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Author Topic: PXT-754 - Lost World  (Read 14150 times)


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Re: PXT-754 - Lost World
« Reply #195 on: September 02, 2023, 05:05:08 AM »

 <Stargate LZ>

 It had taken all of twenty minutes, yet for some, that might well have been a lifetime, as it was, after the opposing forces gathered themselves, moments after  Muir’s initial attack; it became a battle for survival. While the Tauri tactics were good and for the most part helped them keep the upper hand; it didn’t take the Ori led oppressors long to work it out. So that every time one of Muir’s smaller squads went behind to harry the enemy from the rear; in the end they were there to meet them.

 From Bonnie’s original assessment of somewhere around the fifty odd figure; that didn’t hold up once Muir’s regiment was on the scene, that number did somehow seem to magically grow to almost twice that number. In fact, unbeknown to SG3 and 4, there were two, not one, Al-Kesh on the planet. One had been there hidden for quite some time, well before the two SG teams arrived; waiting for them it would seem. In total, they faced ninety-eight enemy, made up of three companies and it was only by the grace of God and Muir’s three mortar squads were they able to eventually wear their enemy down. At the end of the battle as the Invincibles’ battle group finally managed to get the upper hand; the net result was seventy-six enemy dead, eighteen wounded, seven of those critical and the remaining four, very reluctantly surrendered. One of that four, didn’t exactly surrender willingly, he had the misfortune of crossing Captain Albright and Sergeant Romero’s path.


 The radio crackled; the young Captain’s distinct London accent clear as she made her report. “Negative Captain, not at this point, but I aim to find out soon. Bring B company back here to the compound, you can relieve the SG teams.” He left it at that, from there on he had to count their own casualties. Nine dead and eleven wounded, one critical. He had his number two organise the medics to get all of those back to the Drop ships and that included the enemy number.

 Ten minutes after the battalion piper sounded the stand down, the big Scot came out of the mists and approached the little defensive camp. While Colonel Muir hadn’t met any of the team members, except for Cate MacGregor and Colonel Reynolds, he felt he knew each and every one of them personally. Ever since he and his command had been recruited into the Stargate programme and the fact that he had turned down leading his own SG team twice; he made it a habit of studying those teams he was most likely to work with. Three and four were up in the top lists. Muir knew their faces, habits, personalities, and abilities.

 “Captain Taer, SG teams three and four, you may stand down You’ve earned and deserve a rest.” He looked around, there wasn’t much substance to two of the SGC’s lead teams. Apart from Amir, he could only see Walker and Heckman from team three, only one from four present, Castle. The hundreds of spent ammunition cases scattered around them, told him immediately they’d had one hell of a fight. “Where are the others?” He asked.

 “Thank God. Let it rest Bry.” She said to her soulmate. And she was more than fortunate to have him with her, she’d lost count now the number of times he had done the same with her, telling Bonnie enough was enough, when the time was right. DJ’s call to save the ammo, came at a crucial point for Bonnie, she had just slipped in the last magazine, despite the top up from the 402’s stores. She spoke before Taer could open his mouth, as she so often did. “Colonel Reynolds was wounded sir, in the first five minutes of our engagement. Commander MacGregor was wounded twice Colonel, but she kept going until we got here. She’s in the 401, Colonel Reynolds is in the 402.” She drew breath briefly, glanced at her three companions, then pressed on. “We were attacked once we headed for the Stargate sir.”

 “They were waiting for you Sergeant. Waiting for you all to be in one place.” Muir told her. “Where’s Captain Troy by the way, wouldn’t he be next in charge?” His tone was quiet, hearing of Cate, was like a knife in his heart. Yet he was only one in the galaxy who knew it; to her he seemed to be nothing but an over enthusiastic, pain in the butt.

“He’s assisting Major Jaworski sir. We’ve had one of our marines get injured badly.” She looked back to Taer, smiling a quick smile. “Captain Amir is our CO at the moment.”

 “Hmm, well and good. Well then Captain, direct your people as you see fit. The battle is over, but I believe you’ve not had a chance to complete your mission?” That was true, Flynn Hart was yet to get into the DHD.

 @sorra @Thaddeus @DanielRyder




 Skye and Rhonda had their hands full not soon after attending to Cate, the sounds of battle was dying down, and not long after that, medics from Colonel Muir’s battalion started bringing wounded in for further assessment. Eight now filled the bunks in the 401.

 Making her rounds to each patient, she was back to Cate when she saw the woman’s eyes open. Rhonda bent to check to see if she was okay, when SG4s CO, grabbed her hand. In quick succession, she was faced with a barrage of questions. “Where am I? Where’s my team and where the censored is Mike Jaworski.” She tried to sit up, but was met with searing pain in her hip.

 The young Nurse gently pushed her patient back down. “Easy there commander. You’re in the 401. We’ve set it up as a triage and you’ve taken a couple of nasty hits, plus you’ve lost a lot of blood.” She indicated the IV tubes going into  Cate’s arm. Rhonda turned to find Skye. “Lieutenant, Commander MacGregor is awake.”


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Re: PXT-754 - Lost World
« Reply #196 on: September 08, 2023, 10:17:53 AM »


Combat Relief Group

Romero continued to take aim with the Zat gun to stem the tide of advancing enemy combatants. At the moment he was concerned about holding the line, dealing with the stunned soldiers would come later. The high-pitched whine of the weapon mixed with the deeper thud of the traditional firearms from the other Stargate teams. He followed Captain Albright as she ran towards the most recent Ori downed by the Zat gun. Romero was unsure of her plans but wasn’t going to leave her without an escort. He watched as the Captain pulled off the man’s helmet, revealing a young man likely in his mid-teens.
“Unfortunately ma’am, war is rarely a respecter of age. Sometimes the youth join out of a sense of duty or patriotism, others are drafted. From what I’ve read of the Ori, I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a fair bit of propaganda fueling their ranks.”

He bound the young man’s feet before searching for his next target.


The command came down from Major Forester for William to head over to the other ship with Sgt Howard to provide relief to the medical teams there. As William headed towards the other vehicle, his Australian companion indicated she had a quick errand to run before joining him.
“Understood Seargent. See you over there.”

Walking outside, it was clear the battle was wrapping up in favor of the Earth forces. Whether this was a trap or the SG teams had bad luck he wasn’t sure. What was clear, was that initial intel didn’t suggest a large enemy force. Thankfully reinforcements were close at hand to push back the Ori and Go’uld troops. He woud leave the afteraction report to folks more experienced in that sort of things.

It didn’t take long to cross the distance between the two landing craft. Entering the cargo bay turned surgicalbay, he arrived just in time to hear Commander MacGregor’s protest. It didn’t take long to find Lt Gable.
“Afternoon Lieutenant. Aside from calming a certain Commander, what else can I do to help?



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Re: PXT-754 - Lost World
« Reply #197 on: October 18, 2023, 07:23:34 AM »

<Battle Ground>

Beth bent to tag the prisoner, leaving him where he lay was the best option for now. He'd either be eventually beamed up, or the mop up teams would find him. "Copy that Colonel, we're on the way." She looked up from her task, gave Romero a satisfied grin. “No, you’re quite right sergeant, war doesn’t like to discriminate at all, much more so I guess everyone becomes a victim of it don’t they? Even us poor fools who carry the fight to the front for our political masters are victims, aren’t we?” Not even thinking for a minute as to how socialist she may have sounded, she carried on as if she’d never spoken. If anyone said anything, she’d merely blame her mother, a once hippy protester from the 70s, who went on to write a paper many years later of the profound benefits of capitalism.

“B company, move out.” She ordered, they lost just two wounded, not a bad score, all things considered. Soon they were at the LZ and the SG team’s battle zone. She saw Muir close by talking to one of the team members. Not wanting to intrude, she directed her company to holding positions before returning to her conversation with Romero. “I’ve read the same manuals I imagine and if those creeps are somehow resurrected and are still out here with us, we’ve dangerous times ahead. We can only pray the rumours aren’t true Sergeant.”

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Re: PXT-754 - Lost World
« Reply #198 on: November 08, 2023, 10:03:31 AM »

<UNS Chekov - Bridge>

 Damian closed his eyes leaning against his captain's seat as he turned away from watching Stryker leave the bridge. He only opened it when the bridge found itself filled with the crackle of bad comms and even worse transmission; though by whatever saving grace, there was something he could make out and what he made out wasn't at all pretty.

"Transmission received." For a brief moment, Damian had muted and disabled visuals of the call, slamming his fist into the chair as he chewed on the inside of his mouth. He would flicker back on screen a moment later. "I cannot assist at the moment, my resources are currently tied assisting with the boarding slash SAR effort."

He knew his ship. He knew what resources were leant to him, what were available to him and if they were to pick up any survivors they would be in no shape nor form to deal with a secondary split. "Tucker, keep an eye on the location that the Colonel is in. Worst comes to worst, we're going to have to deploy our reserves." Damian wasn't fond of the idea, and his tone suggested as much. They had enough problems to deal with and being undermanned and undercrewed was not part of the bigger picture.

<Chekov - bay>

Major Smith had been running last minute kit checks, each of her team with their kit laid out and them packing each bit away as quick and as efficiently as they had been taught in training and out in the field. She half-smiled as she met Ben's gaze with a nod of acknowledgement. "Commander." The word seemed to set the team ablaze as some carried on packing, and others straightened up to give him a passing salute. "Was wondering what kept you, was it the Skipper?" She cracked a broader smile as she turned away to do the last of her checks. "Tell him that he still owes me, he'll know what I'm on about. But, besides the point. You're replacing him on this boarding trip, so suit up, kit up and be ready for us to leave as soon as we're given the green."

< PXT 754 LZ>

There was a lot that was happening and DJ could feel his head pounding. There would be time to read his bible later as he took several deep breaths. The battle had subsided and the relief that they were looking for had arrived in the form of Lt Colonel Muir who had ordered SG3 and 4 to stand down. DJ clambered to his feet at the colonel's arrival, his body both filled with adrenaline and on the come down from it as his left leg shook viciously as he grabbed hold of it - psychologically believing it would relieve something. DJ knew that he would be in for a hell of a lot more when Flynn and the mission had been brought up. He wiped his cheek with his sleeve.  "Crystals were retrieved before things hit the metaphorical fan."

Rhodes and her team had appeared from somewhere beyond the tree line, looking no more worse for wear than the others who had partaken in the battle. "Sir," She greeted, with a salute. "Marine detachment with the teams. Any further direction from yourselves?"


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Re: PXT-754 - Lost World
« Reply #199 on: November 10, 2023, 12:23:27 PM »

Near Stargate

“They were waiting for you Sergeant. Waiting for you all to be in one place.” Muir told her. “Where’s Captain Troy by the way, wouldn’t he be next in charge?” His tone was quiet, hearing of Cate, was like a knife in his heart. Yet he was only one in the galaxy who knew it; to her he seemed to be nothing but an over enthusiastic, pain in the butt.

“He’s assisting Major Jaworski sir. We’ve had one of our marines get injured badly.” She looked back to Taer, smiling a quick smile. “Captain Amir is our CO at the moment.”

 “Hmm, well and good. Well then Captain, direct your people as you see fit. The battle is over, but I believe you’ve not had a chance to complete your mission?” That was true, Flynn Hart was yet to get into the DHD.

Taer nodded and exhaled. He saluted and turned toward his teammates, "Heckman, Hart. On me. We still have to push on."

He knew with Reynolds out of commission, he was in charge. He would have to do his best. Toggling his radio, he spoke, "Major Jawarski. The battle is over."

Ending the radio call, he switched over to Flynn. He spoke, "Doctor Flynn. You are needed to complete the mission and find the last dialed out address."

He nodded, wondering if he should go and cover her.

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Re: PXT-754 - Lost World
« Reply #200 on: November 21, 2023, 09:47:48 AM »


<Near Stargate LZ>

Bryan nearly collapsed.   He only had two rounds left and if the fighting would have continued he would have been a sitting duck.  He grinned at Bonnie despite his face being dust covered and he was pretty sure there was blood mixed in there.   "Think we somehow survived another one."  He then nodded to Taer, moving a lot slower as they started to move out.  What he wouldn't give for a beer and a good rest.

"On my way," Flynn answered instantly.


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Re: PXT-754 - Lost World
« Reply #201 on: January 10, 2024, 01:29:50 PM »


2 hours later

 Unexpectedly, with both Al and Cate wounded, that left a leadership void that needed immediate filling. Major Mike Jaworski, the ship's doctor, found himself thrust into an unfamiliar role as the de facto commander. Of course, Taer was there and so to William, but now with so many other wounded and prisoners, everyone had their hands full.

 Mike had spoken to Lieutenant Colonel Muir; he basically left it in the Major’s hands. His part was done, he told him, although Doug added, he was leaving behind the B company as a security detachment. Soon after the Colonel’s detachment left in much the same way they arrived.

 With composure and quick thinking, Major Jaworski then rallied the remaining team members of SG3 and 4, coordinated the evacuation of enemy prisoners, and ensured that every aspect of the remainder of the mission was executed flawlessly. It's a testament to his dedication and adaptability that he seamlessly transitioned from a medical role to the leader of a combat element, it was a strange feeling.

As the last enemy prisoner was secured, Major Jaworski made it a top priority to see to the well-being of every individual under his command. His focus on the mission's success didn't waver, yet he never lost sight of the importance of each person's safety.

One particularly touching moment was when he turned his attention to Wing Commander Cate MacGregor, a friend and comrade who had been wounded earlier in the battle. Major Jaworski took the time to tend to MacGregor's injuries personally. His skill as a doctor and his genuine concern for his fellow soldiers were on full display.
Cate had lost a significant amount of blood, and Mike’s expertise and calm demeanour played a crucial role in stabilizing her condition. It was a poignant moment that showcased the bonds forged in the past had never changed, despite the occasional crossed word.

Mike looked around the makeshift triage, observing the chaos and urgency of the medical personnel attending to the wounded. The acrid smell of burnt metal and the distant echoes of gunfire lingered in the air long after the battle was over. Cate, lying on a makeshift cot, looked pale and weak, but her eyes locked onto Mike as he approached.

"Hey, Mike," Cate managed a weak smile. "Looks like you're in charge now."

Mike tried to return the smile, though worry weighed heavily on him. "Don't worry, Cate. We're gonna get through this. How are you holding up?"

Cate winced as the medic adjusted the bandages. "Could be worse. Got banged up pretty good, but I'll survive."

Mike nodded, glancing at the bustling activity around them. "You did a hell of a job back there earlier, Cate. If it wasn't for you rallying the troops, we might not have held the line."

She chuckled weakly. "Just doing my part, I wasn’t alone you know. But now, it's your show. You'll handle it just fine, I know."

Mike sighed, realizing the weight of the responsibility that had fallen onto his shoulders. "Yeah, but I never expected to be in this position. I'm no leader, Cate. I'm just a doctor."

Cate reached out and placed a reassuring hand on Mike's arm. "Mike, leadership isn't about rank or title. It's about making tough decisions, keeping your head clear, and taking care of your people. You've got that in you, trust me."

He nodded, appreciating her encouragement. "Thanks, Cate. We'll get you back to the ship, and then we'll get you patched up properly." He held her arm for a moment, then he remembered Taer’s call. “Acknowledged Captain.” Was it really true? The battle was over?

The distant sounds of explosions punctuated their conversation, a stark reminder of the ongoing battle, yet he realised it was only the clean-up team, setting off mines and booby traps the enemy had laid. Mike took a deep breath, steeling himself for the challenges ahead. With Cate's words echoing in his mind, he stood up and turned towards the ramp, then stepped out into the damp cold air, teams of combat troops awaiting his orders.

"Alright, let's get organized. We've got a job to finish, and we're not leaving anyone behind," he declared, taking the first steps into his unexpected role as the leader on the ground.


 Soon after Mike gave his command, Flynn, with the remainder of SG3 and 4, finished her work on the DHD, and she hit gold, finding a dozen or more of the most recently used addresses. The last, just 65 hours ago. That was a starting point. Ten minutes after that, they were on their way back to the ship, where Elle called an immediate conference; she had Damian come over and join them.

 Meanwhile, Mesa had found their bogey, a Hatak some four hours away from the two Earth ships. She approached in the 401, cloaked, the ship wasn’t shielded, as it probably didn’t expect any attacks this far out. Coming within metres of the hull, she launched a tracking device that would virtually weld itself to that same hull. Then she promptly left, returning to the Invincible to make her report.

 After some hours of deliberation, it was a unanimous decision to head back home. For one thing, as Mike had rightly pointed out, they had too many wounded and prisoners to take care of. Damian’s mission alone to the wrecked Hatak had netted some 70 prisoners alone, many wounded. Then there was Al and Cate, both now wide awake and telling all and sundry they were fit for duty, much to everyone’s amusement.

 As evening was settling over the mountains of Colorado, the clocks on the ships were set in sync. Crews went about their duties more quietly now, especially after such a harrowing operation. Some slept, some like DJ, couldn’t. He read his bible alone in the cabin he shared with his XO William Troy.

 In the ship’s cafeteria, some simply couldn’t sleep at all. Bonnie and Bryan were buried in a corner, heads together. William, Taer and Flynn shared some hot cocoa and toast, talking quietly, while Mesa returned to the bridge after Elle handed command over, her new friends, Steven Lyall, Toni Hagan, and Chief Ellis Minchello, had followed her, much to Warren’s dismay. She was more than glad for her skipper’s Aussie tradition of a beer ration, that one can of Miller’s was more than welcome, down in the Air Crew’s mess. Now it was business as usual. Mesa took a moment to stand by the window, watching all that space pass by as the two ships sped home.

 The door to Elle’s cabin had a virtual ‘do not disturb’ sign on the door. The ship’s crew knew better, no one would disturb her. Crumpled clothes lay on the floor at the foot of the bed; yet two figures sat, side by side, staring at that same space as Mesa did. Ye,s they were going home, but peace was far from their minds. War was certain to be pointed at Earth in a very short time. They held each other closely.

 @NG @sorra @Troy @Thaddeus @DanielRyder @Ellen_Ripley

« Last Edit: January 10, 2024, 01:32:05 PM by Mim »

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A dream from which — we pray to wake.
A dream from which — we wake and go


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Re: PXT-754 - Lost World
« Reply #202 on: January 17, 2024, 05:19:27 AM »

Onboard ship

The warm cocoa suddenly warmed up his hand as he drank it. Coughing silently, Taer placed the cup back down, winced and silently wondered if they scrouged any whiskey. It hit him. Jaffa don't drink alcohol, do they? Thinking back a bit to a time when he passed Tael'c, he never saw him drink any. Sighing, he placed the cup down and excused himself in front of Willian and Flynn. He wasn't in a talking mood. Not when there was so much to be done. The battle's not over. It never was. At the moment, he was missing his alcohol. Because tough men don't drink hot chocolate.

His groaning gears crunched as he moved across the room. Aside from the quiet mumblings of chatting, almost everyone on the ship was quiet. Even the repairs to the battle were ongoing. Leaving the ship's cafeteria, Taer made his way across the quiet hallway. There were scars among the steel walls. Battle signs. Wounds. While he was offshore, the ship went through a heavy battle overhead.

Not far from the cafeteria was a small observational room. He needed some private time to gather his thoughts while looking at the stars from the window. They were going home. He could use some much-needed leave.

« Last Edit: January 17, 2024, 05:29:38 AM by DanielRyder »
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Re: PXT-754 - Lost World
« Reply #203 on: February 01, 2024, 09:59:15 AM »

<UNS Invincible Medbay>

Feeling the bandages that wrapped around his head, Al groaned. His eyes looked around the ward of the ship’s number two medical wing to see who he might recognise, there was Ruby Forster at the Nurse’s station a little way down past three beds to his right and through the glass petition he could see Cate and Mike Jaworski talking.
He went to stretch his left arm to reach for the nurse’s call button, realising that one; that arm was bandaged as well and two; the call button dangled from its cord on his right side. Grabbing it pressed hard, hearing the distinctive ding and seeing the blue glow of the call light reflect from the wall opposite Cate and Mike.

In the number one ward, essentially now the recovery ward, since they had so many wounded to take care of, Kevin opened his eyes for the first time in what had been near seventy-two hours. He felt groggy and nauseous, he wanted to be sick. He tried to move but found that was near impossible. Wondering if he could speak, he did the natural thing and called. “Nurse!” That hurt, though he was sure someone heard him, because another patient near him, told him to ‘shut the hell up’.

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Re: PXT-754 - Lost World
« Reply #204 on: February 02, 2024, 04:35:31 AM »

<UNS Invincible Cells >

B company had the watch, and the unenviable task of watching and taking care of the prisoners for the next four hours. Beth felt that while it was a duty, it was a duty she could well do without. But at least they well behaved so far, they’d been fed and all thirty-nine of them had been taken to the showers one by one. Now they had a moment of respite, she could finish her meal of Yorkshire Pudding. She looked across at Romero, sitting opposite her at the little table they shared in the Cell’s office. Finishing a mouthful, she spoke. “What do think they’ll do with them? Rumour has it, Captain McFearson and Captain Cutter want to drop them off at some remote gateless planet. I suppose there could be a worse fate.” She took another mouthful, then pushed it aside, it had gone cold.



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Re: PXT-754 - Lost World
« Reply #205 on: February 15, 2024, 01:45:01 PM »

<UNS Invincible Cells >

The battle was over with the SGC teams taking the field over their Ori and Go'uld opponents. Once the fighting was over, the teams moved across the battlefield, disarming their foes before taking them prisoner. It was quickly decided they couldn't be left on the planet, so they were all currently housed in cells on the Invincible. What was to be done with the 39 extra souls aboard wasn't something Romero gave much thought to until Captain Albright brought it up during their meal break.

"So maroon them. Works better than locking them up, and should prevent them from causing trouble for a while. As long as it's not Ceti-Alpha 5, it shouldn't come back to bite us."

He grinned at the confused looks on the officer's face.
"Remind me to show you some Star Trek when we get the time."



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Re: PXT-754 - Lost World
« Reply #206 on: July 02, 2024, 02:45:53 AM »

<UNS Chekov - Bridge>

The battle had left everyone drained and exhausted, adrenaline running low and the after-math setting into everyone’s bones. Damian could see it from his crew, the constant need to be on top of the coming and going, the efforts they put into the rescue and the assisting with prisoners. He was more than certain that he would have to perform a round of check-ins, or at least delegate that to the respective heads of their departments. The captain had been in his office, coffee long forgotten and several meetings with his own Chain of Command to review performance and to ensure that they were able to run at minimum strength whilst their crew took some shut eye. He wrote his reports, rubbed the space between his brows as he studied the mission reports of the prisoners and their own status. He needed to figure out what the best outcome would be for the prisoners - the working thought would be to drop them on a planet with no ability to go between gates but there were implications to that. Perhaps they’d survive, perhaps they’d suffer a few natural casualties themselves but they would have to figure out how to deal with them.

Rhodes had been around and gone, tending to her own team who had taken some injuries; bumps, bruises, cracked ribs and close-calls to tell to their grandchildren when they got to the planet side.

<UNS Invincible>

DJ couldn’t have been any more pleased that they were back on board. His body ached and his ears rang as he packed away the last of their kit and returned to his dorm, reading his bible and reciting the passages in his head to calm his mind and to refocus. They had taken a lot of casualties this mission, more than perhaps even Command, could have foreseen. They didn’t expect the Colonel to go down, or for Cate to have been injured the way she was. He was glad to see the back of the planet, to be around familiar territory as the sun set.

Eventually, he closed the bible, placing it gently atop his pillow as he shifted his weight and got up to head towards the canteen. He needed something else and his rumbling stomach was one such excuse to do so.

Tag: @Ellen_Ripley @Mim @Troy @DanielRyder @sorra
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