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Author Topic: Sarah Connor Chronicles  (Read 373 times)


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Sarah Connor Chronicles
« on: December 03, 2021, 03:54:54 PM »

 Has anyone watched this? Yes I know its old now, but since we have a so called 'smart TV, our Telco has as part of our new deal, streaming services with the major networks. I didn't take much notice at first, that was almost six months ago. But the one night two weeks ago, I couldn't sleep so I snuck into the lounge to flip through the on screen guide. O-M-G so much to watch. But when I saw this show pop up, I had to watch it. I'm almost through the end now, and I'm saddened it only ran two seasons. But oh wow, what a show.


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A dream from which — we pray to wake.
A dream from which — we wake and go

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