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Re: The Unknown Sector- Planet X34a
« Reply #15 on: October 06, 2022, 07:41:19 AM »

<USS Apollo-Starboard Hangar Bay>
<AC402-6 ‘Crowbar’>

"Aye Cap'." Chris had trouble looking over the heads of the Wraith up in front of him, although Mike's own head stood somewhat higher on the top step, near the door. The message was clear to him, find a seat, get comfy and buckle in.

While he couldn't as yet move in, he had to wait for the others. That gave him time to shake off any remaining cobwebs he might have been carrying. He did a quick check of his gear, gave Lou a reassuring smile as she stood in between the Wraith; then he turned to back to Ty. "I think it might. That was some god awful fight you all had back then. The worst I've read about in any of SG's files and I have to admit I've been in some tough ones. The kid is, as small as she may be, made of steel, if you ask me."

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Re: The Unknown Sector- Planet X34a
« Reply #16 on: October 07, 2022, 10:30:24 PM »

<USS Apollo-Starboard Hangar Bay>
<AC402-6 ‘Crowbar’>

There was always an unknown risk to events where they were approaching an unknown sector and even more so when the planet they were about to head down to was uncharted. Mike glanced down at the joystick and the controls in the TO's seat, making sure that he aligned himself with the controls before they had any troubles. Sometimes with all the developing technology, he found it hard to keep up with the changes.

Mike buckled himself in but still turned himself so he was facing his team enough that he could have one ear on the conversation and any further orders that were directed towards himself. He was grateful that the ship wasn't under his control, even though at the end of the day, he'd have to account for the actions that happened under his usage of powers granted to him through the Tactical Ops controls. He counted each of his team into their seats internally, making sure they all looked well and healthy. There was only so much he could prepare for but his current working dynamic risk assessment applied to himself and his team; for the rest of them? They had their SOPs and DRAs set into their working theories. "Right, AR-5, we all on board? Hands up if you're missing."

Mike chewed back a smirk as he found himself reiterating the words that his training instructors had said to him all those years ago at CTCRM Lympstone. His eyes went to Lou briefly, contemplating something before filing it away for the duration of this portion of their mission. "Any last minute qualms, concerns, welfare issues?"


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Re: The Unknown Sector- Planet X34a
« Reply #17 on: October 11, 2022, 02:32:53 AM »

" It is true we are now facing does with much more advanced technology than the humans we have previously encountered.  Perhaps you might enjoy testing out some improvements to security we make after this?"  Sin asked with a grin.  He finally managed to enjoy not being the only socially awkward engineer among alien beings.

While he wanted to take as little time as possible with the rescue,  he wondered how much help he was going to be. He had already failed his queen once and this new threat might be just as dangerous as it wanted to seem.  Then again, he wasn't going to abandon her or his commander.  He had been ordered to be on this mission by both humans and his superiors and he wasn't going to let them down again if he could help it.

@ Mim @ Teddy @Draco-Stellaris

McKay looked at Sin and gave a lopsided grin

"Well, yes, maybe...you trust us that much?  I mean not that we are untrustworthy....much"

« Last Edit: October 11, 2022, 02:39:08 AM by Teddy »


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Re: The Unknown Sector- Planet X34a
« Reply #18 on: October 11, 2022, 02:38:04 AM »

<USS Apollo-Starboard Hangar Bay>
<AC402-6 ‘Crowbar’>

(Temp NPC)

Hearing Jordan's little speech gave Mike a small measure of comfort. That was more than up to his skills, in all respects. "More than glad to." He told her as he gathered his team near the door. "The rest of you find your seats in the back. Make sure you're buckled in tight, I don't think the take off and re-entry is any more comfortable than the old 401." "Doc." He spoke to Rodney, following O'Neil's orders. "There's a dickey seat behind me, Kenny, another behind the gunner." Typically British, some might wonder what on Earth was a 'dickey' seat. While these of course weren't situated on the outside of the ship, they were 'optional' seats provided for observers.

@Teddy @Draco-Stellaris @sorra @Ellen_Ripley @DanielRyder @Sio83 @Mim @Playerfiles

McKay looked at the captain with a puzzled look

"Why would I want to sit in a  seat that has a fault?  Unless dickey means something else to you, is it a bad fault?"


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Re: The Unknown Sector- Planet X34a
« Reply #19 on: October 12, 2022, 10:29:49 AM »

<USS Apollo-Starboard Hangar Bay>
<AC402-6 ‘Crowbar’>


 "Welcome aboard our little venture. I think we'll appreciate having you Marines with us. We'll sort out where you'll fit in as we go." It was unexpected, having the extra heads, but then again her knowing Rook, always brought the unexpected." Jordan looked at them for a moment, visually summing them up. She approved, giving them a quick nod, then turned for the steps.

As she squeezed through to her right-hand seat up front, Jordan placed one hand on Rodney’s shoulder, bending down some. “Normally McKay it’s where we store the baggage. Now sit down please.” She pushed on, grinning like the proverbial cat.

 Helmet on, she ran through the pre-flight before Jon could get settled in. Buckled up, then checked the monitor screens. Coms were all good, having received instructions from the LSO. She leaned slightly to her left. “Jon, a hangar tractor is towing us to the port bay, starboard side has a small malfunction with the auto take off system.” Even as she spoke the ‘thunk’ sound of the tractor hook on the front landing wheel was rather loud. Brakes off the ship began to move.

 With both pilot and co-pilot’s seats raised for the take off position, she could easily see the bright yellow tractor with its bumble bee stripes on the rear plate. An airman in blue coveralls was at the wheel. The 402 rumbled along through the centre hangar of the ship, lines of 302’s, their dark grey skins, along with three 401s, we seen as they passed. Jordan pipped the on-board PA. “We’ll be on our way soon folks, a small mechanical issue has us moving to the port side.” She looked up into the overhead mirror, wondering what both Kenny and Sin might be thinking; she wanted to ask if they were okay. The reason she didn’t, was simply because she felt it was just a dumb question.

 Again, still looking rearwards, she watched as did Mike, through the cockpit hatch opening, the rest of the team members and Sin take their place in the rear compartment. A last admonition for all to buckle in safely.


 ( A few minutes earlier)
 There was something urgent on her mind as Louise followed everyone up the stairs. Somehow through her diminutive size she had managed to fit through Sin and Kenny, then Mike and McKay, after two ‘Scuse me’s’, she found herself next Captain O’Neil. “Ma’am.” She said quietly.

 Jordan turned her head only slightly. “Yes Corporal?” It didn’t take rocket science to know she was in a hurry.

“Um, er. The weapon training for Sin ma’am?”

 There was no thought required, the SEAL had already figured that out. “When we land, we’ll need to sort our gear before we move off. You have thirty minutes. No more. Understood?”

 “Understood Captain.”


<Rear cargo bay>

 Louise found her seat; she was in the process of buckling in when the rest filed in. Ty and Chris knew the drill, so she didn’t need to let them know they needed to stow their gear and weapons in the lockers provided. They all, four of them had to share the space with that massive IPV, but there was room enough. She made a place for Sin next to her. Looing up to him before he took his seat, she said. “It’s okay, nothing to worry about Sin. This is the best carnival ride you’ll ever have.” Whether he understood or not, well she could explain it. Speaking to all three in general she added. “Do you think we’ll find them?” Her meaning of course was Todd and Rhiase.


 The 402 came to a stop, lined up centrally on the port side ramp. The radio burst into life with the awaited call from the LSO. “Crowbar, LSO. You are good to go. Weather report says you have a cloudless morning, 32c, humidity at 88%, that’ll be fun.” The man was known for his sarcasm.

“Crowbar copied.” Jordan answered. “Right Jon, you know the drill.” She told he XO beside her.

 Again she looked up in the mirror above her head. "Mike, Rook, both of you, it's not much more complicated than X-Box. Even the controls are similar. For you Rook, you'll have the pulse gun turret and missiles, if we need them. I'll have the chaff cutter up front." She was of course referring to the 30mm GE rotary cannon under the nose. "Mike, you have both passive and active radars, as well as infra red sensors. The last you'll need to watch carefully, for it will show live ones. Last there is the ground penetrating radar if needed."
"McKay, Kenny. You can both follow what happens on the screens in front of you."

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 @Sio83 @sorra @Ellen_Ripley
« Last Edit: November 14, 2022, 08:28:31 AM by Mim »

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Re: The Unknown Sector- Planet X34a
« Reply #20 on: October 13, 2022, 09:36:03 AM »


McKay looked at Sin and gave a lopsided grin

"Well, yes, maybe...you trust us that much?  I mean not that we are untrustworthy....much"


"Not yet," Sin replied before moving to the back.

(now to Lou)

Sin remained silent at her comment of a 'carnival ride'.  She had been surprisingly polite, even ignoring his scar, unlike other humans.  Even Rodney boasted about destruction within hives.  Besides, Sin wasn't going to argue with someone who had never truly seen the stars.

She may have seen tiny twinkling dots on a black sky from her ship but he doubted she had ever watched a star created out of the death of its brethren or watched two fight in a tug-of-war that would last eons or even watched them fly past, their brilliance shining all over the spectrum, as the ship zipped through stellar nurseries and past lonely graveyards and through coronas.

"We are certain to find them if we look long enough on this planet," Sin agreed.  "If you are asking if they are alive, you should refer to my commander.  Optimistic signs are hard to see through only one eye."


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Re: The Unknown Sector- Planet X34a
« Reply #21 on: October 16, 2022, 09:01:22 PM »

Bonewhite settled into the seat on the other side of McKay's and found the strips of fabric that he was supposed to use for "buckling up". He fumbled a bit with the strange contraption. Wraith ships had no use for these things. Firstly, the inertial dampeners were superior to most human technologies he'd seen so far. Secondly, the seats on Wraith ships would spawn their own safety belts spontaneously when in an emergency situation to secure the passenger. It was embarassing, not knowing how to handle these. Finally he got the ends to emit a satisfying "click" and hoped that nobody had noticed his small clumsiness.

He glanced back into the cargo area where Sin was taking his seat and was talking to Lou. The conversation seemed to get along good if a bit bumpy which was only to be expected, considering Wraith-human relations were never easy. "I expect we will find them alive. Both Guide and Rhiase have been in trouble many times before; they are tough and experienced warriors." Silently, in the stillness of the telepathic connection he shared with Sin, he added only for him to hear. ~ I am sure I would have felt it if one of them would be... gone, especially Rhiase.~ The connection he shared with his daughter was deeper than any other; but he would be damned to admit this to any human, or any Wraith he did not trust.

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Re: The Unknown Sector- Planet X34a
« Reply #22 on: October 18, 2022, 09:12:40 AM »

<rear cargo bay>

Ty blew out a breath as he moved to stow his gear, knowing they needed to get moving.  "It was.  Must admit nightmares still creep in at times from that."  He glanced over to where Louise was sitting next to Sin.  He had thought he was going to lose her that day.  Something that he didn't like to think about.  "She is.  That is something I will never doubt," he smiled, taking a seat.

He looked toward Baker, raising a brow at his joke.  He was very tempted to put his hand up just because and say he was still missing.  It would only delay they more though so he just chuckled a bit.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2022, 08:43:10 AM by Ellen_Ripley »


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Re: The Unknown Sector- Planet X34a
« Reply #23 on: October 18, 2022, 11:59:19 AM »

<Hangar Bay>

Captain Jon Hope Agathon - AR3 XO/Pilot

<USS Apollo-Starboard Hangar Bay>
<AC402-6 ‘Crowbar’>

Checking to ensure he was secured in the cockpit, Jon placed his hands on the controls. He reminded himself of his training to pilot the AC402. Turning to Jordon, he nodded. He could almost feel the vibration as the AC was towed toward the exit. Tapping a few icons, he spoke to Jordon, "Shields activated, thrusters at eighty-five percent."

Looking up, he noticed the exit looming closer. He barely felt the numbness of his hands as they tightened a bit. Loosing them up, he made the announcement, "Launch in Three...two-"

Looking at the view screen, he rechecked a few things. He noted what she said about the malfunction of the auto take-off system. Before hitting the max throttle, he compensated for the malfunction and switched to manual flight, "One." There was a slight jerk in the cockpit as the force pushed them slightly back. It was normal as he toggled the sensitivity to make the movement smooth. The AC402 took off in a smooth flight.

« Last Edit: October 18, 2022, 12:02:38 PM by DanielRyder »
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Re: The Unknown Sector- Planet X34a
« Reply #24 on: October 19, 2022, 10:09:40 AM »

<USS Apollo-Starboard Hangar Bay>
<AC402-6 ‘Crowbar’>

The idle chatter that went down boarding the small ship, Chris attributed to nerves for most of them. Not nerves of fear, that had to be said. No it was more akin to a musician taking the stage in front of a large audience; no matter how many times he or she had done the same thing, there were always those same butterflies making havoc with your nervous system. He wasn't any different. Though for Chris it meant silent contemplation. Until of course he was back in the zone and that took all of ninety seconds after he stowed his gear and weapon and of course, once he was seated opposite Lou and her new friend. He cinched his harness up tightly, making sure he was able to lock his arms into position. Leaning forward as much as he could, he introduced himself to the Wraith. "I'm Chris by the way." He refrained from extending his hand, wondering at the same time just how do Wraith make introductions.

Sitting next to Ty, he had to think for a moment. There was something in the way his friend spoke of Lou. Then it struck him, as clear as rain on a summer's day, the man was in love with her, there was no doubt to that fact. He kept his voice, yet not voicing what he was thinking other than, "You care for a lot don't you Ty?" He couldn't blame him, Lou was a sweet girl and he knew she could have anyone she wanted. His mate Ty though, she couldn't pick better. But how did she feel about him?

The boss's radio call was just the thing to put a grin on his face. "Well sir, how long have we got?" He replied innocently.

Finally as he could feel the 402 move, he gave Lou some support. "We'll do our best kid, that's all they can ask of us."

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Re: The Unknown Sector- Planet X34a
« Reply #25 on: October 26, 2022, 03:04:56 AM »

Lou was a surprisingly wonderful conversationalist.  It wasn't that he hadn't expected her--or any other human--to be, but he never expected her to want to converse with him--or any other wraith.  He was thankful that the conversation distracted Lou from noticing how clueless he was about the seat buckle.  If she had been born a wraith, she would have made a perfect hive companion--he might have considered not working alone so often if he had a friend like her.

He explained this was disputed territory and not only would he not know much about the system due to that, but he never studied the political aspects of a planet's surface, just the basic makeup.  He wasn't used to these types of missions or hunting with so many allies, but if one needed to navigate by the stars, he could do that from almost anywhere.  He wondered if Guide would be jealous of that skill and he hoped Bonewhite didn't notice he did.

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Re: The Unknown Sector- Planet X34a
« Reply #26 on: October 31, 2022, 04:47:08 AM »

<AC402-6 ‘Crowbar’>


 Pulling his straps in tightly, Mike knew only too well the effect these little ships had on the body when taking off. He had only a moment to add weight to Jordan's comment in regard to McKay's seating arrangements. "Unless you'd prefer to stand when we leave Doctor McKay, I'd be taking what you're offered." He only had a second to glance behind him when Agathon initiated the take off sequence. As the 402 left the hangar tunnel, Mike felt the 'push' into his seat. He sucked in his breath until they were clear.

 Once that was out of the way, he focused on the job given him, monitoring the tactical screens. "We're in the clear so far Captain O'Neil." He only added Jordan's name to avoid confusion. Hopefully his team in back were comfortable.

 @Teddy @Mim
« Last Edit: October 31, 2022, 11:26:04 AM by Mim »

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Re: The Unknown Sector- Planet X34a
« Reply #27 on: October 31, 2022, 10:18:14 AM »


Ty huffed out a soft breath as he leaned back in his seat, crossing his arms over his chest.  He tried not to keep glancing at Lou as it seemed like she was having a good conversation with the Wraith.  Chris seemed to see right through him though.  He felt his face heat at his friend's words.

"Of course I care.  She's part of our team."  He wasn’t ready to admit that he had actual feelings for Lou.  He had put his heart on the line before and had it thrown back at him when his best friend turned him down.  Now he was leery to let Lou know she had gotten through his armor around his heart.


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Re: The Unknown Sector- Planet X34a
« Reply #28 on: November 06, 2022, 12:27:05 AM »


"Ok ok no need to be cranky about it"

McKay said quickly as he went to sit in the other chair, once sat he realised it was more comfy than the first one as he wriggled his butt in it. and grinned.  He quickly strapped himself in as the engines  cranked up ready to leave.


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Re: The Unknown Sector- Planet X34a
« Reply #29 on: November 09, 2022, 07:49:38 PM »

<AC402-6 ‘Crowbar’>


Perhaps it was age that made the effects on his body ever more painful to fight through the initial seconds of thrust and take-off; making him wish that he was back on the sea, in a RHIB where he was in control of the vessel. All he could do was wait until the initial effects of inertia would subside and he slowed down his breathing.

Eventually, Mike was able to look around the cockpit, glancing at his team as everything settled around him and he was no longer pinned to his seat. "Everyone alright in the back?"
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