cate had more or less said the same thing. She opened a direct channel to Bill. "Dreadnought to Victory. Lieutenant Colonel Huxley is invited to join Colonel Radovik for Command discussions aboard the Enterprise, copy?" She had to make it formal, as there were far too many very junior ears around.


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Re: The Multiverse Incident - Story
« Reply #40 on: July 13, 2018, 02:32:37 PM »

 Battlestar Aegis-Asteroid belt

 "You remembered that?" So much had happened to her that it was the little events in her life that got pushed back into far corners of her mind. Kara gripped his hand firmly in return, it was a good feeling and being on the Aegis with all those faces around her reminded her so much that everything they had done was worth it. She smiled back at him, feeling slightly guilty when he made the remark about the Cylons.

 As they headed towards the bridge she spoke in low tones. "Obviously Hanley hasn't told you Jack, you'd better stick your hands in your pockets and keep them there for a while. During our two years since Caprica we found out a lot about them, not just that we wanted so much to destroy them, but how they work, how they think and what drives them. Its insane do you know?" That some of her best friends had turned out to be toasters themselves was bad enough, but to think that she herself or anyone else closer to her could be one was frightening. She listed the names one by one starting with Sharon and finishing with Tigh. "Gods, we were so close to killing each other, we had mutinies, divisions and in the end we had the shame of living under them for a year. But at the same time we...we came to an understanding; they want the same thing as we do, peace. Now I will never, ever forgive, neither will the Admiral, but we can't go back now as they are as much a part of us as we them. Do you know that a Cylon doesn't even realize what they are until something triggers them? You, me, anyone could be...." Her words faded as they drew nearer, she didn't want to finish it anyway.

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Life is a dream — of pain and woe.
A dream from which — we pray to wake.
A dream from which — we wake and go


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Re: The Multiverse Incident - Story
« Reply #41 on: July 13, 2018, 08:42:19 PM »

{Battlefleet: Armageddon}
{Admiral Orexus Dragonclaw}

Orexus wasn’t sure what to believe, he had been slammed down around the moon of Titan orbiting the holy world of Saturn. After a few moments to think he realised the Inquisition was gone, as was the rest of the Imperium. The Ordo Malleus’s defences would have never allowed any unknown forces near Saturn and yet he was told this was not there universe. Was he then still to uphold the same laws that governed these planetoids? He supposed not but he wouldn’t these heretics to loot the sol system without the proper respect the home system of mankind deserved.

“Lord Lieutenant, I wish for a platoon to be sent to secure this station and a transport to be provided for me to return to the Emissary.” There was little point in him remaining here when there’s was more to do but he didn’t wish to abandon the station all together when it was currently the only habitable structure known apart from their ships and who knew what secrets it held.

“Understood Admiral.” the Lord Lieutenant replied.

Just like that squadrons of Arvus Lighters were deployed from the fleet toward the mysterious station. He had to head towards this stations hangars and prepare for a hasty evacuation. Soon Orexus would be back aboard his ship, his home.

<Unknown Station>

The command Arvus Lighter was in mid transition between the fleet and this station that they had arrived before. The troops were nervous but followed ther orders to the letter having gathered aboard the transport for their voyage. Lieutenant Aqas sat in the back compartment with the rest of his command squad including the crude but effective tech priest accompanying them to the mysterious station.

“Sergeant Payne, we will be boarding in but a few moments.” Aqas said giving the man ample warning.

“Alright listen up men, we are all wondering where we are, how we got here and what our task is, none of that is important right now, we seize this station, rescue the Admiral and hold it for as long as the Imperial Navy demands it of us!”

“Of course sergeant.” spoke the techpriest in a strangely autotuned voice that was normal for those within machine cult.

The Arvus lighter moved into the stations hangar and touched down easily, Aqas was most satisfied with his pilots ability. The guardsmen clad in trench coats and gas masks and armed with lasguns poured out of the back compartment of the lighter establishing a defence formation around the craft.

“Remain here for now.” the Lieutenant said to the Arvus pilot before turning and stepping down from the ship to join the sergeant.

“Techpriest you’re with me, Sergeant get your men moving.”

“You heard the Lieutenant let's go.” the Sergeant got his forces moving as they moved further into the hangar establishing a quick perimeter with the other squads.

Lieutenant Aqas spotted the Admiral moving towards them, sure enough he seemed quite unharmed and he threw a salute to recognise the mans authority in this strange dark time they now found themselves in. “Admiral sir, Lieutenant Aqas ready to serve.”

“Thank you for making haste Lieitenant, be warned the station is full of what I believe to be heretics and possibly Xenos, they seem to be stuck in the same situation we are and I believe our resources would be better spent finding out how we got here for now, if they attempt anything that may cause us inconvenience you know what to do.”

“Of course Admiral, your Arvus awaits you, don’t worry about us, these frail ones won’t get in our way.”

“I will attempt to learn what I can and will submit my findings to the fleet when ready.” The cold emotionless techpriest said in his own way of showing respect.

<Emissary of Darkness>

Many ships dotted the void around the station he had found himself, for this he was most pleased but none of them could compare to the Apocalypse class Battleship Emissary of Darkness, his first ship to command had been his reward for the battles against legions of traitors and Xenos filth he had encountered and subsequently purged from humanities path.

His pilot did not proposition him with many questions on the flight back beyond if he knew what the station was and if they were safe, his only real reply had been that they were safe so long as they remained united and loyal to the Emperor. The Arvus touched down in the Emissary’s hangar and opened up to reveal more of the same trench coated guardsmen standing at attention accompanied by voidsmen and officers of the Imperial Navy.

“Admiral, Sir.” the Lord Lieutenant stepped closer with the Commissar right behind him also saluting.

“Lord Lieitenant, I have much to tell you about the mysterious being that brought us here and his purposes.”

“Of course Admiral.” The two men began walking through the hangar back toward the bridge as the Commissar and four Imperial guardsmen followed closely behind.

“You say that he intends for us to fight some battle, yet we have not detected any ships apart from these heretics and Xenos scum that surround us.” the Lord Lieutenant sounded annoyed as if he wished it was as easy as blowing a few ships up.

“I’m pleased you so easily brought the other Officers of the fleet into order so quickly.”

“It was easy, your reputation was the only tool I required to convince them.”

“What of the guardsmen?” The Admiral needed to make sure his army was as fit as his naval forces.

“Colonel Moranos says that morale had a slight dip but after assuring that we haven’t and won’t be sucked into a warp storm it seems everybody became more calm, he did mention wanting to be kept in the loop however.”

“Of course, I want everyone up to date.” Orexus entered the massive glorious command bridge of the Apocalypse Battleship.

“Welcome back Admiral.” spoke the high ranking techpriest that was in charge of the mechanicus’s duties in the fleet.

“Tech Priest I cannot express how pleased I am to have you by my side, if we truly are cut off from the rest of the Imperium your services will be more important to our ability to serve the Emperor than ever.”

“This is most troubling for us, to be cut off from the Mechanicus like this is proving most stressful but we will do our duty as always.”

A robed figure approached hidden by a black hood. “Pleased to see you alive Admiral.”

“Navigator, I do not blame you for finding ourselves here but I must know is this warp related?”

“Thank you Admiral, I do not believe so, It is my belief that this is more a matter of Xenos trickery rather than warp related.”

“Then I do not believe we are dealing with any recorded Xenos but instead are dealing with first contact situations, I do not believe we are close enough to the Imperium for these Xenos to be of any threat however I cannot he certain of their threat to us.”

“Perhaps we should bring our weapons online and destroy these heretics before they get in our way.” the Commissar spoke in a tone that suggested he wanted only death for the non Imperium forces around him.

“I have already ordered a small force to remain behind to watch these unknowns but I am sure the Cult Mechanicus would agree that scouting Mars would be far more worthy of our time.”

“If Mars is untouched we can use it as the perfect staging ground for construction of facilities that could benefit the fleet greatly.”

“I suppose it’s best that we know what we’re dealing with, if this version of Terra has fallen and we are all there is, we will need a place to prepare before charging in to rescue her.” the Lord Lieutenant agreed with the Commissar on wanting blood but also agreed with the others that caution and planning was most needed.

“I will talk with the other navigators of the fleet and their officers and make sure we are all prepared for the voyages ahead.” the navigator seemed less sure of himself then usual which had the Admiral feeling slightly on edge.

“Lord Lieutenant inform the rest of the fleet of our situation and plans, and ask the Colonel to the bridge, we will require his loyalty and determination every step of the way.”


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Re: The Multiverse Incident - Story
« Reply #42 on: July 14, 2018, 08:03:45 AM »

Andromeda Observation Lounge

The team seemed sincere in their offer to help wherever possible. Dylan wasn’t sure where they would be needed onboard, but wasn’t about to turn them down. With the Spartans having their own AI, he anticipated no problems between them and Rommie. Some of the others he’d met on the surface seemed uneasy with the thought of a true AI.

“Thanks. The ship is highly automated, but I will be sure to ask for your help if needed. You’ll be given access to the common areas of the ship for as long as this Q fella keeps us in the same universe.”

He paused, trying to think of what else to add. He had expanded from the skeleton crew of 6, with all critical roles filled.

“We’ll work on assigning you a battlestation should the need arise. Given your combat skills, it will likely be in a security role of some sort. When we reach Venus, you’re welcome to come to the Command Center to see what’s out there. Again, if you need anything just ask a passing crewman or even Andromeda.”

Andromeda Command Center

Once again Dylan found himself standing on the bridge about to face an unknown threat. At least this time he wasn’t alone, like so many other times. He had small fleet to back him up. At the present he knew of two ships joining him. One, the Shenzhou, belonged to the organization known as Starfleet. There seemed to be a lot of them, and apparently more than one had previously encountered Q. Apparently he took some pleasure in meddling with several of their ships and crews, which may account for their heave presence. The other ship belonged to the woman he first met on the station, a Commander McMillan. Both were smaller than the Andromeda, but he was sure they were quite capable in their own right.

“Rommie, has anyone else signaled their intent to join our hunt?”

“Negative Captain, but we still have ten minutes until our announced departure time.
The hologram representation of the ship’s AI responded to the inquiry.

USS Victory

William had just finished filling in his senior staff when the call came in from their sister ship. He had briefly met the Captain of the Enterprise while on the station, which may account for the desire to hold a meeting there. Whether the meeting was requested by the Dreadnought or Enterprise he wasn’t sure. In the end it didn’t really matter, they wouldn’t get very far with isolationist policies.

Walking over the comm panel, he pressed the button.
“Victory to Dreadnought. Message received and understood. Send the transport coordinates to the bridge. Victory out.”

USS Enterprise

“Captain, we’re being hailed by the Dreadnought. Audio only.”

Demora was pleasantly surprised, having little interaction with anyone from there while on the station.
“Let’s hear it Lieutenant.”

“USS Enterprise this is Colonel Lillian Radovic...”

So this particular group of humans had transporter tech, that was good information to have. They could conceivably hold any conversation over the comm system, but in person would be more private. While she had not reason to distrust Colonel Radovic, she still wanted to get her bridge crew’s opinion.

“Standby Dreadnought.”

She motioned for her comms officer to mute the channel.
“Anyone have an issue with the request?” She asked once receiving the signal from Stalvak.

Lt Eiadia spoked up from the Science console.
“I say we accept their request ma’am.”

“Agreed.” Stated Commander Akioka. “We have to start trusting someone, and they requested a meeting on our turf. Keep them out of sensitive areas, and I don’t see any threat.”

With no objections, Demora reopened the channel.
“Colonel Radovic, thank you for waiting. Your request for a meeting is approved...”

Enterprise Briefing Room

Leaving Commander Stretlun incharge of the bridge, Demora took Commanders Linojj & Akioka with her to the briefing room.

William beamed aboard the Enterprise along with Warrant Officer Steward. While she rose through the ranks in the Royal Navy, as the senior enlisted on the Victory, William had come to rely on her expertise.

The question came up as to what to wear. William wore the long sleeve dress uniform, but skipped the service jacket. Steward wore the variation of her the Navy dress uniform consisting of a white shirt with rank insignia on the shoulder and blue pants. 

« Last Edit: July 18, 2018, 01:41:58 AM by Troy »


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Re: The Multiverse Incident - Story
« Reply #43 on: July 14, 2018, 10:56:48 AM »

USS Challenger:

“Ship’s log. Stardate, unknown. Many of the other crews have decided to go out and investigate other areas in the solar system. Supposedly those areas hold clues as to who or what is threatening us. While we have finished our repairs on the Columbia, Captain Hernandez has yet to inform us of her intentions.”

Captain Uberti stopped short of publicly speculating why she seemed a bit paranoid. In a way he didn’t blame her, they had just come out of a massive interstellar conflict. While winning the Romulan War, Starfleet and her allies took quite a beating in the process.

“Major Landry and her MACO have beamed down to the station in order to properly search it from top to bottom. A small team of engineers and scientists have also joined them. For our part, the Challenger will be heading out to Pluto and back to Titan. We will be performing cursory scans of the region to get a feel for what is or is not out there. A few other ships will be remaining near Titan should we run into trouble.”

He purposely failed to mention how engineers from the Shenzhou upgraded the shield emitters so they would work during higher warp speeds, and give their phase weapons a boost. He was still trying to figure out how to chronicle the more intricate parts related to time travel. All the engineers would say, was 22nd century Starfleet would come up with a solution on their own fairly soon.

With all departments reporting ready, Galdino gave the order.
“Helm plot a course to Pluto and back. Commander Iyer, raise shields and have weapons on standby.”


Titan Station

Major Landry materialized on the station with the rest of the MACO. The Fleeters were coming down with 2 shuttle pods in case transportation was needed while the Challenger was away.  Many of those already gathered on the station could be seen returning to their respective ships by various means. Once the rest of the away team arrived, Landry gave a quick briefing. The Starfleet personnel were just armed with phase pistols while the MACO had their standard combat loadout. She kept her voice kind of low to lessen the chances of being overheard by the others still around.
   “Our goal is simple. Scout the station and get a feel for its layout and any possible resources. We will move in groups of four, with one to two MACO per team. We are under strict orders from the Captain and Commodore not to fire except in self defense. As strange as it sounds, I’m told a Klingon ship will remain in orbit for defensive purposes. I’ve been assured they will not cause trouble, so keep that under advisement. It’s also possible other, newer, Starfleet ships will also remain in orbit but I don’t know that for a fact.”

She glanced over at the mysterious troops that had gathered in another part of the room. (Warhammer Marines)
“If we are challenged by another group, do all you can to avoid a direct confrontation. Obviously if they open fire, you can shoot back. If there’s no questions, let’s split up and head out.”

« Last Edit: July 18, 2018, 03:23:22 AM by Troy »


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Re: The Multiverse Incident - Story
« Reply #44 on: July 15, 2018, 02:29:32 AM »

Khel had received the notice of a meeting, desired by Alexander .  He was the warrior in charge oif the other contingent of Klingon warships that had preceded him to this unknown station.  As he was preparing some logs to be transmitted to the other ships in his group, the door chimed."Enter! The door opened and two figures walked in.  He had heard of Alexanders exploits during the war and had heard stories from some about his 'earlier' years.  All of this had occurred whilst he was on DS-9.  But, the other individual had only been spoken of by those who had held her with the deepest respect.He tried to not show it, but it was hard to see  a warrior who should have been in Sto-Vo-Cor, alive and vital."I am Lt. Comm. Khel vestai-Kurkura, of House Kurkura, I am Honored to meet you both!  I am still going over the logs of these meetings and I believe that We have a common enemy.  My ship, the Le'Vek stands ready to serve.  With your indulgence,I would have my second ship join in the search of the Asteroid field, the other two vessels will stay in orbit to protect this station!  But..you are here for a reason and I do not want to delay your efforts..So, Alexander Roschenko and Jadzia Dax, how may I assist you both is this operation?"
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