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Author Topic: The Multiverse Incident - Story  (Read 4622 times)


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The Multiverse Incident - Story
« on: June 25, 2018, 01:27:10 PM »

{Q - GM}

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"My, my, where to begin this little sordid story? Oh, where are my manners? I was just speaking with Jean-Luc about the possibilities humanity actually had. It was a test, just to see if he could, for once, broaden his horizons."

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"Much better. Well, this isn't the only universe, you know? There are so many out there, you wouldn't be able to comprehend it with your insignificant tiny minds. I must say, so many have been long since judged as guilty of being a barbaric child race, a charge Jean-Luc still denies but even this universe isn't above such things. Benji and Kathy are great examples. Still..."

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Q now is wearing the uniform of a Systems Alliance Admiral.

"Take this universe for example. Humanity continues to muddle its way along and then by pure chance, they are given everything they need to join the galaxy and assert their dominance despite putting in none of the work. And then one of them stumbles on a warning that a race is waiting to slaughter the entire galaxy for advancing too far. You know, I rather like their mindset and gusto, but their application needs work. But does anyone heed the warning? Absolutely not."

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Now Q is in a Colonial Navy Admiral's Uniform

"And then there are the Humans here who decided, in their infinite arrogance and stupidity, to create a race of artificial lifeforms, enslave them, and can't figure out why in the world their creations turned on them. To add to their hubris, they thought they could bring these machines to heel with a treaty. Well, they're on their way out, so it's fairly trivial at this point."

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Q is now in Space Marine Armor

"...oh don't even get me started with these people. At least they're honest about Humanity being barbaric and murderous."

A final flash returns to an empty bridge, the USS Enterprise D, and Q back in the first Starfleet Uniform he was in.

"But it's not that I enjoy watching these people destroy themselves...okay, I do, but there's something about the universe. It requires balance. Not equal balance, but balance nonetheless. There's a counter to the Continuum, if you can believe it. And they have such ravenous appetites. Monstrous. We've thrown them a few universes to gnaw on, but they want more. And we can't risk a war, or it will end all of this so-called life you cling to. And we don't want that, since what good is omnipotence without others to lord it over."

One more flash returns to the Post-Atomic Horror-era Courtroom and Q back in his Judge robes.

"If we can't break the rules, we can sure as well bend them. Or rather, I can. And I shall. If there's going to be a war, we'll need soldiers. I suspect I'll face suspicion, accusations, even outright hostility. But as we know, I am the model of patience and benevolence."

He turns and snaps his fingers. A crowd appears on either side of him, poverty stricken survivors of the Third World War who are jeering and taunting, all of them humans.

He snaps his fingers once more and in a flash, representatives from the various groups he has chosen appear before the courtroom.

((OOC: Pick one character from each of the universes you selected that is to be summoned to Q's court. They had no warning, no indication, just a bright flash and here they are. For reference, the "court" is the one Q used in "Encounter at Farpoint" and "All Good Things..."))


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Re: The Multiverse Incident - Story
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2018, 12:49:52 PM »

 <From the Solar System>

"So I told him not to put too much pressure on the.....whaaat?" A tall blonde woman suddenly appeared from nowhere, looking startled and confused. She turned around twice to see she wasn't on board the Dreadnought at all, she found herself in some strange chamber with an even stranger looking man nearby. "Who the frak are you and what am I doing here?" She demanded.

 <From the Milky Way>

 Not one second after Cate appeared another fell in beside her, she had the same look on her face when she materialized. "I could ask the same thing, so who are you at least and how did we get here?"

 Cate studied the uniform it was totally unfamiliar with her dressed in the Dread's black jump suit. "Might as well be friendly then. Wing Commander Catherine MacGregor, UNS Dreadnought....erm from Earth I think?"

 The other extended her hand in greeting, they shook quickly. "Major Kara Thrace, CAG Battle Star Galactica. Did you say Earth?" The amazed look on her face turned into a smile.

 "Earth yes why, is that important to you? That name you mentioned, a ship?"

 "One, yes it is, our fleet has been looking for Earth for quite some time. Two, well I don't know how to say this, but our ancestors are from Earth..and yes it is. I take it the same for you?"

 "Yes. Look lets find out what this is all about don't you think. We can chat later." Cate turned to the strange man. "Mind explaining, or do I need to get angry?"

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Re: The Multiverse Incident - Story
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2018, 01:12:10 PM »

{Captain Nick Tyler - UFP Starfleet, USS Hornet}
{Lt. Cmdr. Allyson McMillan - Systems Alliance Marines/MAC-I ARES}
{Commander Jason Hanley - Colonial Navy, BS 121 Aegis}
{Q - GM}

There was a bright flash, and three figures appeared.

The first was in the 2410 standard issue Starfleet uniform, the Commanding Officer variant with the white shoulder area, four silver rectangular pips denoting his rank as Captain, and "Command" division red between the white and black of the uniform, and a solid silver "Arrowhead" commbadge.

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The second was in Alliance BDUs with Lieutenant Commander shoulder insignia.

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The third was in a Colonial Navy uniform with Commander insignia on his collars, and the unit patch on his shoulder read AEGIS - BS 121.

"...where the hell are we?" The young woman in Alliance gear asked, looking around. For some reason, she was flexing her left hand in a peculiar manner. She looked down, as if something was supposed to happen but didn't.

The older male in Colonial attire just looked at the crowds before fixating his gaze upon the man in red robes staring at them with a half grin. The Starfleet Captain took a single look at the man in robes and scowled.

"Q." He said with a tone that made it clear that whoever "Q" was, he was an unwelcome sight to at least one person so far.

"You know him?" The Colonial Commander asked.

"Oh we'll get to that shortly. Since these two already introduced themselves, why don't you all do the same." Q commented, gesturing to Cate and Kara, before fixing his gaze on the former. "Also, my dear, whatever you possibly think you can do when you're angry, I assure you it would be in vain. I would suggest you try to restrain yourself, but if you have to give into your primal urges, by all means. I could use a good laugh."

"Captain Nick Tyler. USS Hornet." Nick said, still glaring at Q. "No one make any hostile moves, this situation is as real as it gets, and we are in grave danger."

"Lieutenant Commander Allyson McMillan, Systems Alliance." The woman in Alliance gear said.

"Commander Jason Hanley, Battlestar Aegis." The Colonial officer said. He looked over at Kara and blinked.

"Oh. Yes, yes, Galactica avoided destruction, as did Aegis. You can wax on about how your pitiful race is about to be destroyed later. Now, let's get past the rest of the introductions. You all don't have time to fritter away unlike me." Q said, rolling his eyes. "Come now, out with the rest of you. You're all going to be getting acquainted very soon, but I want the introductions out of the way so I can proceed with minimal interruptions."
« Last Edit: June 26, 2018, 03:09:37 PM by Cipherhornet18 »


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Re: The Multiverse Incident - Story
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2018, 12:15:47 AM »

Andromeda Ascendant

Feeling the ship drop out of slipstream, Dylan fastened his uniform jacket and headed towards the bridge.
“Rommie, how long until our rendezvous?”

The face of the ship’s AI appeared on the monitor.
“Forty-five minutes captain. Mr Harper was able to find a shortcut in slipstream. We are fifteen minutes early.”

Pulling a Flexi out of his pocket, Dylan turned left to the messhall instead of right towards the bridge.
“Perfect, that will give me more time to grab some food. Let me know...”

His sentence was cut off upon realizing he was someplace other than the Andromeda. There were two other people in his vicinity. A man in a jumpsuit with what appeared to be military patches, and a woman in a mostly red and black uniform.


Enterprise B- 2311

“Captain, we are now entering the Kwajalein sector.”

Demora breathed a sigh of relief at the news. The Enterprise had just completed a mission, the first with Demora in charge, to the Röntgen Wall. While there were no deaths among the crew, the ship had suffered moderate damage. If that was the extent of things, she would count herself lucky. Especially considering the ship’s diasterious maiden voyage.

“Thank you Lieutenant. Helm, drop us out of warp and continue our course at full impulse.”

She was reaching for the command chair’s intercom to reach her chief engineer when suddenly she was no longer on her ship. Instead she was standing in a dimly lit room next to two mysterious men. Both appeared to be wearing some sort of military uniforms, but they didn’t resemble anything from the Federation, her allies, or even her enemies.

“Captain Demora Sulu of the Federation Starship Enterprise.”


UNS Victory

“Ops, anything on sensors?”

The Airman double checked their console before shaking their head.

“No sir.”

Rising from his chair, William turned over command to the Army Captain on a starship rotation.
You have the bridge Captain. Let me know if anything shows up on sensors.”

He had just turned the corner when he found himself in another location. Looking around he noticed two other people looking just as confused as him. One was a tall man in a mostly black uniform, the other was a woman in black pants and red jacket. On the left shoulder was a white strap with an insignia, the meaning of which was unclear. Underneath the jacket, was a white turtleneck.

Q’s Courtroom

Upon Demora’s introduction, the other two people quickly followed suite.

“Lt Colonel William Huxley. UNS Victory, from Earth.”

“Captain Dylan Hunt. Starship Andromeda, New Systems Commonwealth.”

They had barely made their introductions to each other, when they found themselves standing with several other people. William recognized Commander MacGregor, but none else was familiar to any of the three. He exchanged quick glances with the woman, but it was clear she was just as confused as everyone else.

A mysterious man in what appeared to be judge’s robes, informed everyone to introduce themselves. The white shouldered uniform looked vaguely like something from Starfleet, but Demora didn’t recognize it from any historical records. The others were all as mysterious as the rest of the scenario.

Regardless, all three made their introductions and waited to see what would happen next.


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Re: The Multiverse Incident - Story
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2018, 02:49:19 AM »

Sierra 112. George.
Master Sergeant UNSC Marine Corps Special Forces.

For a moment George was blinded. He was sure the damaged port side gun battery of the Covenant Corvette Green Team had stolen had exploded and that he was dead. But that was far from the case. The 7 foot tall, armoured super soldier found himself at the back of a group of strangers facing a man in robes sitting in a floating chair. It looked like a Prophets throne. But he could see no propolution system. He noticed his MA5D was missing. As was his side arm and knives. Ignoring those around him he tried to speak to his AI, using his enclosed system so no sound would leave his helmet.
"Alexis. Where are we?" But he got no response l. Just stattic. He checked his suits systems through his HUD. She was still in the helmet port. But she was reading as dormant. He clenched his fists. Looking for a weapon. Before deciding to give up on his fruitless endevour. This time when he spoke the others could hear him.
"Where are we?" He asked. "Dose anybody have a weapon?"
« Last Edit: June 27, 2018, 09:10:50 AM by Bowsy 112 »


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Re: The Multiverse Incident - Story
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2018, 12:42:53 PM »

 Over the course of time since Cate’s ascension then de-ascension sometime later she had learned to control the gifts (or curses in some cases) that were bestowed on her. Some of these came from her apparent lineage, it didn’t matter that she along with many other humans of Earth had Ancient blood in their veins, some even had links to races far older such as the El’Dari. Cate was one, and it was something she had tried so hard to avoid, to her it was an unnecessary bond that came with a price.

 But it was the abilities she had that Cate had at her disposal, far easier now than before, she only had to reach within. Which she did there and then only to find a wall; a solid wall. “How?” She glared at the one that had been named as Q. “Well the other alternative is we arm wrestle are you up for that?”

 Then others appeared, one she knew well. At least in this little gathering of humans she wasn’t the only one from her world and time. It made her wonder just where all these people were coming from.  “Bill, you to eh? At least we have some interesting company don't we?” She said to Huxley. So that meant somehow the Victory was involved as well as the Dread. What did this puffed up being want with them?

“What do you mean exactly?” Kara addressed Q just as Jason made his appearance. This was going to be awkward, he had been her flight instructor once long ago, he also nearly washed her out back then. Still she hadn’t seen him in years, so it was a relief to know the Aegis was still okay. “How many ships sir?” She asked him, wanting to know how much of the fleet was still intact.

 Then one more suddenly appeared, the room was rapidly filling up. Everyone had rank, they were all quite senior and all had titles that both women recognized. Kara checked herself, her side arm was gone. “No we don’t. I guess this guy has the answer to that. Or he'd better have.” She said to the newcomer.

 After that interval, both women introduced themselves to those who came after, then the long silence while they waited for Q to tell them why they were here.


Life is a dream — that knows no shade.
Life is a dream — of pain and woe.
A dream from which — we pray to wake.
A dream from which — we wake and go


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Re: The Multiverse Incident - Story
« Reply #6 on: June 27, 2018, 02:17:19 PM »

{Captain Nick Tyler - UFP Starfleet, USS Hornet}
{Lt. Cmdr. Allyson McMillan - Systems Alliance Marines/MAC-I ARES}
{Commander Jason Hanley - Colonial Navy, BS 121 Aegis}
{Q - GM}

"Oh you'll all have time to discuss this in just a moment." Q waved casually. "You have been selected, among others, to fight a conflict. You'll meet your enemies soon enough, but they intend to consume every single universe. It may take them time, but they'll get around to killing all of you and all you know soon enough."

The crowds all started to laugh uproariously, pointing and jeering at the people on the platform. Q smiled sardonically and then held up a hand to stop the laughing.

"Your odds are fairly insignificant, but these beings ultimately present a threat to even the Continuum. But we can't start an open conflict with them. Nothing says we can't bend the rules, which we are." Q continued, "Whatever you think you've fought that is the worst you have triumphed over, you have not faced anything so remorseless, so driven, so bent on your destruction."

"Not even the Borg, which you threw the Enterprise into the path of? Or the Undine? Or the Iconians?" Nick said with a scowl. A gong was struck and the bailiff glared at him.


"The Borg assimilate. The Undine lashed out for a threat that didn't exist. The Iconians just wanted to rebuild their ruined empire. The Cylons are perhaps the closest to the threat, but they are capable of compassion. The Reapers are like the Borg in many ways. The Ori, the Replicators, the Magog, it's about conquest. You're dealing with beings who kill to sate their hunger, their need to be the only beings alive." Q explained, leaning forward to match Nick's glare.

"How do you know about the Reapers?" Allyson asked.

"Oh, yes. We haven't met. I am omnipotent, I know everything." Q replied with a final grin. He then snapped his fingers, and they were no longer in the courtroom, they were standing on an invisible platform over Titan, Saturn's moon. If not for the fact that everyone was just as fixed to the ground as before and able to live without a problem, some could have been convinced this was some kind of holographic trick.

"This is the frontline, a universe where some failed experiment of the Continuum tried to give humanity gifts, like immortality and powers, and they still all died. Turns out that other aliens showed up to claim that...thing, whatever it was. Honestly, the details are inconsequential. The point is; this universe has just been ravaged, but it will be a good place for you to find out just how able you are to fight this threat." Q explained, gesturing all around them. "You will be provided additional ships that you all have ties to, additional forces, and I'll even grant you a base of operations here to do all that tedious techno-babble and your rousing speeches that you people are so inclined to do."

Q snapped his fingers, and in orbit of Titan, a massive station appears.

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"The surface is a bit of a mess, but the atmosphere is breatheable, in the event you'd rather live on some old platforms over a sea of methane. Not my place to judge your poor tastes." Q said. "If you want my advise, and you do, you would do well to investigate three locations before you go charging off to the wastelands of Earth. Mars holds some rather intriguing clues on its surface, a rather violent space battle that saw the death of a bunch of people living on ships in that asteroid field between Jupiter and Mars, and the people of this universe did teraform Venus, maybe some clues are there. Or perhaps you'd just prefer to enjoy the weather."

"The rest of your forces will be meeting you shortly. Away you go. Go save the universes or enjoy dying horrible deaths. I could really care less. Good bye."

With a flash, everyone was transported aboard the station, and outside, their respective ships were flashed outside as well.

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Finally, Jason looked at Kara, "I didn't think he wanted to be interrupted. Aegis made it out of Scorpio with most of our escorts, plus about 30 civilian ships. And we lost even more over Virgon. When they came to Virgon, it was a bloodbath, and we escaped with some of the fleet, and maybe 50 civilian ships. Admiral Nagala's last orders were to flee and find somewhere to restore our people." He sighed, "But is Adama really convinced he can find Earth? That's the stuff of legends."

Nick approached Captain Sulu, straightening his jacket, "Captain. Nick Tyler, USS Hornet. While I'm sure I'm likely violating the Temporal Prime Directive, and to be frank, we've already been forced to violate the Prime Directive, I might as well come out into the clear about this. The Stardate from where I'm from is 2410.289, about a hundred and twenty years or so from where you'd consider your time in the future. I suspect Q doesn't care about Starfleet protocol, so we may have ships from various eras as well as different universes."

Allyson flexed her left hand again, and this time, an orange hologram appeared to cover her forearm and hand. She waved it around, tapping at the buttons on her arm, "So, I take it then that we're pretty scattered all over the place in terms of where and when we come from. Two of you are wearing uniforms from about 200 years in the past, She pointed to Cate and William, "Two of you seem to know each other," She then pointed to Kara and Jason, "You just said you're from the same timeline but about 200 years apart." She said to Sulu and Tyler, "And that leaves me, the guy in the uniform that doesn't fit in at all, and the giant in the armor suit as being completely unknown."

"Q said that more would be coming soon. And I can't honestly say he did this with the best of intentions in mind. All of Starfleet's records on him say he tends to play rather lethal games on people, claim them to be tests. He put humanity on trial for being a barbaric child species unfit for space travel." Nick commented.

Outside, more and more flashes appeared as ships began to blink into existence, grouped together and it appeared that tensions were already rising. Nick slapped the arrowhead badge on his uniform.

"Tyler to Hornet. Stand down, do not engage. We've been brought here by Q." He turned to everyone else in the room, "You all need to tell your ships to stand down or we're going to have a bloodbath."

"McMillan to Ticonderoga. Do not engage, I repeat, do not engage. There's a lot going on and I'll explain as soon as I can, but do not engage. Dee, try to help get messages out to stand down among the other ships...thank you." Allyson said, though it sounded like she was speaking to someone as well as her ship without them being there.

Communications devices were present for those who did not have them on the table with the holographic display. Jason grabbed a Colonial Navy issue one and keyed it up.

"Aegis this is Aegis Actual, authentication Two-Eight-Gamma-Meteor. Stand down. I'll explain later, but you need to stand down at once." 


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Re: The Multiverse Incident - Story
« Reply #7 on: June 27, 2018, 03:20:43 PM »

{Battlefleet: Armageddon}
{Admiral Orexus Dragonclaw}

Admiral Orexus Dragonclaw stepped forward and tilted his officer’s cap forward that covered his dark hair, tall, imposing and fitted in a crimson and navy uniform with medals attached of countless battles and campaigns he had in his short life already been embroiled in. He had been aboard his bridge on a simple scouting mission and somehow he had been brought here to this unholy place wherever it was. It was possible he had gone mad but more likely this was some sort of Chaos trick and he was not about to let them take him without a fight. He was far more focused on the others around him clearly not of the Imperium as far as he could tell, possibly a daemon was responsible but none of this was at all like what he’d expected after the many reports he had been privy too.

Brushing his black cape aside Orexus attempted to wrap his gloved hand around the metal grip of his personal firearm only to find it to be missing. as fire burned in his blue eyes he sought to defend himself with his fists.. “What are you?”

The powerful Admiral of Battlefleet Armageddon was furious st having been disarmed and was ready to attempt to get himself out of this most likely Chaos infested place.  “Give me a reason not to eradicate you all.”
« Last Edit: June 27, 2018, 03:30:13 PM by Shadowlord »

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Re: The Multiverse Incident - Story
« Reply #8 on: June 27, 2018, 06:38:01 PM »

SPARTAN II Sierra 112. Master Sergeant  George.
SPARTAN III Beta 091. Petty Officer First Class. Lucy
SPARTAN III Beta 292. Petty Officer First Class. Tom
SPARTAN IV Ronald Sykes. Gunnery Sergeant

'Dumb' Artificial Inteligence. Alexis.

George looked around as he saw the ships appear. In the sky. He could see his ship. The Purple Bulbous ship with blue plasma flames coming from several places. He putt his hand to the side of his head as if it would help. He chose not to use internal comms.
"Alexis. You there?" He asked.
"Yes Spartan." Came the reply.
"Contact Green Team. Tell them not to attack the other ships in the system."
"Beta Two Nine Two is contacting you Spartan." George nodded.
"Tom, Whats going on?"
"We have a problem, it looks like we are dead in the water, we have docking thrusters, and that's about it." George hung his head for a moment.
"Okay prepare to scuttle the ship and salvage what you can." He turned around to the others. "Excuse me." He called out. He was interrupted by the newst man shouting in the group about eradicating them. George looked to the man.
"You can try" He said where he turned to the people around him. He approached the man who had called himself a Captain of a USS Ship, he at least knew the basic nature of that.
"Captain. Sir. Spartan One One Two, Master Sergeant." He said introducing himself. Could you have a ship take on my team." He said, A lot of the ships in orbit were close enouth that with magnification their registery could be read, so he looked up and zoomed his HUD in picking out a ship. A lot of the ships seamed to have a similar design, a round hull with two engine pods."The Columbia. NX, Zero Two is the closest." He said, trying to get the wheels in motion to group up with his team before taking action of the current situation.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2018, 06:56:28 PM by Bowsy 112 »


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Re: The Multiverse Incident - Story
« Reply #9 on: June 28, 2018, 10:28:01 AM »

(Captain Sulu)

Demora listened to the ramblings of this being who called himself Q. As he ticked off a list of what she supposed were other powerful beings, or possibly enemies, she saw looks of recognition from several of those gathered. Whoever, or whatever, this Q person was he apparently familiar with the various realities everyone apparently was from.

The dual mention of the Borg and Enterprise caught her attention more than anything. Was this something they would encounter later on, or would that be left to a future iteration of the Enterprise?  Considering the current ship was the fourth Starfleet vessel to bear the name, it was logical the trend would continue when the Enterprise-B was no longer in service.

Someone else spoke up and inquired how Q knew about a race called the Reapers. That was when he claimed to be Omnipotent. As if to show off, Q snapped his fingers and the courtroom disappeared in a flash. Now everyone was standing above the moon Titan. He then vaguley mentioned some sort of threat that everyone was supposed to work together

Another snap of his fingers and some sort of space station appeared nearby. Q mentioned it being a base of operations and listed a few points of interest to investigate. He then placed everyone inside the station, and mentioned them receiving support from familiar ships. At that he disappeared and several ships appeared in nearby space. At that, her communicator chimed.

=/\= Enterprise to Captain Sulu. You there? =/\=

Habitually she moved for the communicator on her belt before remembering the device was recently incorporated into the insignia badge.

=/\= Sulu here. I am on the station and unharmed. Stand by for further instruction. Sulu out.=/\=

She had barely finished talking when the man in the white shouldered uniform made his way over and introduced himself.
"Nice to see a friendly face, even if you are a century or so ahead of me. From my perspective the year is 2311, although I have a feeling that's irrelevant for the time being."

After a brief pause to consider the potential fallout, she responded to the rest of his comment.
"Agreed. I've heard enough stories from my father and others who served under Kirk. I say we deal with the situation at hand and worry about any potential fallout later."

By then more ships had arrived, but it was hard to make out individual models among everything. It was then that Captain Tyler suggested everyone tell their individual ships to stand down. It was a prudent suggestion, and one that she passed on.

=/\= Commander Linojj, do not engage other ships. You may raise shields but do not charge weapons. If there are other Starfleet vessels, pass the message along. If a request from Starfleet's flagship is not sufficent, feel free to make it more official. Start off with an all points relay, we're not hiding any secrets. Failing that, send a priority one message to the offending ship. Authorization code, Sigma-Four-Epislon-Seven.=/\=

=/\= Roger that ma'am. We've already made contact with two other ships. The Challenger and Shenzhou. Commodore Shran informed me they are rendezvousing with the Columbia.=/\=

The mention of such an old ship surprised Demora, but then she realized they were about as far removed in time as she was from that of Captain Tyler.

=/\= Understood, coordinate with the others to move into a defensive position. I'll be contacting you shortly for transport. Sulu out. =/\=

She turned back to the other Starfleet member.
"So Captain. This Q person reminds me a bit of someone my father encountered that called himself Trelane. Other than that, I don't know what to make of all this. Any suggestions?"

(Lt Col Huxley)

“Bill, you to eh?..."

William waved to his counterpart from the Dread. Wherever they were, at least already had an ally in all this. Not that he was opposed to working with others, it was just easier when you had a familiar face among a sea of unfamilar faces.

"Looks like it. Hopefully we'll figure out what going on."

The person in the floating chair and dressed in a judge's outfit introduced himself as Q. He then proceeded to lay out the purpose for bringing everyone together. Something about a threat larger than anyone had faced before, including the replicators. William was surprised the replicators were mentioned rather than the Goa'uld or Ori. However, he wasn't about to question a seemingly omnipotent being.

They were soon transported above Titan, and soon after onto a station. Once Q was done explaining everything, he dissapeared with the same snap of his fingers that proceeded all the other major changes. On the table he could see various pieces of gear, including what looked like an earpiece used by the SGC. Taking a gamble, he walked over and placed it in his ear.

"Colonel Huxley to victory. Scan the surrounding area but take no actions that could be seen as hostile. I will explain shortly."

Walking over to his counterpart, William formally greeted his counterpart.
"Hello Commander. This is certainly peculiar. Think Dr Jackson has a training video for something like this?

(Captain Hunt)

Several people appeared to recognize others in the room with them. Whether personally or by belonging to the same orgainization, he wasn't sure. Not surprisingly, he didn't see anyone from the Commenwealth. Either before or after the fall.All he could do was wait and see how things played out. During Q's speech, one name stood out to him, the Magog. They were certainly a force to be reckoned with. The Commenwealth fought a long drawn out war with them, and in the time since the fall the Magog expanded their power.

Finally Q disappeared leaving everyone to figure out what happened next. Several people took to contacting their ships, so Dylan followed suite.

"Rommie, you read me"

The voice of his ship's AI came through loud and clear.

"I read you Captain Hunt. Sensors show you on what appears to be a station. What's your status?

As far as he knew, everything was fine.
"I'm unharmed Rommie. I'm still processing everything. Have Becca come get me in the Maru. I'll explain when I get back."

A woman in some sort of combat armor waved her arm around, apparently gathering information off the built in holographic display.

...as being completely unknown."

Dylan smiled a bit. Now this was familiar territory. He often had to introduce himself, as tended to happen when you were trying to revive a government after being trapped in an event horizon for 3 centuries.
"Captain Dylan Hunt. New Systems Commonwealth."

He said by way of introduction.
"Although I suppose that doesn't mean anything to you."
« Last Edit: June 30, 2018, 09:00:04 AM by Troy »


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Re: The Multiverse Incident - Story
« Reply #10 on: June 28, 2018, 04:32:38 PM »

 "Well you know Daniel, I'm sure he'd come up with something. I'm going from peculiar to downright insane right now. Does this Q guy know that all of us being here goes against all the rules..." Like Sam Carter, Cate had a science explanation for everything as she told William to the most minute detail why the very existence of this plain was nothing short of dangerous. "...you know I'm thinking he's as wacko as I am, or, gee I don't know how much spin he can put on it? I'd expect someone like a Goa'uld to do this and I know he isn't one of those. Anyway..." She broke off the conversation momentarily.

 "Dread, this is MacGregor. Holster your guns we have a situation. I'll explain when I can but so far all I can say is welcome to the future for whatever it is."

 A second later came a reply. "Are you alright Cate? One minute you were here and the next nothing but a flash and then we were, where the frak are we anyway?"

 "No idea Lily. Some dude calling himself Q has shanghaied us for a little confrontation with some dastardly foe that is threatening the universe, universes I should add. All of them and time itself. I'll see you soon apparently, MacGregor out."

 Standing there among all these people was a strange feeling, knowing that she was neither dreaming nor hallucinating made it all the worse.

 "Galactica survived a number of encounters. Of the civilian fleet were started with we lost around one third although we managed to save most of the people." Kara began. "Two years is a long time sir, a very long time and there were some disturbing revelations that surfaced in that time. Many of our crew, some of our most trusted are Cylons..." She didn't tell him that she felt she was one of them. "...though in the last few months we have made peace with them, they are now a part of the fleet." Then her eyes brightened. "No legend at all, you see that woman there, she is from Earth and the Galactica was only a few weeks away from reaching it. We began hearing radio signals almost three months ago." Her hand indicated where Cate was standing.

 That reminded her when others were mentioning the year of their worlds. "We reset our calendar to zero when we lost Caprica, but we did hear radio from Earth regularly over the last little while, so 2012 will do us."

 Cate looked up, now this was another revelation. "2013 in fact, it was new years a week ago."

 "Really?" Kara then realized she had to do the same as everyone else had done so far. She activated her coms. "Galactica actual this is Thrace. I don't know how to tell you this but just don't do anything rash right now. Some kind of mass meeting of the galaxies....frak it." She swore. "Just don't shoot okay?"

 There was a long drawn out silence until eventually a reply came. "We believe you Starbuck. We're seeing a lot of strange things here. Hold tight I'm sure the answer will come soon. Adama out."


Life is a dream — that knows no shade.
Life is a dream — of pain and woe.
A dream from which — we pray to wake.
A dream from which — we wake and go

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Re: The Multiverse Incident - Story
« Reply #11 on: June 28, 2018, 04:52:27 PM »

NX-02 REFIT. USS Columbia
Capt Erika Hernandaz
Cmr Rivers

The Captain was stalking her bridge, a scowl on her face. She could feel her ship listing. She didnt like that. Pushing the button on her chair she asked.
"Commander. Have you fixed my ship yet?"
"Working on it Captain."
She sighed as she approached the comms station.
"Find me a friendly ship to talk to ensign."
« Last Edit: June 29, 2018, 10:46:01 PM by Bowsy 112 »


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Re: The Multiverse Incident - Story
« Reply #12 on: June 29, 2018, 05:43:01 AM »

{Captain Nick Tyler - UFP Starfleet, USS Hornet}
{Lt. Cmdr. Allyson McMillan - Systems Alliance Marines/MAC-I ARES}
{Commander Jason Hanley - Colonial Navy, BS 121 Aegis}
{Q - GM}

<Unknown Station, Titan Orbit>

"A sentiment I'm inclined to agree with, Captain. When it comes to Q, the rules don't always apply. Hopefully, though, we don't need to always disregard them." Nick replied to Captain Sulu.

Q flashed back before them all, this time in an Imperium Admiral's uniform like Admiral Dragonclaw's.

"Oh, thank you so much, my overly barbaric friend, for reminding me of something. Should any of you decide to kill each other, by all means, I won't stop you. I just will declare your universe forfeit and make you watch it be destroyed. Ta-ta." Q said before disappearing once more. And when he did, everyone had their respective sidearms returned. That got Nick to scowl once more.

"...he's obviously tempting us. Don't give him a reason. You can't fight him, you can only try to either outsmart him or do as he asks. But if he says he'll kill anyone or anything as consequence, he will do it. And we need to work together." Nick said. He let out a frustrated sigh before looking out the viewport of the ships gathering. A smile did cross his lips when he recognized one of the ships that had already formed up with the USS Hornet, a Romulan warbird he knew all too well. Some of the others he recognized from Starfleet's history, but others were complete unknowns.

"I'm sure the Systems Alliance is just as unknown to you, sir." Allyson commented to Dylan before glancing to the side, looking as if someone was getting her attention. Almost immediately afterwards, she looked back to him. "Sorry. I tend to forget I also have to have a conversation with an AI in my head. Sounds like I'm not as alone as I thought, looks like one more ship from my time...ish, came back with us."

"These people are from a different universe, that is not a guarantee of Earth always being present." Jason replied with a shake of the head. He was a native of Leonis, and like so many from that Colony, tended to not believe anything that could not be proven. "And...you...allied with the Cylons? Are you out of your mind? Is Adama? I saw what they did to us at Scorpio, at Virgon, how they've been hounding us to our graves. What I have not seen is them show us any mercy or any compassion. My second order when my fleet was trying to flee Scorpio was the President calling for our surrender, and do you know what it changed? Nothing. The machines continued to blast away, sending billions to the Gods. They tried to bait my fleet into spreading ourselves thin by engaging every single civilian ship they could reach."

"Your Cylon friends had better have a good reason why my people should forgive them. Because I saw the toll their genocide took. Iceberg nearly ate the barrel of her own sidearm and Hawk was about to do the same if she had pulled the trigger. They were lucky, because more than a few good people took their own lives because they couldn't bear the burden of watching Scorpio and Virgon burn before being sent on a galactic-wide death march." Jason said, barely able to keep his emotions in check.


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Re: The Multiverse Incident - Story
« Reply #13 on: June 29, 2018, 05:38:31 PM »

{Battlefleet: Armageddon}
{Admiral Orexus Dragonclaw}

Orexus lowered his fists, it seemed none here were posing him any threat for the moment.
He was unsure really what he was supposed to do now that he found himself surrounded by these strangers alone. He watched as the others took what he could only assume were communications equipment from a pile and sure enough among them was a Vox caster for his own personal use. He moved up to the table and took it and brought the square device up to his mouth.

“This is Admiral Dragonclaw, is anybody there?”

A massive empty void of space suddenly was filled by a massive purple tunnel in space that flowed like a hurricane. A burst of massive crimson, blue and black ships were quickly ejected near the station and the surrounding fleets. The lead vessel, a legendary ancient Apocalypse class Battleship, the Emissary of Darkness came to rest amongst the newly arrived fleet of the Holy God Emperor.

For the crew and soldiers of the mighty Imperium of man to have your Admiral vanish on a routine scouting mission was not expected. Even less expected was to be pulled through to a new universe that wasn’t infested with Chaos.

For a short while there was much panic aboard the ships that made up the glorious Battlefleet Armageddon but very quickly order was reestablished due to the strict military discipline that was encouraged in the Empire.

A single gruff voice came in over the Admiral’s Vox caster. “Admiral, Sir are you Ok?”


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Re: The Multiverse Incident - Story
« Reply #14 on: June 30, 2018, 03:34:08 AM »

{Captain Nick Tyler - UFP Starfleet, USS Hornet}

Nick had to take a moment to realize he had ignored someone speaking to him, and turned to the large individual in full armor. It looked more rugged than what MACO used, but if it had been in black and of more average height, it wouldn't have gone too far amiss with Omega Force...

"My apologies, Sergeant. Too much going on. NX-02 Columbia? That ship, from my perspective, is on the edge of being three centuries behind me. You can try hailing them, Captain Hernandez, from my understanding, would be willing to assist a ship in need on the grounds of being a Starfleet officer." Nick said, "How badly damaged is your ship? I can have the Hornet at least take you under tow."

<Bridge, USS Hornet>
Avenger-class Battlecruiser

Commander Brianna Stieger really did not like the mention of Q from the Captain, but the larger concern was to keep the peace as best as she could. It was good to see the RRW Incepteris, Commander Kollis' warbird, joining them. But the next three ships that gravitated towards the Hornet were a surprise.

"Four, which ships are forming up with us?" Brianna asked, looking to the Ops Station, which was manned by a blonde haired human woman with a Borg cybernetic implant over her right eye. Lieutenant Commander Four of Six tapped at the display before turning her chair around.

"USS Archangel, Vice Admiral Five of Six's flagship. An Aventine-class vessel with Terran Empire colors, the ISS Dauntless. I believe it is likely Agent Grant's vessel for the moment. And a 23rd Century vessel, Ranger-class, the USS Aegis." Four replied. "However, the energy readout for the Aegis is not consistent with a vessel from its era. In fact, they would more closely be in line with the latest vessel of the line in our time."

"Worth looking into, then." Brianna replied.

"Commander, we're being hailed by the Archangel." Lieutenant Commander Tholin ch'Clevlar, an Andorian male manning Tactical, said.

"On screen." The viewscreen flickered over to the bridge of the Archangel, where a middle aged human female with brown hair and Borg implants over and around her right eye, sat in the center chair.

"Admiral." Brianna said.

"Commander. Where is Captain Tyler?" Admiral Five of Six asked.

"On the unknown station. We've been monitoring the situation as best we can, but so far, it looks like the various ships here are forming up into groups they seem to identify with. Even the unknown contacts are following that action, but for the moment, I think I can recognize most of the ships present as Starfleet, KDF, or Romulan." Brianna replied.

"Very well. Is it possible to beam over to the station?" Six asked.

"Scans show we can, we just wanted to take no provocative action. We should probably arrange a meeting on neutral ground and that station is probably our best bet. Plus, Captain Tyler likely has a lot of explaining to do." Brianna replied. "But he did mention that Q was involved."

"An intriguing development, but you are correct, Commander. We need to establish a course of action. I will issue a broadcast over open channels. Five of Six, out." The channel was cut.

"Picking up the Admiral's hail now." Tholin reported, and with Brianna's nod, put it on audio.

"This is Vice Admiral Sabine Locke of the Federation Starship Archangel."

"She is using her name prior to her assimilation...perhaps she wishes to minimize fears." Four commented. It was not uncommon for Liberated Borg to revert to their previous identities but some, like Four, were forced to follow Seven of Nine's approach; being a part of the Collective too long left little chance of recovering the past, and the only option was to forge a new identity for themselves.

"We are all in a strange and unknown region, brought here against our will by a powerful being. It is my recommendation that the ranking officers of each group meet with our people on this unknown station so we can formulate a course of action. Obviously, if the ranking officer is already on the station, then there is no requirement to send more unless you wish to." Admiral Six explained, "We cannot hope to resolve this situation on our own, we are stronger together. Thank you for your time, Archangel out."
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