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Author Topic: The Multiverse Incident - Story  (Read 4620 times)

Bowsy 112

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Re: The Multiverse Incident - Story
« Reply #15 on: June 30, 2018, 05:27:06 AM »

SPARTAN II Sierra 112. Master Sergeant  George.
SPARTAN III Beta 091. Petty Officer First Class. Lucy
SPARTAN III Beta 292. Petty Officer First Class. Tom
SPARTAN IV Ronald Sykes. Gunnery Sergeant

'Dumb' Artificial Inteligence. Alexis.

George found his weapons returned to him. Both his Kukri on his lower back and his small dagger on the left side of his chest, his pouches on his wasit were filled with ammo once more, and his MA5D and Single Shot Grenade Launcher wre side by side on his back with his pistol on his leg. He took a moment to draw his Assault Rifle, holding it one handed by his side as he nodded to the Captain.
"I understand sir." Said George as he looked back up in to the sky. Opening his comm's again.
"Tom. You sure the ship only has docking thrust?" He asked. Of course the Captain couldnt hear the reply. So George used his HUD to have his be with in ear shot of the Captain.
"Well. We still have weapons, but we have diverted that power to life support, and if we had the power, slip space. Gunny says its just the Sublights beyond repair. But none of us are to fond of navigating slip space on docking thrusters alone." George looked to the Captain for a moment. He took a moment to think.
"Tom disregard my last order. Prepare for contact from the." He looked to the Captain for a moment trying to make sure he got things right.
"USS Hornet. Her CO has offered us a tow." The channel cut off as George looked to the Captain.
"We would appreciate the tow Captain. Our vessel is the purple one with no markings." He then took a moment to add.
"And is on fire..." He was about to walk away before he stopped. 
"Sir... I have to be honest, I am not to sure on what is going on here. But, my team is only four men strong, and with out ship damaged, we would likely be of more use onboard anouther vessel as some kind of support, but you said that some of these ships are from your past. What if we tried to transfer some of the Technology from our Covenant Corvette like weapons and shields to make some of your older ships a little more battle ready? I could have my Artificial Intelligence assist. She may not be a Military AI, but she has been on enouth Covenant vessels to at least be a help in the technical matters."
« Last Edit: July 01, 2018, 08:21:53 AM by Bowsy 112 »


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Re: The Multiverse Incident - Story
« Reply #16 on: June 30, 2018, 09:57:40 AM »

{Commander Jason Hanley - Colonial Navy, BS 121 Aegis}
{Q - GM}

<Unknown Station, Titan Orbit>

"These people are from a different universe, that is not a guarantee of Earth always being present." Jason replied with a shake of the head. He was a native of Leonis, and like so many from that Colony, tended to not believe anything that could not be proven. "And...you...allied with the Cylons? Are you out of your mind? Is Adama? I saw what they did to us at Scorpio, at Virgon, how they've been hounding us to our graves. What I have not seen is them show us any mercy or any compassion. My second order when my fleet was trying to flee Scorpio was the President calling for our surrender, and do you know what it changed? Nothing. The machines continued to blast away, sending billions to the Gods. They tried to bait my fleet into spreading ourselves thin by engaging every single civilian ship they could reach."

"Your Cylon friends had better have a good reason why my people should forgive them. Because I saw the toll their genocide took. Iceberg nearly ate the barrel of her own sidearm and Hawk was about to do the same if she had pulled the trigger. They were lucky, because more than a few good people took their own lives because they couldn't bear the burden of watching Scorpio and Virgon burn before being sent on a galactic-wide death march." Jason said, barely able to keep his emotions in check.

 Kara looked beyond to see the image of the mighty Galactica come into view settling into a position near the Aegis and those two huge dark hued ships she guessed by the name plates showing large on their sides to be those from Earth. She had no idea how to counter Jason's version of events so she didn't try either. "I suppose we'll find out soon enough. I'm always the skeptic as you know, so until I see it with my own eyes I'll remain on the dubious side." She said to him in reference to Earth.

 She then placed her hands behind her back, ignoring the fact her side arm had been returned, she had no need of it. "What you saw and witnessed by their hand sir was unforgivable, as what happened on Caprica. That can never be erased. In our own journey we saw though the worst side of humanity with the Cylons and their religion starting to attract more and more throughout the fleet. In the end it came almost down to a civil war until we reached a point of no return and the only way we were able to survive was to accept them. It was hard, very hard sir to a point where we could not even move forward, settling on a remote planet for over a year." The memories and the torture she endured at the hands of Leoben was at the core of her own misery that almost killed her. "The Admiral never changed, on the outside he accepted them, but I know in his heart he did not. Betrayed by his best friend, that was hard to take. Yet here we are now, thinking we were almost at the end of our journey, Cylons among us even as crew...their line was they only did what they did to ensure mankind's survival, kind of ironic isn't it? And now this, this being asks us to put our lives on the line once again."

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A dream from which — we wake and go


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Re: The Multiverse Incident - Story
« Reply #17 on: June 30, 2018, 11:15:03 AM »

Captain Hunt

“You are correct. The Systems Alliance does not mean anything to me, but that’s not unusual. The original Systems Commonwealth was spread out across three Galaxies. Even now with the New Commonwealth, I frequently come across governments and alliances I don’t know.”

She at least seemed willing to talk with him, that was encouraging.
“A I huh?. No need to apologize, I have one on my ship, they’re nice to have. Glad you already have an ally, care for another?”

Lt Colonel Huxley

“I’m guessing he’s the type that doesn’t care for the rules too much. Somehow he managed to bring all of us here at the same point in space and time without the universe collapsing. I say for now we play along and see what happens. Once it’s all over we can analyze everything.”

One of the others was posturing about needing a reason not to eradicate everyone else when Q reappeared in a uniform similar to that person. He gave a warning about not killing each other or risk destroying their respective universe. He then disappeared again, but not before giving everyone their sidearms. William glanced down to ensure it was there, but otherwise left it alone.

A man in a black uniform with white shoulders and red trim seemed to have prior experience with this Q person.

William turned back to Cate.
“He seems to have the most idea of what’s happening. Shall we go talk to him?”


USS Challenger 2163

“Ship’s log Captain Uberti, the Challenger has left the Sol system and is proceeding on course to Starbase 4. There we will be dropping off Commodore Shran who will be taking command of Delta Fleet. As we have a long stretch of empty space in front of us, Commander Zh'vanet wants to run tests on using shield technology while at speeds higher than warp 2.5. I have granted permission for this test. While I know the folks back home are working on this, the sooner we can increase our shield technology the better.”

Soon after he finished recording his log, Galdino felt the ship come to a sudden and complete stop.
“Helm what’s our status?”

He could see the Tellarite Ensign running his hands over the console and quickly conferring with the nearby navigator
“Helm reads all stop sir. But it wasn’t anything I did!”

“Pardon me sir.” The calm voice of Lt T'shor cut into the conversation. “I’m not sure what happened, but my navigation console is reading us near the moon Titan in the Sol system.”

About the same time, Commander Iyer spoke up from the Tactical Station.
“Sir, I’m reading a whole mess of ships out there! I’m having a hard time sorting out what’s what out there, but so far I don’t recognize anyone.”

None of this made any sense, and Galdino wasn’t going to take chances without more information.
“Understood. Commander, sound general quarters while we sort things out. Helm, maintain our present position until further notice. Lt Lese, scan the area. See if you can figure anything out.”

Before he finished his orders, the turbolift doors opened to deposit Shran onto the bridge. He waved his hands upon arrival.
“As you were. I came to see why we stopped.”

Galdino briefly filled him in while the rest of the bridge crew looked for answers. A few tense minutes later Ensign Pyvom broke the silence.
“Sir, I’m picking up a distress call from the Columbia. It’s on the standard Starfleet carrier wave, so it’s highly possible the others haven’t picked up on it.”

It was a confusing but comforting piece of information at the same time.
“Understood. Helm, lay in an intercept course. One-half impulse. I don’t want it to look like we’re in too much of a hurry. Hail...”

The rest of his order was broken off when Pyvom spoke up again.
“Sir, we’re receiving another hail from a ship claiming to be the Enterprise-B. It’s a secure channel. Shall I answer?”

The Captain exchanged looks with Shran.
“You want to handle this sir?”

The Andorian nodded.
“Sure. On speaker Ensign.”

After several minutes he wasn’t fully convinced the Enterprise was Starfleet, but they seemed willing to help so he was willing to trust them. Once that was over, he turned things back to Galdino.
“It’s your ship Captain. Shall we see what’s happening on the Columbia?”

Galdino nodded.

“We shall. Comm, hail the Columbia.”

“Aye sir. Channel open.”

“Starship Columbia, this is the Challenger. We are enroute to provide assistance. ETA...”

He glanced at the helm officer who held up 4 fingers.
“ETA, four minutes.”

They were still enroute when another communication came through. This one from an Admiral Locke. Shran looked at Galdino.

“What’s your human expression? Curiouser and curiouser. If true, the Admiral outranks me. How do you want to handle this?”

“Let’s continue on course. See what Captain Hernandez wants to do.”


Captain Sulu

Q returned briefly with a warning before once again disappearing. But not before first restoring weapons to everyone. She hadn’t been armed on the Enterprise, but Demora now had a phaser in her holster. She was ready to defend herself if the need arose, but everyone appeared to be taking the warning seriously.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the voice of her Comm Officer.
“Captain. We’re receiving an open hail from one of the other vessels. Shall I patch it through.”

“Yes Lt. Patch it through.”

“...Thank you for your time, Archangel out."

“Do you know this Admiral, Captain?”

She inquired of Captain Tyler once the transmission ended.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2018, 11:18:33 AM by Troy »

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Re: The Multiverse Incident - Story
« Reply #18 on: July 01, 2018, 08:52:28 AM »

NX-02 COLUMBIA (Refit) 2162
Standard Crew Compliment.  85 Starfleet. 15 MACO's

Captain Hernandaz - Ship Commander
Commander Rivers - Engineering / First Officer
Commander Woodward - Science
Lieutenant Jenkins - Tactical
Lieutenant Tippen - Medical
Ensigh Farnam - Helm
Ensigh Marie - Comms

Having a comm hail reach them made Erica smile a little, at least something good was happening, all they needed was the Enterprise and the Discovery and she would never feel happier.
"Much Obliged Challenger. We arnt dead in the water but our artificial gravity seams to be playing up. My Chief Engineer is working on it, but we were running tests on our warp core, a lot of my Engineering staff is out of commission. The Doctor is confident they wont be out for long." She nodded to her helmsman.
"Take us towards Challenger. Nice and easy."


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Re: The Multiverse Incident - Story
« Reply #19 on: July 01, 2018, 02:02:21 PM »

{Captain Nick Tyler - UFP Starfleet, USS Hornet}

Nick first looked to the soldier in the armor and nodded.

"Tyler to Hornet." He said, tapping his commbadge.

"Hornet here, Captain." Brianna replied.

"I need you to take one of the ships in the area under tow. Sergeant...112's ship here is under maneuvering thrusters only. It's the ship on fire and is...purple." Nick said.

"Four already found it, sir. We're moving to activate tractor beams now. We'll keep channels open to communicate with them. Hornet out." Brianna said.

"Alright. The Hornet is moving to take your ship under tow, Sergeant. We'll see about the rest as soon as we can figure out a better situation for them."

He then turned to address Captain Sulu's question, "Admiral...Locke, sorry she doesn't use that name much, is head of Starfleet Special Projects Division, which is sort of a weapons development division between Starfleet Corps of Engineers and Starfleet Tactical. The last decade haven't been kind to us. But I kind of think she has a point. Besides, we need to get this mess sorted out and then figure out how to divy up the workload ahead of us."

{Commander Jason Hanley - Colonial Navy, BS 121 Aegis}

"They have a religion? By the gods, what is happening? And I'm not going to say my ride was any smoother, but what you're saying...that's almost...forget it. We have much larger issues ahead of us. And at least we're not as alone as before." Jason said, looking out to his ship. "Seems two of our escorts made it. The Emancipator and Avenger. Not sure why this being saw fit to do so, or why he didn't just bring everyone, but there are still too many questions. And Adama better have some good answers when he comes aboard."

{Lt. Cmdr. Allyson McMillan - Systems Alliance Marines/MAC-I ARES}

"We're just in one galaxy, Earth and her colonies. We're allied with the Council races. The Turians, Asari, and Salarians, plus the various client races in Citadel Space." Allyson explained, "And AIs aren't super trusted where I come from. I had to take an experimental route, but when one of your allies is a race of synthetics, at least half the guesswork is done. But, as an Alliance Officer, I'm supposed to keep my options open and make nice with the locals, so I'll be happy to work with everyone here."

She looked around the room again, addressing everyone this time. "So, ah, are we going to get around to figuring out a gameplan here? If these things are worse than the Reapers I've been dealing with, then we've got our work cut out for us. Sorry, but where I just was, standing around for five minutes meant something really bad was about to come crashing down on your head."

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Re: The Multiverse Incident - Story
« Reply #20 on: July 02, 2018, 05:54:05 AM »

SPARTAN CORPS Green Team (Taken 2558)
SPARTAN II Sierra 112. Master Sergeant  George.
SPARTAN III Beta 091. Petty Officer First Class. Lucy
SPARTAN III Beta 292. Petty Officer First Class. Tom
SPARTAN IV Ronald Sykes. Gunnery Sergeant
UNSC ONI Artificial Inteligence. Alexis.

"Thank you sir. Green Team is at your disposal." He said as he moved away from the Captain to give him some space. George wasn't a strategist, not on this level. He fought the enemy, and normally he won, but with no enemy facing them he had no input. He remained quiet for a moment before Alexis spoke to him. She had over heard somebody mention that AI's wernt trusted where they were from.
"Well now that's just rude. In my experience AI's are far more trust worthy than humans." George just rolled his eyes under his helmet.
He said quietly.
"Keep track on every-bodys names and comm codes." if he was honest it was the main reason he had kept Alexis from reach. She kept track of all sorts of information ranging from UNSC and Covenant ship layouts, plus security codes and all sorts of other things. He decided to speak up to everybody like others had.
"Well we should start with appointing a united commander, a space commander and commander of ground forces, the easiest way to do that is to appoint the people with the highest rank to those positions. Though given the uniqueness of the situation. It may be better to find another way of appointing commanders... I'd also suggest launching a joint recon effort so we can get a look at our new enemy's."

Aboard Covenant Corvette Faithfull Conviction the remainder of Green Team were making preparations. They had moved all of their supplies to the closest escape pod. Just as a precaution. The Pelican they had landed on was long gone, having been shaken loose somewhere during their transportation to this place. Lucy was in the process of ripping all the data she could on to data pads just incase they had to scuttle the ship. Ron was raiding the armouries for all of the small arms he could and Tom stood at a central console that he had routed what was left of the helm systems through along with Comm's and sensors.
"USS Hornet, this is Spartan Beta two nine two, I have you on our port side. How do you want to play this?" He asked. They had caught on to the fact that everybody was from very different places and were unsure of their standard procedures.
"Lucy. is the package secured?" He asked. She looked to him, though she had started speaking again since Oynx, she still said very little as she patted the shielded container held on her back as she threw anouther data pad in to the duffle bag at her feet.
"Thats the last of the Armoury Emptied." Said Ron as he walked in, Plasma Pistols and Plasma Rifles draped over his armour on a make shift bandoleer, a large bag on his back that Tom could see the barrels of carbines poking out from and a bag in each hand over flowing with weapons and grenades.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2018, 02:27:57 AM by Bowsy 112 »


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Re: The Multiverse Incident - Story
« Reply #21 on: July 02, 2018, 04:57:12 PM »

 Cate thought it through for a short while, taking everything into consideration with the science half of her brain doing a full analytical appraisal of the situation but the warrior half gave the answer. "In other words if we show any signs of non compliance with this bloke we're screwed right?" She looked around at all the other faces, seeing different reactions on each. "Alright then Bill, we play his game and if this so called threat is what he says it is, we face it. But believe me when I say, if he's playing us, well I think we might have to seek a little compensation from him don't you?" She didn't say what she was thinking, for Cate's version of compensation might not exactly be the same as everyone else's.

 "If he comes aboard sir. It looks like this Q has chosen a certain few for the moment. But I need to say that I can imagine Admiral Adama isn't going to be feeling too well chuffed at the moment. We were so close, so close." She drifted off for a moment thinking back on events before she finished she looked back outside again and sighed. "No we've only got the Galactica so far. But we have a full compliment of crew and Vipers, with seven Raptors." She was interrupted in her thoughts when she heard a man speak up about appointing a Commander or commanders. "I guess we'd have to talk about that sir, sometimes rank is meaningless and experience gives the best leaders. We have a fleet Admiral on our ship but I don't think he'd want to take on the responsibility of such a assorted group." 

Life is a dream — that knows no shade.
Life is a dream — of pain and woe.
A dream from which — we pray to wake.
A dream from which — we wake and go


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Re: The Multiverse Incident - Story
« Reply #22 on: July 04, 2018, 10:37:44 AM »

Someone had passed a message onto Bill a little after he had spoken to Kara informing him that an invite was sent from someone else on that strange space station, it was signed merely Q which left the old man wondering. He issued orders here and there, telling Saul to do something to calm down the situation on board when the vast majority had discovered by word of mouth that their journey to Earth had somehow been waylaid. A little organising had him on a Raptor piloted by Boomer getting him over to the station in rather quick time. He was giving directions once aboard to where he had to go, in the end arriving in a large space with immense windows looking out on the strangest fleet of ships he had ever seen.

A cursory glance around found Kara and of all people Jason Hanley, he made his way through the crowd to them. "Hanley, I thought you were dead until I saw the Aegis out there. Do either of you know more than that garbled message the Major spoke to me about a little while ago and who the hell are all these people?" The uniforms and faces were mostly human, some not so. William was getting the feeling somehow that someone, this Q, was possibly the grandest prankster known to pull this off as he had.

« Last Edit: July 07, 2018, 06:56:46 AM by Ellen_Ripley »


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Re: The Multiverse Incident - Story
« Reply #23 on: July 04, 2018, 09:35:04 PM »

{Battlefleet: Armageddon}
{Admiral Orexus Dragonclaw}

“This is Commissar Fleck, what is your situation Admiral?” the voice of his loyal Commissar came through the Vox caster.

“Commissary inform the Captains and Lord Lieitenant Heindrich to not fire upon the other vessels for the moment.”

“I am uncertain what the reason for this stations existence is but we’ve all been captured by what I assume to be some warp entity.”

“This is Lord Lieutenant Heindrich, Admiral our troops are prepared to storm the station on your command.”

“Hold off on that for the moment, I will update you in but a few moments.”


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Re: The Multiverse Incident - Story
« Reply #24 on: July 07, 2018, 12:57:28 AM »

<Bridge, USS Hornet>
Avenger-class Battlecruiser

"We're in range for tractor beam." Tholin reported.

"Engage tractor beam on that ship. Four, monitor the hull and be ready to adjust if the hull starts to shear." Brianna said.

"They are hailing us." Four replied. "Audio only. Patching it through."

"This is Commander Brianna Stieger of the Federation Starship USS Hornet. We are taking you under tow now, but if you require evacuation, we can beam you off. If there is anything that would interfere with energy transport, I'd suggest you shut it down or else we'll have to send a shuttlecraft for you instead." Brianna explained.

{Captain Nick Tyler - UFP Starfleet, USS Hornet}
{Lt. Cmdr. Allyson McMillan - Systems Alliance Marines/MAC-I ARES}
{Commander Jason Hanley - Colonial Navy, BS 121 Aegis}
{Vice Admiral Sabine Locke/Five of Six - UFP Starfleet, USS Archangel}

"I'm sure I can say the same about you. And you and I, it would seem, have some matters to discuss in detail later. And in private. But for now...no. It seems like over half the ships out there seem to know each other. The one in the black and white uniform seems like he knows the most. I'd say the woman in the blue uniform, the man in the red and black uniform, the armored fellow, and the fellow in the trench coat looking uniform are complete outcasts here, either they know only their own fleet or they have no one like them here." Jason replied.

In the corner of the room, there was a soft hum and blue glow and a new figure joined the group.

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The woman's uniform was similar to Nick's but the jacket was longer, and the white shoulder area was black, but the red trim was lined with silver, and the belt had a larger buckle. She had shoulder length brown hair, and cybernetic implants replaced her right eye and seemed to spider around it to the right temple and up into her hair.

"Greetings. I am Vice Admiral Locke, also known as Five of Six. I was formerly a Borg drone, but I have since been Liberated. Now. We have a large collection of ships and personnel gathered across time and, it would seem, universes. We are in need of a course of action."

"Lieutenant Commander Allyson McMillan, Systems Alliance Marines. That Q guy said we should check out three areas. He mentioned Mars, Venus, and the asteroid field. It would stand to reason that we should put together some task forces, ships and troops, and start investigating there. We're likely to attract attention here." Allyson commented.

"The Sergeant also mentioned we should be looking at setting up a chain of command. At the very least, we need an organized command structure we can all work with or some kind of council. Given Qs threats, I think we're intended to work together." Nick added.

"Both are astute points. What else?" Locke/Five asked, looking around the room as she approached everyone else.

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Re: The Multiverse Incident - Story
« Reply #25 on: July 07, 2018, 02:54:19 AM »

SPARTAN CORPS Green Team (Taken 2558)
SPARTAN II Sierra 112. Master Sergeant  George.
SPARTAN III Beta 091. Petty Officer First Class. Lucy
SPARTAN III Beta 292. Petty Officer First Class. Tom
SPARTAN IV Ronald Sykes. Gunnery Sergeant
UNSC ONI Artificial Inteligence. Alexis.

George's hand went to his side arm when something transported in to the room. But he stopped himself once he recognised the uniform as the same as the Captains he relaxed but that didn't last long she introduced herself as a Vice Admiral. He had been about to stick his external volume on maximum and shout Admiral on Deck. But the conversation seamed to continue without him so he remained quiet, though he stood a little straighter in the presence of a flag officer. He remained quiet, at least to the outside world as he spoke internally to himself and Alexis.
"Alexis... Do you think any of these people have a way to solve Sifs' rampancy?" Sif was the AI that Lucy was carrying an AI from an abandoned ship from the Start of the Human Covanant War. She had gone rampant in her solitude and ONI had tasked Green Team with retrieving it... or her. But if they could solve her rampancy, she could be a useful asset. Unfortunatly though Alexis was technically a 'Smart' AI, she had the speed of a dumb one, a special experiment. A Copy of a Smart AI laid on to a blank brain print of an AI that had been a failed experiment. AI's made copys all the time, so it didnt matter, and ONI wanted to get their's moneys worth from a failed experiment.
"You should ask Spartan." Alexis encouraged, he sighed, deciding to wait for a few moments before responding.
"I'll wait, see if its actually possible." He said quietly.

Aboard Covenant Corvette Faithfull Conviction the remainder of Green Team had gathered around the station Tom was standing at. Ronald was looking out the window of the ship towing them along.
"Ma'am." He said addressing the commander. "if I am honest, I have no idea what would interfear with your transportation systems, but we are ready to jump ship in an escape pod if things go wrong. Got it all packed and ready to go." He said before adding. "But we would appreciate being picked up if that dose happen." He quieted the comm for a moment. "Lucy... Go get the pod ready." He said, not that he didnt trust the USS Hornets crew, but they were mixing technology's. He had heard about some people back in their 'universe' far to eager to stick the latest salvaged forerunner gear to their ship, and then it had exploded.


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Re: The Multiverse Incident - Story
« Reply #26 on: July 07, 2018, 09:00:08 AM »

"It's not the first time I've been told nor do I think it will be the last." William conceded long ago that his death though foretold wasn't going to occur anytime soon if he had any say in it. "We lost Pegasus and Cain, hence my promotion by the way; perhaps one of the biggest losses so far. It worries me deeply." He trailed off glancing at the varied people around them, trying to take stock of it all. "They all look as confused as I feel Hanley, do you know why we're here and how? That is my greatest concern right now, a third of my ship are civilians and if what Thrace here said to me is true, they don't need to be involved in any kind of war to please somebody we've never heard of." He took hold of his emotions again, taking another moment to answer. "If it's about your position in the fleet, I'll give you your answer now. You're number two as of now behind me and if anything should happen to this old frame, you have command of the fleet."


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Re: The Multiverse Incident - Story
« Reply #27 on: July 08, 2018, 03:48:30 AM »

{Lt. Comm. Khel vestai-Kurkura..Imperial Klingon Vessel Le'Vek}

..with a sudden burst of bright light,thewarrior found himself among other beings.  He knew it wasn't Sto-Vo-Kor, especially when there were several Tera'gnan present,,"Tera'gnans..what trick is this, where am I and how did I get here?  Are you humans trying to trigger a war with the Empire?
« Last Edit: July 09, 2018, 03:02:42 PM by Mim »


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Re: The Multiverse Incident - Story
« Reply #28 on: July 09, 2018, 04:02:12 AM »

He took comfort in the fact the Columbia’s biggest problem was with their grav plating.
“Understood Columbia. We’ll send over an engineering team in a few minutes. Challenger out.”

Once the image of Captain Hernandez faded from the viewscreen, Galdino opened a channel to engineering.

“Bridge to engineering.”

The voice of his Andorian engineering chief and first officer quickly responded
“Zh'vanet here sir. How can we help?”

“I just got off the horn with Captain Hernandez, the Columbia is having trouble with the artificial gravity. She also said they were doing some work on the warp drive. Get a team together, and report to the transporter room ASAP.”

Shrollas was already motioning to another engineer as she spoke.
“Will do sir.”

With the Columbia travelling under her own power, it shortened the time for rendezvous. When everything was ready, Galdino once again hailed the Columbia.
“Captain Hernandez, an engineering team is ready for transport. Another ship is on their way to help as needed. They claim to be a Starfleet vessel from about 150 years in the future.

The other Captain’s response was a bit vague, but Demora understood the reasoning. If there was even a chance of the crews retaining knowledge of the incident it was best not to reveal too much about the future.
“I agree we need a clear chain of command. I’m sure the other Starfleet ships will fall into line, the question is will everyone else?”

The Admiral soon beamed aboard the station, and introduced herself. A few others introduced themselves and recapped what Q had told everyone. Mixed timeline or not, Demora was still Captain of the Enterprise so she smoothed her uniform and approached the Admiral.

“Admiral Locke, Captain Demora Sulu. USS Enterprise-B. I agree that we should start investigating the areas mentioned by this Q. Along the way we should check out the other planets just to be safe. At the same time, we should leave a small force behind to guard the station. You’re from my future and I’ve seen Starfleet ships as far back as the Columbia class. I’ve ordered the Enterprise to rendezvous with the two Columbia class ships just in case someone else starts a shooting match.”


The Starfleet types seemed willing to work with others and Commander McMillan also expressed willingness to join the temporary alliance. It was a bit odd not being the one putting together an alliance, but that didn’t negate the importance of it. Once the woman in the red uniform finished talking with the Admiral, Dylan walked over.

]“Captain Dylan Hunt. The Starship Andromeda stands ready to provide whatever assistance we can. She’s primarily a warship, but does have limited science capabilities.”

“Agreed. Unless given a reason not to, we’ll follow Q’s instructions.”

He wasn’t sure what to make of the fact there were at least 2 Admirals among the various groups represented. One seemed willing to take charge, while the other was questionable.

“What do you say Cate? Shall we go introduce ourselves to this Admiral Locke.”


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Re: The Multiverse Incident - Story
« Reply #29 on: July 09, 2018, 06:02:13 AM »

NX-02 COLUMBIA (Refit) 2162
Standard Crew Compliment.  85 Starfleet. 15 MACO's

Captain Hernandaz - Ship Commander
Commander Rivers - Engineering / First Officer
Commander Woodward - Science
Lieutenant Jenkins - Tactical
Lieutenant Tippen - Medical
Ensigh Farnam - Helm
Ensigh Marie - Comms

Erica found herself frozen for a moment lost in a train of thought. The mention of time travel. She was trying to think about what Johnathan had told her about her encounters with a... Crewman Davis, Or was it Daniels, part of a cold war, some kind of time travel cold war. She wished she remembered it. Second hand stories from five years ago. She would make sure to take a moment to read up on this before she went to bed, if she had a chance to get some sleep. She looked to her tactical officer for a moment.
"Send some MACO's to engineering, see if they can help with the heavy lifting." He nodded and then she quietly added.
"And have security ready... Just incase." She said softly as she sat back in her command chair.
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